Jk Hyung?

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Next Day.
Y/N's POV.
I just entered my house. I went out to get some stuffs for Ra In. Usually Min Ho used to do that but since he isn't here I had to get her these stuffs.
"Ra In. Mum is home darling." i called out for her while keeping my car keys on the table at the entrance. I walked in, towards the hall. She came running towards me. My eyes stuck on her.
"Mum. Mum." she said with the biggest smile on her face. I bent down to catch her and she threw herself in my arms. I pick her up.
"Mum. Look." I turned towards the direction she was pointing. I felt the ground slipping under my feet.
I could hear Ra In completing her sentence "Your Gods Mum."
I couldn't believe my own sense organs. I was numb.   Jin Hyung. Yoongi Hyung. Hobi Hyung. Namjoon Hyung. Jimin Hyung. Taehyung Hyung. Jungkook hyung. Jungkook hyung? Nope. JK hyung is not here.
Yoongi hyung stood up and turned at me. I dared to look into his eyes. Fuck. He is mad. Very mad. I have never seen these fierce eyes of his ever before. I put Ra In down and whispered into her ears "Baby you go to your room. I'll call you okay? Mumma needs to talk to her gods." she nods and left.
I froze. I lower my eyes coz i can't look into those fierce eyes. Hyung came towards me. Shiver ran through my spine. I was scared.
He asked me the question which I never wanted to answer. Not atleast to him.
"Why didn't you give your blood to me?"
Not this question hyung please not this one.
I kept quiet. I couldn't speak at all.
"Answer me!" he said sternly. Very sternly.
Speak Y/N. Utter that motherfucking shit reason.
"I was-i was scared of needles hy- Sir."
He scoffs. Okay I'm fucked now.
"I'll ask you again Y/N. Think carefully and then answer. Why didn't you give me your blood." He roared this time.
"I-I was scared of-" before i could complete my shitty reason, he swung his hand and slapped me. He never did that before. I was still processing what just happened.
"I want to know the truth Y/N. Can't you just spit the truth." He yelled with tears in his eyes.
"I-I have blood cancer Hy-." I choked on my own words. I couldn't control myself and burst out in tears. He pulled me from my shoulder and hugged me. God. I was dying for this. I was dying for this hug. My Yoongi hyung. My head was over his heart and my fingers were holding his upper arm sleeves. "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry Hyu-Hyung." i couldn't call him hyung in a go. I was unsure if i still deserved that or not. He kept his hand on my head and patted. I looked up at him and there was ocean of tears.
"Ani. Hyung is sorry. I'm sorry Y/N." he said looking into my eyes. I shook my head and hugged him back. I was feeling my shattered world was collecting itself. 7 years. 7 motherfucking years.
I looked up at the scar on his neck, visible through his opened buttons of his shirt. Shit this scar. I caressed that scar. "it still pains?" i asked sobbing. He swept my tears gently with both of his hands and shook his head.
I looked at his back. Fuck. Jin hyung. He was sitting on the sofa.  With his arms folded. Sign, that he is upset. Well, no surprise though. I went near him. Knelt down in front of him and kept my head on his knee.
"Please forgive me Hyung. Please. Last time. I won't. I swear. I won't do anything to upset you." I begged. I can't loose them again.
"How many things have you hid from us?" He asked sternly.
"Not anymore hyung. I won't hide anything. I promise." i promised.
He pulled me up and I snuggled into his lap like i used to do back then. My comfort zone. My healing place. I cried my heart out.
"Are you upset of me?" he asked. How stupid of him to think that. "Noo hyung nim." i shook my head. "Then why did you not come back? Was it so easy for you to leave? Hmm?" he said. Ouch hyung. It hurts. No it wasn't. It never was. But i couldn't say anything. I just shook my head and hugged him even harder.
"I'm only upset with hobi hyung." I pout. Hobi hyung turns towards me. " You should be. But why ONLY me?" he said.
"Coz you did something sinful." i said jokingly but actually that memory haunts me. Him getting on his knees begging for Yoongi hyung's life. I still get goosebumps thinking about that. Strangely, he understood what i was talking about.
"I'm sorry Y/N-ah. I shouldn't have done that." he said.
I got up from Jin hyungs lap and sat down on sofa keeping my head on his lap. "it's me who should be sorry. I fucked things up." i said.  He kept patting my head. I raise my head up and he kissed my forehead.
"If you're also going to say sorry to me Namjoon Hyung then i won't talk to you." i said literally climbing up on him. My legs across his waist and hands on his neck. He hold me from my waist.
"You didn't for 7 years. You didn't talk to Hyung for 7 years Y/N-ah. I accept we weren't very good brothers but we all loved you. Cherished you. We still love you. How can you leave us like that?" He said almost scolding. I burried my head in his chest. "You were the best. Best brothers anyone can ever have and that was the reason i never deserved you. You all were too good for me." i replied. "You seriously have no brain." he scolded. I kept quiet.
"Is she really 30 years old?" Jimin hyung teased.
"And mother of a child?" V hyung added spice.
Everybody giggled at me. My heart felt warm.
"You both are jealous." I said teasing back. I get down from Namjoon hyung and hugged both of them one by one. They both kissed my forehead.
"Don't be mad at Urooj. I told her to not tell you." I said making puppy eyes that he was weak for. "Oh no no no. Not these puppy eyes again." he said looking away from me. I laughed. He turned back to me and said "I was dying to see you laugh Y/N."
I hugged him. His words did hurt me.  I don't know why but it did.
"Jk hyung?" i looked at everyone. They all looked at each other and no one answered. "He won't come. I knew that. He loves you all 10 times more than I love you. He won't forgive me. Perhaps never." i said and sighed.
V hyung caressed my cheeks and said "Jin hyung look how hard Yoongi hyung slapped her.  There is a print of his four fingers." he complained like a child.
"Yoongi you're dead now." Jin hyung scolded. I laughed out a loud and they all kept looking at me.

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