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They all shifted to their new dorm which was a lot bigger than their previous flat. They had a bigger living room now where they all can sit together and they had five rooms. Y/N and JK had their separate rooms but Y/N used to sleep in JK's room because she was autophobhic. Others shared their rooms. Jimin and V, Hobi and Namjoon , Jin and Yoongi. Y/N decided the interior of the dorm and she even painted the walls of the dorm on her own. They loved their new dorm. But Y/N said that she would love to keep the old flat and visit their sometimes so they extended the rent agreement with the owner and Y/N would pay the rent.
Y/N enters the dorm thinking how will she ask her hyungs about going to the club.
"Y/N where were you?" Jk asked.
"PD-nim stopped me for something." Y/N replied.
"Oh okay. I was going to practice, will you join?" Jk said.
"Is nobody at home? Are all at practice?" Y/N asked.
" Yeah. I was waiting for you." Jk said.
"Okay give me five minutes please hyung I'll change and come." Y/N said.
"Hurry up Y/N-ah we're already late. I'll leave you if you don't come out in 5 mins. I'm waiting in the car." Jk said
"Yessss Hyunnnggg." Y/N said climbing uo the stairs to go to her room.
She came down and they both left for the practice. She thought of asking JK about clubbing.
"Hyung?" Y/N said.
"Hmm?" Jk replied , focused on his driving.
"Have you ever been to a club?" Y/N asked.
"With hyungs? Yes. But i never went there alone because i never liked the atmosphere much and you know I don't have much of friends so i have not been there without hyungs." Jk replied.
"Are hyungs okay with clubbing?" she asked.
"Yes i guess so as long as you don't drink and smoke much. You know na? They hate over drinking and are strictly against smoking." jk replied.
"mhm." Y/N hummed.
They both reached their destination. After practice all of them came back to the dorm. Y/N made dinner and set the table. They all were sitting on the dinning table. Y/N somehow gathered her courage and asked "H-Hyung I want to ask you all something." her heart was beating so fast that anybody could have heard it. "Yes Y/N?" Jin said. "Actually U-Urooj called and asked me to go out with her." Y/N said.
"Okay. What's there to ask? You can go out with Urooj. Nobody has ever stopped you going out with her." Namjoon said. 

" No Hyung. Actually she asked to go to ...... " She stopped.

 "To where Y/N-ah?" Jin asked softly. 

"To c-club, Hyung." she said in a very low tone but was audible to everyone. V choked on his food because of Y/N's words. Jin looked at Yoongi. 

"You can go." Yoongi said.

 All of them looked at him in shock as if they all saw a ghost. Y/N was shocked that How did Yoongi allowed her without even asking any questions. 

"But hyung-" Namjoon said but Yoongi cut his words "Namjoon i know what you are concerned about. But trust me. Hmm?" .
"Okay hyung as long as you are okay with it. I'm also." Namjoon said.
"But Y/N there are some rules you need to follow. " Yoongi said sternly "Very limited drinks. No over drinking. You'll answer my calls every time i call you or you'll reply to my texts. You'll be home by 12:30 and max 1 not more than that. You'll call JK or V or Jimin to pick you up. No over talking to boys. Else I'll talk to Urooj to take care of yours." Yoongi added.

"I would have not allowed but hearing his rules I'll allow you." Jin said.

"I will take care of every word you said hyung. I'll keep everything in mind. Thank you so much Hyung-Nim." Y/N replied with smile.

"No short dresses Y/N." Jk said in a serious tone, which made other smile and giggle.
"She never wears short dresses Jk. She herself don't like short dresses." Jimin said. Y/N high five Jimin for defending her. Jk pouts.

 "I will not My JK hyung." she smiles at Jk.
"Y/N I'm trusting you. Don't let me down." Yoongi said. She nodded.
After dinner she went to her room and texted Urooj.

"I got permission from hyungs. We can go tomorrow."
"yay! We'll have fun. And be ready for the surprise."
She smiled and went to JK's room to sleep.

In Yoongi's room,
"Are you sure hyung?" Namjoon asked.
"Yes Namjoon-ah. How long will you protect her? She needs to go out and having fun isn't wrong. She hardly talks to anybody. Her whole world revolves around us. From morning to night she is busy either doing something for us or practice. Nothing else. She has zero social life. She has to explore the world. We can't be everywhere. Neither we can make her completely dependent on us. We all will eventually have our own lives. How will she survive then? She is physically very strong she can handle things." Yoongi explained.
"Well you have got points Yoongi." Jin said.
" I agree with each and every word of yours but still. Can we send atleast one bodyguard with her?" Namjoon said.
"Do you really think i will not?" Yoongi smiled and said.
"You make things so easy hyung." Namjoon said.

(Do comment so that i can improve my work. Thank you. To be continued.)

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