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She walks out of the dorm banging the door. She starts her car and leaves. Roar of the car was clearly heard by everybody inside the dorm.

"What is wrong with her?" JK said.

"I don't know. She isn't on her periods right?" Jimin said looking at Jin.

"I'm in shock. My brain has stopped functioning. What just happened? Am I dreaming?" Hobi said with his hand on his head.

"I don't understand what is wrong with her. She was equally excited about me getting tattoed. She knew that some day I will then ehy would she behave like this?" JK said.

"There might be some reason why she reacted like this. She never did something like this in entire 10 years." Yoongi said.

"She is changed Hyung." V said shaking his head.

"Okay boys. You all know how fast and roughly she drives and right now she is very angry at JK for god knows what reason but I'm scared about her. Hope she comes back in a piece." Jin said.

"Fuck. I'll call her." Yoongi said taking his phone out. He calls her and everybody hears her phone ringing. She forgot her phone near her laptop where she was working.




Y/N was driving very fast. She had thousands of thoughts crossing her mind. She didn't know where she was going. She was changing gears so forcefully as if she will break them.

Suddenly her car stopped with a jerk. She tried to start her car again but it didn't. She hits the steering wheel and cursed "Motherf*cker."

She looked around and found nothing fimiliar. "What place is this?" she thought to herself. She looks for her phone to call somebody but soon she realised that she forgot her phone at the dorm. She explores the place sitting in the car only. She looks around and finds a caling booth. She gets out of the car and goes to the booth. She dialed a number but then she realised than she dialed JK. She cuts the call and then dials again. This time she dials Lee Min Ho's number.


"Babe its me, Y/N."

"Y/N? Where are you? Why are you calling me from public booth?Are you okay?"

"Don't Panic Babe. I'm alright but i don't know where i am and i forgot my phone at the dorm and my car broke."

"What the fuck? Are you out of your mind?"

"Will you please shout at me later and pick me up first?"

"Where are you?"

"I don't know."


"Babe please."

"Do you have YOUR car right now?"

"Yes. I have MY car."

"Fine. I'll be there. I have tracker in your car."

"Tracker? Why would you keep a tracker in my car?"

"Coz I know my girlfriend is too stupid that she forgets her phone at her home and she never knows where she is."

"I was not in my senses. I was ang--" (her words were cut by him.)


"B-babe I-I "

"Just sit in your car, lock it and hide youself with some cloth or something. I'm on my way."

Y/N runs to her car gets inside and locked herself. She hid her face with her glears and mask. She sat in the car with full attention on the surrounding , to see if there is something fishy. She was scared but was keeping herself calm. She noticed that there were few men around the corner looking at her again and again then talking something among themselves. She looks at them but ignores them as she doesn't want to pick fight with anbody. 15 minutes passed. "Where is he? How long will he take to come?" she murmurs to herself.

Suddenly a stone came and fell between the two front seats, breaking the whole wind shield. She saw that stone coming at her so she bent down and covered her face and her head with her hands. Broken pieces of glass were in scattered in the car and over her back also. She tries to peep out to see out, She saw 5 armed men coming towards her. She takes out the baseball bat from her back seat and opens the door and gets out of the car. "You can do it." she thought to herself. She was standing with the bat and was ready to fight with them.

Those men started to run towards her. But they suddenly stopped seeing a car coming at very fast pace from her behind. The car stopped next to her and Lee Min Ho came out of the car. Seeing Min Ho, One of those five men said something in other man's ear and they all ran away, as if they were scared of him.

" Are you Okay?" he asked her, She nods and hugs him. He hugs her back. He looks at the wind shield of the car and checks Y/N properly if she was hurt somewhere but she was fine.

He looks at her and heldsher from her forearm. He opens his car's door and make her sit.

"Okay he is mad." she thought to herself. He sits in the car and said nothing to her. "Very mad actually." she thought to herself again.


" I'm sorry babe. I was not in my complete senses, I swear i would have not come here if i knew where i was going." I tried to explain myself.

He said nothing. He turns around and lgive me a death stare. i felt that stare from my stomach to my groin. I'm so dead now. it'll be better if i open my mouth when he asks me to. i sat in the car very quietly as he drove to his place.

End of Y/N'S POV.

They both reaches his place. He gets out of his car and open's Y/N's door. He pulls her out of the car and takes her inside his house.

He swirls her half a round and makes her stand in front of him. She had her eyes down.

"You had fun right? Was it fun? Fighting with the goons?" he growled.

Shiver ran through her spine listening to his husky-angry-growling voice.

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