Surprise part 2

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Shiver ran through her spine out of fear and nervousness. She was nervous because she didn't know whether they will like it or not and afraid because of the money she took from Urooj.
"Coming Hyung-nim."
There was small passage from main door to the living room.
She crossed that passage and then opened the door. Her hands were shaking. Hobi hugged her and entered the passage and stood there for a second facing the main door ,waiting for others to enter. Namjoon hugged Y/N kissed her forehead and said "How have you been?". "Good Hyung." Y/N replied. Hobi walked ahead with Namjoon and their jaw dropped. Y/N noticed that but she was greeting other members. They all entered and they all were very surprised and were happy. She sighed in relief.

 "Where is Yoongi Hyung-Nim and Jin Hyung-Nim?" she asked.

 "They are on their way." JK replied. 

"How did you do this?" V asked. 

"You like it?" Y/N asked. 

"A lot." V replied.
" I can't believe my eyes." Hobi said. 

"Check other rooms hyung." Y/N said , she is now not so nervous as everyone liked it so she was quite confident and now more excited.

 " O my god Y/N are we in our flat or this is someone else's place?" Namjoon said. 

"Obviously this is ours Hyung-Nim. I'm relieved that you all like it." she replied.

 "Of course kiddie." namjoon said. 

"JK hyung come with me" Y/N said and held JK's hand and took him to the balcony. She showed him the balcony as it was the place were they used to spend time together and it was their favorite place. 

"Amazing Y/N" Jk said with his jaws dropped.
"Jimin Hyung did you see your room? I have kept dustbin in there for you. Lol." Y/N said mockingly.

 "Haha yes i did see both the rooms. I must say you worked very hard. And thank you for the dustbin, hope V will use it now." Jimin said. Everyone laughed.

"I hope Jin Hyung-Nim and Yoongi Hyung-Nim also like it." Y/N murmured. "Did you all eat hyung? Should I cook something for you?" Y/N asked. 

"No kiddie we all had late evening snacks, so we won't eat. Still if someone wants to they can." Namjoon said. Everyone denied saying that they all are full.
Bell rang. Suddenly she got nervous again. She knew who was on the other side of the door. Jimin opened the door. She was standing in the passage. She bowed and wished both of them. They both smiled a pat on her head.

 "All good Y/N?" Yoongi asked. She nodded.
As soon as they entered the living room, they stood still in shock.

 "Who did this?" Jin asked. 

 "isn't it amazing, hyung?" JK asked. "Y/N did this." he added. 

They both looked at each other and didn't say a word. They both checked everything else in the flat. Y/N turned 180 degrees on her place and stood showing her back to the door and her face towards the living room. She froze as she didn't understand what was going on. Yoongi and Jin came back to the living room. 

"How did you do this?" Yoongi yelled. She trembled. She just bowed her head down. She couldn't answer him. "Answer him Y/N. How did you do all of this?"Jin said.

"Hyung eas-" Hobi was trying to calm Yoongi and Jin but his words were cut by Yoongi. "No Hobi. No one will speak in between."

"Y/N speak up." Yoongi said. 

"Hy- Hyung-Nim me and U-Urooj went to the market and b-bought these and we changed everything." she gathered her courage and said. 

"How much did all of this cost you? This isn't less than 6-8 million wons, is it?" Jin asked sternly. 

"Very easily." Yoongi agreed. "Where did you get this much money from? Huh Y/N?" Yoongi continued. She was looking down and was quiet . 

"Answer them Y/N. How much all this cost to you? Where did you got this much money from?" Namjoon said politely.
"Se- Seven Million." she said slowly but was clearly audible to everyone as there was no noise in the room. 

" SEVEN MILLION??" Jin yelled with his eye balls poping out. Everbody were shocked. 

" How Y/N? You transfered 2 million to your mother out of your paycheck even if you use all the money left with you, you'll still need 2 millions. Where did you get that from?" Namjoon asked.
"Hy-Hyung Urooj g-gave me." somehow she said this.
"WHAT? You borrowed money??" Yoongi snapped.

(Do comments please so that i can improve my work. Thank you.)

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