Surprise part 1

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She welcomed Urooj whole-heartedly. "Thank you for coming Urooj." she said while bowing.

 "Obviously I had to show up afterall it's you and how can I go against Seokjinie oppa's words, so mention not." Urooj mockingly said. Y/N chuckled.

They both sat down in the room with a mug of coffee for Urooj. 

"So, did you get your first pay cheque? what did you do with the money? bought clothes? makeup? tell me what did you do?" Urooj asked excitedly.

 "Well I did nothing, just sent some of the amount to my mother and rest is kept as it is , I actually don't need anything right now." she answered.

"Come on, there might be something you want to do, wanna go out? explore? buy things? nothing?" Urooj said trying to convince Y/N.

 "Well, I have had something in my mind." Y/N said hesitatingly. 

"What? What? tell me?" Urooj came closer to her excitedly.

"I want to gift something to hyung-nim. I got the pay-cheque because of them. They're my teacher, my ideals and I just want to thank them. But I don't understand how." she sighed. 

"How cute. They're raising you so well. Okay let's think of something together." Urooj said and they both started to think. 

Suddenly Y/N clapped and said " Okay let's renovate this flat.". There was a sparkle in her eyes that Urooj couldn't deny to. 

"Okay let's do it. But will you able to do it before they come back? Like they are literally coming back tomorrow. " Urooj asked.

"They will be late i'm sure because they went Busan which is JK hyung's and Jimin hyung's hometown and they will spend some time at both of their's place so they'll come by late night." Y/N said. 

"Okay let's get it." Urooj agreed. 

"But Urooj , I have only 5 million won. Will that be enough?" Y/N said with pouty face. 

"I know a place where we'll find things in your budget." urooj smiled at her. "Let's get it." very excitedly she said.

They both went to the market and bought all the things that were necessary for renovation but the bill came out of 7 million wons.

 "We should keep some things back which are not necessary. I will buy them next time." Y/N said.

 "I will pay 2 million you can pay me back whenever you get your another pay-cheque." Urooj said handing over her card to the cashier. "No, No Urooj I will buy them later You don't have-" Y/N's words were cut by Urooj's "Oh come on. It's okay.". Urooj paid 2 million wons.

They came back and started to renew the flat. They started with balcony, apparently Y/N's favorite spot. And within few hours they got tired and slept. Next morning before Urooj woke up Y/N was almost done with Kitchen. Then they both got back to work and by evening they both were done with the whole flat. They both were completely exhausted. Urooj's phone rang and she went out to talk. She came back in hurry and said "Sorry Y/N I gotta go there is an emergency. If anything comes up call me I'll come right away." she said while collecting her belongings. "Don't worry hyungs will be back shortly. You please eat something, wait for a sec I'll cut fruits for you." Y/N said while standing up to cut fruits for her. "No no darling I'll get late. I'll eat later , You take care." Urooj hugged her and left. Y/N locked the door .

 Y/N locked the door

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( Balcony)

( Jimin, Jk and V 's room)

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( Jimin, Jk and V 's room)

( Jimin, Jk and V 's room)

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(Yoongi aka Suga's room)

(Yoongi aka Suga's room)

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(Living Room)

Y/N was walking back and forth in the living room. She was very tensed and nervous about the debt. She was very confused whether she should tell her hyungs about the debt or she shouldn't and just pay Urooj as soon as she gets another pay check.

Bell Rings. "Hyungs are back Y/N" said Hobi.

(Do comments please so that i can improve my work. Thank you.)

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