New Home.

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Jungkook and Y/N were sitting on a couch, near a heater. They both didn't say a word as they both were very shy and quiet. Well, Y/N isn't very quiet but it was very new place and people for her to open up and show her real side to them, moreover she was scared that if she say or do something that  might offend others then it will turn into something worse. After few minutes other band members enter the room. As soon as they enter the room Y/N stands up. Jimin comes near her and pulls her cheeks. "You're cute" said Jimin and smiles at Y/N. She smiles at him back and  she looks down shyly. They laughed at her shyness.

They all had a little talk. Y/N hardly said a whole sentence. She sat there quietly while others were talking. She nodded when she was asked something or just said "yes". She didn't even deny for anything. "Let's go home." said V. "You guys go ahead me and Yoongi hyung have some paper work we'll come later. Take Y/N with you, give her something to eat. She must be tired and hungry." said Namjoon. "Okay Namjoon-ah" said Jin.

They all left except Namjoon and Yoongi. Y/N and other boys walked to their building which was 15 minutes away from their office. Y/N looked at the building which was exactly opposite of what she saw on the way from airport to the office. It was quite shabby, dark colored, small, not well maintained. They all went into the corridor and climbed upstairs. Their flat was on third floor which was the last floor of the building. 

                                       (Way to the building)

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                                       (Way to the building)

"Our flat is not so big and happening but this is what we all can afford right now. Please comfort yourself." said Hobi. "Yes" said Y/N while looking at the flat. There were only two rooms,a hall , two bathrooms one in each room , a small kitchen where hardly two persons can stand and a straight elongated balcony which was as long as a room but was not so wide, yet it was Y/N's favorite place already.

                                         ( One of the rooms)

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                                         ( One of the rooms)

                                         ( One of the rooms)

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                           (Another room)

Rooms were quiet shabby but Y/N wasn't rich , she was also from a poor family so she didn't feel bad about the conditions of the room and was comfortable with it. Meanwhile other members were doing their own work. Y/N went out in the balcony and stood there wondering about her new life. Jin 's voice pulled her out of her dreams. "Y/N come inside. You'll catch cold." he said. "Yes Si- , No, Yes oppa." she said and went inside. 

Yoongi and Namjoon came back home. Jin and hobi asked them how was the paperwork and all work related questions. Yoongi went inside the room to check for Jungkook and talked to him. While Namjoon tried to comfort Y/N. They all had their dinner together. Then suddenly V asked "Jin hyung how are we going to sleep?" 

"You Jimin and Jungkook can sleep on the double bed, Yoongi will sleep on sofa in the hall, Me ,Namjoon and hobi will sleep on the mattress in the hall and Y/N will sleep on the single bed in the other room. fine by everybody?" Jin asked. " Can I sleep on the floor? I'm afraid to sleep alone and it is very new place to me so~" Y/N said but stopped before completing her sentence and looked down while pouting. "Alright so Jin hyung is sleeping in the room and me, hobi and Y/N will be sleeping in the hall" Namjoon said. 

(Do comments please so that i can improve my work. Thank you.)

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