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5 months passed.

Everything was exceptionally going too well for her. Her love life was awesome. Her work, she was at the peak of her career. Her health? Yeah she was looking fine from outside. She was getting immense love from her fans. She was being spoiled by her hyungs and her love. She was living her life to the fullest.

It was her day off but other members had a full working day, so she was busy getting things ready for them. She always used to do that. She never let her hyungs do anything. From their clothes to their car keys, she took responsibility for everything.

Y/N was talking on her phone while running in the whole dorm. From one room to another, waking everyone up. From kitchen to living room, keeping things as if it was an exhibition, on the centre table, hoping that her hyungs will see their belongings but she knew they will call out for her no matter how much she display their things. Y/N gets a call.


"Love. What's up?"

"Morning routine babe."

"Okay. Just a little reminder that we are going to Doctor today."

"Yes oppa. I know. You are reminding me this second time today."

"because you're very careless when it is something about your health."

"False. Anyways, I have already taken leave from work. Once hyungs leave I'll go to the doctor."

"I'll pick up you up. Call me once you get free."

"Aishh- you don't trust me. Do you?"

"Noooo. Not at all."

"Mean Min Ho."

"Haha. Go back to work."

"Yeah. But Babe-"


"I'm not feeling well."

"Why? What happened? Did you not take your medicine?"

"No. I'm not feeling well as in I'm getting bad vibes. I don't know why but it seems like something bad will happen and moreover, last 5 months have been insanely smooth. I know my fate. My life can't be so smooth for so long."

" You're overthinking Y/N. Nothing will happen."

"Hope so. You take care of yourself. Please."

"Yup. You too. Bye."

She hangs up the call and sits down on sofa and thinks for few seconds then she shrugs off her thoughts and gets back to work.

She went to Yoongi's room. She saw him sleeping and frowns.


He gets startled and jumps on the bed. "Yah Yah" he blabbers confused.

"Wake up hyung. You will get late. No, you are already late." She scolds.

"Y/N 5 more minutes please." He said tugging himself in his blanket. She pulls his blanket and said "No Hyung. Get up right now or I'll drench you in cold water I swear."

"When are you dying?" he said standing up from the bed.

She stood there with no expression and said "Soon."

"Huh? What did you say?" Yoongi asks.

"I'll die soon hyung. The way you all are wishing for me to die I'm definitely gonna die soon." She said.

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