The Truth Untold.

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She looks up at the car and kept looking at it. "What?" he asks.

"Fuck. It's Yoongi hyung's car." She panics. She looks at him and he was processing how to react. "Are you sure?" he asks slowing down his car. "Yes its Yoongi hyung's motherfucking car." She almost shouts. Tears started to roll down her cheeks. He stops the car and she ran towards Yoongi's car. He ran behind her. She starts shivering as she saw the condition of his car. He holds her from both of her shoulders. She gathered her courage and looked inside the car. All she could see was Blood.

She steps back and fell down on her knees as she couldn't feel her legs. He was holding her and buried her into his chest as she was crying. He asks the policeman, who was at the accident site, about the hospital to which Yoongi was taken. They both head towards the car and Lee min ho rushes his car to the hospital.

She couldn't stop crying and was praying non stop. Min ho called Jin and informed him about the situation. He and Namjoon were near to hospital so they reached there first.

Y/N ran in the corridor of the hospital. She saw Jin and Namjoon standing outside the Emergency room. She went and hugged Jin and cried out loud.

"He will be alright Y/N. Don't cry baby." Jin consoled her but deep down he was as much scared as she was. She looks up at him and he points towards the door in front of him. She turns and looks through the small round glass opening. She saw Yoongi lying on the bed. Bleeding. He was covered with bandage but it was clearly visible that his bleeding was not stopping. Meanwhile Lee Min ho came and talks with Namjoon.

All the members reached and everybody were panicking very badly. Especially JK. Y/N stood up and hugged JK rubbing his back to console him. Y/N was scared. Devastated. Yet she was stable now. Atleast from outside. Though her legs were shivering. She held JK's hand. Min ho was standing next to her. V and Urooj were standing opposite to them.

After half an hour of examination doctor came out. Jin asked "How is he doctor?"

"I'm sorry but his condition is very critical but situation is in our hands right now. He lost lot of blood. We immediately need to operate him. His blood group is rare and we don't have it in our blood bank so if there is any relative or someone with the same blood group please call him right now. We hardly have another 20-30 minutes because after that we won't be able to do anything." Doctor said.

"You start preparing for operation we have Y/N and Jungkook and they both have same blood group as Yoongi. They'll give their blood." Jin said.

Jin's words made Urooj, Min Ho and Y/N look at each other. Y/N shook her head and signaled them to keep quiet. Urooj looked at min Ho and he closed his eyes and nodded.

Doctor left. "But JK cannot give his blood. He recently got inked." Hobi said.

"But Y/N can." JK said looking at her, She got nervous.

"Yes Y/N can. We don't have to find anyone." V said.

"Fine I'll tell doctor to test her blood if she is completely eligible to donate blood or not." Namjoon said.

"Bu-but Hyung." She dares to speak.

Namjoon looks at her and nods. "I-I can't." she stutters a bit.

"You can't what?" JK asks.

"I-I can't give my blood to him." She closed her eyed in fear knowing everything will shatter down.

"What the fuck? Why Y/N?" JK yells.

"This is not the time to joke Y/N you understand that? Right?" V said narrowing his eyebrows.

She gulps. "I-I know hyung. I'm not joking."

"Then why can't you?" Hobi shouted. She flinched. She stood there hanging her head down. She kept quiet. JK left her hand.

"Fuckin answer Y/N." V growls.

"I-I I'm scared of needles hyung." She said trembling. Jimin scoffs and turns back, losing his patience.

Urooj and Min Ho looked at each other. "Y/N-"Urooj was about to say something but her words were cut by Jin's.

"Have you lost your mind? Yoongi is in there, struggling with his life, and you're standing here throwimg tantrums about needles." Jin scolded.

She kept quiet and hung her head down.

"Since when are you scared of needles?" Jk questioned.

"Why are you lying Y/N? We all know you're not scared of needles." Jimin said.

"I'm not lying hyung. I'm seriously scared of needles." She replied.

"Okay fine I understand that you're scared of needles, but can't you bear little bit of pain for Yoongi hyung?" Namjoon said.

"I can't hyung. I'm scared." She repeats.

"Does Yoongi mean nothing to you Y/N? He literally raised you. Have you forgotten everything he did for you?" Jin said.

She shakes her head. "Then Why?" Jimin shouts. "Why are not saving him?"

"I can't-" she tried to repeat herself but JK cuts her words "Do you need anything in return Y/N? Money? How much? I'll give everything that is mine to you but please save him."

Her eyes widens hearing JK's words. Lee Min ho stepped forward to almost hit JK for thinking this stoop about her. But Y/N helds his hand and stops him. "No, Hyung. I don't want anything." She replied.

"It won't pain Y/N. You can hold my hand. I will stay with you. Please I beg you. Save him." Namjoon said.

"Hy-" her heart was so broken that she couldn't speak.

Hoseok got down on her knees in front of Y/N. She also gets down as she saw him getting on his knees. "I beg for my brother's life Y/N. Please save him." He bows down.

"Hyung please don't do this. Please. I want to save him as much as you do. But I swear I can't." she said while tears roll down.

"Stand Up Hoseok. There is no need to beg in front of people who are shameless." Jin scolds hobi, pulling him up from his shoulder.

"I will save him. I will get blood for him no matter what." Jin added.

"There is no need to find anyone." PD-nim said walking through corridor towards them. " I have arranged blood for Yoongi. Doctors are preparing for his operation. Doctor said we can see him for now." He added. They all went inside but Jin looked at Y/N "I don't want to see your face ever again." He said grinding his jaws.

She just lowered her head and said nothing. She tightens her grip on Lee min ho's hand as he was about to say something to him.

Jin left leaving Y/N, Min Ho and Urooj alone in the corridor.

"Are you fucking insane Y/N?" Lee min ho scolds.

"Why didn't you tell them the truth?" Urooj said.

She bursts into tears.

"I'm going to tell them the truth. Right now." Urooj said standing up.

"No Urooj no please. You promised me." She stops her.

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