First Date.

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They continued texting.
"Sir? Haha. You can call me by my name."
"😅 Sure. Lee min ho oppa."
"Good. Let's go out tomorrow? Maybe your birthday treat?"
"Yeah Sure."
She was super excited and happy to meet him. She couldn't sleep.
"I know he is my celebrity crush since i was 16. But why does heart flutters whenever i meet or talk to him. This never happened before." she said talking to Urooj.
"Are you in love baby?"
"Omg. What rubbish. Well it's not love definitely but yeah i kinda like him though."
"haha. Enjoy your date Y/N~"
"Aish. Stop teasing. Bye. Good night."
She hangs up and went to sleep.
Next morning, she was half asleep but gets out of the bed and goes to Jin, who is sitting in the living room reading some papers. She snuggles into his lap. He kissed her forehead and said "Good Morning Y/N-ah."
She nodded and said " Monin Hyung"
He laughs at the way she wish him back.
"You didn't sleep well? Are you still sleepy? He asked.
"mm huh. I am good." she replied and after  few seconds She looks up at him who is reading those papers with his glasses on and make a cute confused pouty face. "Hyung?" she said.
"Yes kid?" He looks at her smile at her expressions. "How can someone look so handsome early in the morning?" She pouts. "Haha. Well that's a secret. But why are buttering me? Do you need something?" he said. "Ani. I don't need anything but i was curious about something." she replied.
"What is it?" He says keeping his papers aside.
"How would you expect a girl to look on your first date or meeting?" She asked.
"Well, I would appreciate if she doesn't change herself or her dressing style for me. But it would be best if she doesn't over dress herself and put lots of makeup and all." he said. "But wait. Why are you asking me this?" he added.
"General Knowledge hyung. What if i have to set up a date for you. I should know your preferences." She giggles.
"Smart girl. But seriously, are you going on date?" He asks.
"No h-hyunggg. Whom will i go on a date with?"
She said and gets up from his lap. Thinking *Shit i stuttered*. "I'll get ready hyung and wake Jk hyung and V hyung also." she said and he nods.
In the evening. She was getting ready to go out. She just messes up her whole room deciding what to wear and finally she stucks on a dress. She keeps it simple as she herself never liked to dress up and get ready.

 She keeps it simple as she herself never liked to dress up and get ready

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She goes to the place they decided. She was on time. As soon as she enters the cafe she saw him sitting there and doing something on his phone. Her heart skipped a beat. *Looking so smart, as always* she thinks.

She heads towards him

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She heads towards him. He looks up at her. She bows and wishes him. "Please take a seat." he pulls chair for him. *Such a gentleman* she thinks to herself. She smiles and said "Thank you." "Comfortable?" He asks. She nods. He comes to his place and sit.

 "Have i made you wait. I'm really sorry." she says. 

"No no I had a shoot nearby so i came here directly. I was early. How can you be late. Everybody in the industry talks about how you're always on time." He replies. 

"Really!? I didn't know that." she says with raising her both eyebrows a little bit and a smile on her face. 

"You look pretty." He complimented. 

"Thank you so much." she blushed. " How was your shoot?" she asked. 

"Superb. It was fun." he replied. "What would you like to have Y/N?" he asked. 

"Umm. Iced Americano." she replies. 

He chucked and said while ordering "Well you do are Yoongi's sister."

"Omg. You really know them this well." she smiles in shock and excitement.

"Yes I do. Me and Seokjin were in the same university. And i got close to Yoongi when we used to share the flat." he replied.

"Really? Such small world." she said.

"I know right." he smiled. She smiles at him back.

"You have a smile to fall for." He said and she blushed. Her cheeks turned pink. He laughs.
They both talked about work and some personal stuffs.

"and your father?" he asked in the flow of conversation.
Her smile fades away. "He passed away when i was 7." she replies. 

"Omg I'm really sorry. I didn't know. I'm really sorry." He apologizes quickly. 

"it's totally fine." she smiles at him.

They came out of the cafe and walks down the road. 

"What if someone recognizes us?" she asks. 

"No one will. I walk around this area a lot. No one pays attention and if someone does just say yeah i do look like her." he said and she laughs. 

"You wanna have ice cream?" she asks him. 

"You do?" he asks her back. She nods and says 

"I ain't allowed to eat ice cream because i catch cold too soon, according to Doctor, so hyungs doesn't let me eat that." she pouts.
"Haha. Then you shouldn't. Your hyungs will kill me ." he said. She laughed. 

"No Jk hyung gets me ice cream once or twice in a month. I don't catch cold. So we can." she said. They both goes to the ice cream parlor and gets ice cream. 

While eating ice cream she said "Well hyungs wouldn't have killed you because they don't know that I'm with you."

"Why?" he asks.

"I didn't tell them." she replies.

"Why? I thought you were a obedient sister." he said teasing her.

"I am. But i wasn't sure how would they react so.." she replied

" So you didn't tell them because you wanted to meet." He said in his low husky voice.
She nods and smiles.
He leans towards her and gets close to her.  He licks the ice cream on her cheeks near her lips. "Your smile makes me want you more." he whispers her ears. A strange shiver ran down her spine.

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