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She slept in Jin's lap. Jin was continuously stroking her hair. Yoongi had her legs on his thighs and was massaging her feet very gently.
Namjoon was just looking at her with all the love in his eyes.
"I don't know whether i should inform PD-nim or not." Namjoon said looking at Yoongi.
"Wait for now. Let things get settled for Y/N. Then we'll tell him too. There is no point in making him anxious." Yoongi said.
Jin also agreed. Namjoon nods.
Meanwhile Hobi and Jimin also return back. They both were panting and were sweating. Jin puts his finger on his lips signaling them to keep quiet as Y/N was sleeping. Hobi goes near her and kiss her forehead very slowly not willing to wake her up. He had tears in his eyes.
Urooj rubs hobi back to calm him down. Hobi nods and sits back. Urooj recieves a call from Y/N's stylist. Y/N's stylist used to work at Urooj's restaurant earlier so she knows her.
Urooj talked to her in very intense tone. She hangs up. Jin looks at her asking what happened.
"Can we take her inside. I have something important to talk about." Urooj said.
Jin nods. V gently picks Y/N up and takes her to Jimin's room which was closest to living room. He lays her on bed and covers her with the blanket.
"Yes Urooj what do you want to talk about?" Namjoon asked.
"I got a call from Y/N's stylist. She sent me a video and asked me to show you guys. She also told me what happened on that day when Jin oppa scolded Y/N." Urooj replied.
"Jin hyung scolded Y/N? When?" Yoongi asked in shock. Except Jin Jk Jimin and Y/N no one knew what happened 4 days back. Jk explains everything to everyone.
"What? Why did you guys not tell us?" Yoongi got irritated.
"That's not important right now oppa. Please listen to me." Urooj said.
Yoongi nods.
"Let's watch the video first." Urooj continued.
In that video.
*it was the video of the set. Y/N was clearly visible in the video and that assistant director also. He was shouting at Y/N for something. He said something very humiliating to her. She was about to punch him back but that assistant director says " Woah woah look at her, she wants her brother to get on his knees again." and then he laughs. Y/N lowers her hand down and stood there quietly. He took a bottle of water and emptied it on her head saying "You should keep your head cool Y/N-ah." She was standing there looking down with clenching her fists to control her anger.*
Everyone was very quiet. Jin was so shocked that he couldn't move.
Urooj breaks the silence. "Stylist said that she was attacked by director sexually. Y/N saved her from those monsters and hit them badly. 4 days back." Urooj said.
"Its all my fault. Y/N is in this condition because of me. I should have listened to her." Jin said tearing up and clenching his finger in his hair.
He growns out loud in anger.
" No Hyung i heard what those directors said to you if i would have been at your place i would have reacted the same way as you did." Jimin said.
"Yes hyung don't blame yourself." Jk said.
Y/N heard everything.
"Are you guys bitching about me again?" she said mockingly to release the tension in the atmosphere.
Everybody turns and looks at her. She moves towards hobi. Sits down on the floor next to him and puts her head on his lap. She hold Jin's hand. Hobi pats her head. "Hobi hyung?" she calls him. "Yes baby?" he replies. "You were also bitching about me? You also betrayed me." she said pouting.
"No we weren't bitching about you Y/N." he said.
"You guys are being careless these days. You left me alone in the room. You know na I'm autophobic." She complained.
"So what do u want us to do Queen Y/N?hmm?" Yoongi asked patting her head.
"Get Jk hyung and V hyung married." Her instant answer makes everyone laughs.
"Yaahhh why me?" V asked.
She laughs out. She looks at Jin who was sitting and was just looking at her. She gets up and sits on his lap and said "I'm absolutely fine Hyung-Nim. Don't worry."
"I'm sorry Y/N. I should have listened to you." he said. She keeps her head on his shoulder and said "You don't have to be hyung. I'm alright."
"You should have told anyone of us Y/N." Namjoon said.
"Hyung, I thought if Jk hyung is not talking to me...none of you will. That's why i didn't." she replied.
"You're an idiot." Yoongi said.
"I love you all." She said.
"No you only love Jin hyung." V replied.
"And you only love Urooj." she said and instantly realized that she spilled a strong tea. V gives her a death stare. She hides herself under Jin's jacket.
Urooj blushed. "Omg, how didn't we know? Everything makes sense now. V hyung talking to someone at late nights. Urooj waiting at the main door of the dorm. O my god you both are seeing each other?" Jk jumps up. Everyone's mood was lighten up seeing Y/N happy. Everyone was laughing and teasing V and Urooj.
Dorm's bell rings and it was PD-nim. Y/N said that she will handle him. She opens the door. PD-nim hugs her very tightly asking how is she. She assures him that she is fine. She asks PD-nim to cook. He agrees. Everybody was shocked that he agreed.
"she always gets special treatment. I'm jealous." Jk pouts.
They all had dinner. Y/N and Jin spent some more time together that evening. Everything was back to normal within a day only.

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