Transferring her back.

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Four of them followed PD-nim to his office. PD-nim stood against the table and asked them to sit.
"Yes PD-nim. What do want to talk about?" Namjoon said.
"It's about Y/N. We need to transfer her to another educational institute in her country."
PD-nim said.
"In her country?Why PD-nim?" Jin asked.
"Look I don't want to demotivate you guys but let's face the reality. Your first album did great. But we ain't sure about our next. Right? We might or might not get as much love. You guys might have to disband if this album didn't work out. Hope this never ever happens but what if. She is very young and we all know her father is no more and her brother is good for nothing. Her future is completely depends on BTS right now. No BTS No Future for her. It will be very hard for her to survive in Korea after disbanding. She'll have to go back. So atleast she should have a degree which is valid in her country . So she can get job in her country easily without any hindrance. We have to think about her future. Am i wrong?" PD-nim explained.
"No PD-nim. You're absolutely right. I agree with you. We can't take her future for granted." Yoongi said.
Jin Hobi and Namjoon also agreed with PD-nim.
"But does this means she has to go back to study?" hobi said.
"No. We'll look for institute which will allow her distance education. She just have to go there to give exams." PD-nim said.
"Who will tell her?" Namjoon asked.
"Definitely not me." Jin yoongi and hobi said altogether.
"I always scold her. I won't tell her this." Yoongi said.
"She already thinks that I love Jk more than her. So I can't do this." Jin said.
"I don't have reasons like these but i think that this will break her heart. I don't know why but feel like this and i don't want to break her heart." Hobi says.
"PD-nim? Will you?" Namjoon asks PD-nim.
"Well i can't break her heart too. But I'll try." Pd-nim says.
"Y/N PD-nim is calling you in his office." PD-nim's assistant informed Y/N. "Okay. I'll go." She smiled and answered.
She went to his office he told her that she will be transferred to another institute in her country and she'll have to go there to give exams only.
"This means i will not go to study with Hyungs?" She asked with little sadness in her voice.
"I'm sorry Y/N but yes you will not go with your hyungs." PD-nim said with heavy heart.
Her heart definitely broke but instead of complaining and spoiling everyone's mood with her tantrums she said "If you all have decided this then i have no complaints against it. You will decide best for me." she smiled and left.
"Her heart did broke." Hobi said and sighed.
After 6 months.
"You'll have to go back to your country Y/N. You have to fill forms and complete few paper formalities for registration of your exams. You'll have to leave after two days." Namjoon said.
"Two days? How long am i supposed to stay there hyung? Can someone else not do this for me? I don't want to go hyung.😣" Y/N said sadly and almost cried.
"Y/N I would have never asked you to go if this was not important it's about your future kiddie. Try and understand. You'll be back after a week or two." Namjoon said while patting her head.
" Two weeks? I can't hyung. I will miss you guys so much." Y/N said.
"You're my obedient kiddie na? I will miss you too but we can't compromise with this Y/N." Namjoon explains her.
"Okay Hyung-Nim." She sighs.
She packs her things. And gets ready to leave. Jk and she sat in their balcony for hours holding each other's hands. Jk was very upset because his best friend was leaving. Jin and Yoongi made Jk understand that this was important for her. It was for the first time in one and half year that she was leaving them for so long. Everyone was upset but they didn't show so that Y/N don't get sad looking at them.
She went to her country. She was living with her mother.Her paper work was under process.
After a week, on news channel,
"South Korea have high chances to have a fight with another country and all the flights to South Korea has been cancelled."

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