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She dropped a text in BTS group chat.
///Hyungs can we all please meet in living room. I need to tell you something.///
They all gathered up in the living room. Everyone was sitting on sofa except for Y/N, who is roaming back and forth in front of them. She seemed nervous. Actually very very nervous.
"Will you please speak something Y/N? It's been 15 minutes you're roaming like this." Namjoon said.
"Ye-Yes hyung." she stuttered.
She took a long breath and exhaled.
"Okay. I'll start. But first promise me you all will not get mad at me." she said.
"Okay we promise." they all said in unison.
"Okay soooo the thing is.... You will not shout at me also please." she again stops in between.
V growls "Spit it already Y/N. No one is going to do anything to you."
"Sure hyung?" she said.
"Okay enough. She has a boyfriend." irritated JK said.
"Jk Hyung." she yelled.
"WHAT? You were taking ages to say this. I helped you." Jk said raising his shoulders.
She gathered little bit of courage and tried to look at other hyungs.
They all had no expression on their faces. She got goosebumps all over her body.
"Hyu-Hyung nim I can explain. I-I.." before she  could complete her sentence she heard Hobi cracking up in laughter and then everybody started laughing.
She was shocked. She couldn't process what just happened with her. Why they were laughing? She was expecting a tight scolding from them. She even thought of being grounded for months. But nope. They all were laughing.
"Wh-why? Why are you all laughing hyung?" she asked.
"Look at your face. How scared you are right now." Jimin said teasing her.
"She was like hy-hy-hyung." V said mimicking her. Everybody laughed even louder.
"Aaaaaaa. I was scared hyung." she pouts.
"Aww my kiddie. Why were you so scared?" Namjoon said standing up and ruffling her hair.
"I thought you'll all be angry and disappointed with me." she said in low tone.
"Hyungs were never disappointed in you and will never be." Namjoon said hugging her.
"Hyung." she said very softly.
"Okay am i supposed to tell who he is or you're going to tell." Jk said laughing.
Everybody giggled.
She nodded and looked at Jin hyung who has said literally nothing.
"You all might know him. Jin hyung and Yoongi hyung know him personally." she said.
"Huh? Who is he?" Yoongi asked.
"Lee Min Ho." she said in a single breath.
"What?" Jk almost yelled.
"Actor Lee Min Ho?" Jimin said.
She nodded.
"He loves you Y/N?" Hobi asked.
She nodded again.
"Do you love him?" Hobi asked again.
"Yes Hyung-Nim." she said.
She looked at Jin who was quiet.
"Jin hyung? Please say something." Y/N requested.
"You are a grown up girl Y/N. You can take your decisions on your own now. You know what is wrong and what is right for you. I can't take your life's decisions. You chose him and it was your decision and its consequences will also be yours. But if something happens to you i won't let that man live and i promise that." Jin said with absolutely no expression on his face and he was super serious about what he was saying.
Y/N gulped.
"Hyung I owe my whole life to 7 of you. Every decision of mine needs your approval. I won't date him anymore if you'll say 'No'." she said.
"Will you be able to stop loving him if i say 'No' to you?" Jin asked with his one eyebrow raised.
She looked down.
"You can date him. I have no problem with you dating Min ho." Jin said smiling.
"But Hy-" Yoongi was about to say something but Jin shhh-ed him with his eyes.
Y/N jumped in happiness and hugged Jin.
"Thankyou so much Hyung-Nim. You're the best." Y/N said.
Everybody laughed.
"I don't care who he is but he has to pass my tests which i had set for your future husband." V said.
"Exactly. I have list of questions for him too." Jimin said.
"Me too." Namjoon also joined in.
"Okay we all have. Call him on dinner." Hobi said.
"Best." Jin said.
They all agreed to this. Y/N also agreed and said she will match timings according to theirs and his schedule. She was super excited and was very nervous also.
Meanwhile in Jin's room.
"Hyung you know who Lee Min Ho was? How can you approve him?" Yoongi said with his tensed expressions.
"I know what is bothering you Yoongi. But he is man of his words and he never betrays. Whatever he was his past. We both know he left it as he started his career." Jin said.
"Past follows hyung. What will we do if his past effects Y/N?" Yoongi questioned.
"He will save her before we get to know that something is happening to Y/N." Jin said confidently.
Yoongi sighed. "Well i can't deny that."
Y/N called Lee Min Ho and told him everything.
"What kind of questions?I'm nervous. what if  they don't like me? What if they rejected me? Why do you have fuckin 7 brothers Y/N? O my god so many questions. I was never this nervous. What should i wear? What should i gift them? How would i show my sincerity towards you to them? Fuck I'm screwed."
"Babe babe babe. Calm down. They ain't gonna eat you. Just be you. Don't panic."
"How are you so sure? Have they met your ex boyfriends also?"
"I never had any boyfriend before you. You know that."
"Fuckkk I'm their first prey. Shit."
"I'm hanging up. You're making me nervous too. I'm already scared. Don't scare me more. Bye. I love you."
"Y/N? Y/N??? Aaaiisshhh"

she hangs up.

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