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At Taehyung's and Urooj's place.
Everyone were sitting in the dining room, having their dinner. There was a TV little far from them but could be heard and seen clearly from the place they all are sitting. It was some news channel on the TV. They all were laughing and talking.
*Nobody saw her in past 7 years and there were no proper answers from other members. There were lot of rumors about her being dead. But these pictures and videos of hers clicked by a fan in the mall tells some other story. She was in child section. Does she have a family now? Let's see the video of BTS's 8th member Y/N again.*
Silence struck the hall. Nobody spoke anything. Panicked Urooj was looking at Pd-nim and he just told her to calm in sign language. Suddenly Jimin's gf spoke "Oh she is alive. I thought she was no more." PD-nim and Urooj looks sharply at her. But other members didn't react to her words. Jimin just looked at her, perhaps saying her to shut up with his eyes.
"No no. People like her doesn't die so soon." Jin's wife opened her mouth.
"I know right." Hobi's wife rolled her eyes.
"I have never said that about anybody but after what she did to my husband, i really wish she dies soon." Yoongi's wife said.
"ENOUGH." PD-nim shouted. Again there was complete silence in the room. "Are you all going to listen someone curse your sister in front of you? Was she never anything to you?" He frowns. Again everybody was quiet.
"Fine." PD-nim almost yelled again. " You might listen something this stoop about her but I won't listen any other word about my daughter ." He warned.
"Daughter? PD-nim? After what she did to Yoongi hyung and disappeared?" V revolted.
"Are you in contact with her PD-nim?" Hobi asked.
Everyone's eyes were full of questions. They all were looking at PD-nim. PD-nim's eyes were at Urooj. V noticed that and turned to Urooj.
"You knew Urooj?" V said in shocked and stern tone.
Urooj looked in his eyes for second then lowered her head and nodded. He scoffs and cursed "What the fuck?"
"PD-nim, if you knew where she was why didn't you tell anybody?" Yoongi questions softly.
"As if you all bothered about her being alive or dead." PD-nim rolled her eyes.
"Well she'll be dead soon. Her's and all of your's wish will come true soon." Urooj said with teary eyes.
"What?" Namjoon said in confusion.
"Yes. She will die soon and I hope you all will live peacefully then." PD-nim growled. His pain was clearly visible on his face.
"Why? Why would she die? PD-nim? Urooj?" Jimin said with tensed face.
They both kept quiet.
"Urooj? Answer. Why is she dying?" V looked mad.
Urooj was weak for this look of V. "She has Blood Cancer." she said in low tone as she knew she was betraying her closest friend but she was helpless.
"She has what?" Jin said, not believing his ears.
"Blood Cancer." PD-nim said loud and clear.
Floor slipped beneath their feet. Yoongi left his body soul less on the chair's back.
"This was the reason why she didn't gave her blood to Yoongi oppa." Urooj said.
"Why didn't she tell anyone about it and since when she had blood cancer?" Jimin asked looking at both Urooj and PD-nim.
"Because she thought that if she would tell you, you all will be hurt so she didn't tell you back then and when you all asked her to give blood to Yoongi oppa, at that time she didn't tell you because she wanted you all to hate her as it will be easy for you to let her go when she-" Urooj said.
"Dies?" V asked and she nods.
"Asshole." Jimin cursed. "And since when?" he added.
"You remember her finals, university exams? Her Ph.D's final year's exam?" she questions.
"Yes Urooj we do, so what?" V almost frowns.
"After that exam you all went somewhere and she was left alone. Then V, you texted me to check on her. That day she was in Jimin Oppa's room, freezing to death. I called Min ho oppa to take her to hospital. There doctor told us that we almost lost her. But somehow she came back. He told us that she had blood cancer that can't be cured and there will be a day when she'll ..... she'll leave." she said with tears rolling down her eyes.
"And you didn't bother to tell me or anyone?" V scolded but slowly.
"She took promise from me. Everytime I tried to tell you..either she stopped me or you told me to not to talk about her." she replied looking straight into his eyes.
Nobody had any words. They were angry. They were guilty. They were sad. They felt helpless. They were ashamed.
"You were talking about her wish.. Some wish of Y/N's. What wish were you talking about? I have no idea what wish she had." PD-nim said looking at Urooj.
"She always prayed either for her hyung's health and happiness or she-" urooj stopped.
"Or she?" Namjoon asked.
"She always wanted to die before you all." Urooj said.

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