Came Back Home

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After 6 hours,
She was released and lawyers got her back. Jin ran and opened the door.
She saw Y/N and hugged her so tight. Sweeping her hair back from her face he says, "Let me see your face Y/N. My kid." he kissed her forehead and hugged her back. She hugged him back but she was quiet yet smiling. "My lioness." Yoongi hugs her and pats on her head. Hobi had tears in his eyes looking at her. He couldn't say anything but hugged her at tight as he could. Namjoon did the same.
She goes ahead towards PD-nim and says 'Bossie. Did you loose your hair because of me?" Her words made everybody atleast smile and giggle. "Yes Y/N i was about to go bald. Why do you give me so much stress?hmm?" PD-nim said hugging her tight. "My Y/N." he mumbles. Hearing noices, Jimin also comes out of the room. She looks at him and hugs him. He kisses her forehead and asks "Are you okay Y/N? Did they hurt you somewhere? Were you alone?". She didn't reply to anything but hugs him even tighter. "Okay we'll talk later. Wait I'll get you water." Jimin says heading towards kitchen. "Did they cry hyung?" Y/N asked pointing towards jk and V who were sleeping in the room.
"Don't ask me Y/N. They cried their hearts out. They didn't stop for a second. Jk was waiting for you sitting at the door and V was hanging out from the balcony looking for you. Both of them had the flat on their heads. Somehow we made them sleep." Jin said.
She said " Can i wake them up now?"
"Do whatever you want to do with these evil kids." Yoongi said.
She went into the room and get in between both of them and slid under the comforter.
"Jk hyung?" she whispers in JK's ears then turns and "V hyung?" whispers in V's ears.
They both wake up as if they were waiting to hear this voice for ages. They looked at Y/N and hugged her while lying un the bed. She giggled and wraps each of her arm around each one of them. "I'm absolutely fine hyungs. Don't worry. I love you." Y/N said. "Did they leave you alone Y/N?" jk asked not leaving her. "Ani." she replies.

After an hour or so. Jin made her something to eat. She ate it and said. "I missed this so much. Please hyung don't ever send me again. I was scared hyung."
"No one is sending you anywhere Y/N. Do you understand this Namjoon-ah and PD-nim you too? She will not go anywhere." Jin said mockingly.
"Yes sir." PD-nim and Namjoon replies.
Y/N and everyone laughs.
After eating she and JK spends some time in the balcony and talks about everything. She was holding JK's hand while they talked.
"Let's watch some drama Y/N and JK." Jimin called.
"Okay hyung. Coming."  Y/N replied.
They started to watch the drama. Y/N was curious about who the actor was because she finds him very handsome and started fangirling him instantly. "Who is he Hyung-Nim?" Y/N asks. "He is Lee min ho hyung. He is Jin hyung's close friend. They were in the same class." Jimin replies.
"His friend? I never heard about him." Y/N says.
"Yes because he was in USA for his studies and when he came back he got busy with his dramas." V replied. "Oohhh okayy~" Y/N said.
After few days he told Jk about her affection towards Lee Min ho and asks him to get her a poster of his and tells Jk to not tell anyone else about this. Jk gets her a poster of Lee Min Ho. She drools over it.

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