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She immediately called Namjoon.
"Hyung what is this being telecasted on the news channels? War in South Korea?"
"This is not the war you're thinking about Y/N it is some political war between your country and ours."
"I won't be able to come back hyung? They say that all international flights have been cancelled."
"Not every international flight. But-but flights from... from your country."
"How will i come back hyung? Is it impossible? I don't want to live here, with my brother around. Please hyung do something."
"Kiddie, hyung us helpless. Hyung will try his best to get you back. I know you're not very much happy there but kiddie spend some time with your mother. Hyung will find some way.okay?"
"Hyung you said 15 days. You said i have to stay here for only 15 days. Please hyung."
"My Kiddie is strong na? Hmm? Hyung will get you as soon as he can. Be hyung's brave girl. Will you?"
"I'll try my best hyung."
They hung up. She didn't want to stay with her brother because he treated Y/N exactly opposite of how other members of the group treated her. He used to hit her. She never resisted because she thought she would be insulting him and this would upset her mother. Though he hasn't said a word to her since she came back from Korea. But she still feels uncomfortable around him.

On the other hand, Namjoon and other elder members were trying to find a way out to get her back. Listening to her almost crying to come back broke Namjoon's heart and he wanted her back at any cost. He talked to PD-nim about this. PD-nim said he'll talk to his lawyers and other authorities if they can help them in this situation.
One of the lawyer suggested that she should fly to some other country first and then to Korea. It would be the best for her as direct flights to Korea won't be flying from her country and moreover this was the only way they all could see.
They all did as the lawyer suggested. Y/N was brought to *some other country* and then she took flight to Korea.
She landed to Korea. At the checking points. Officer looked at her passport. "You're from *Y/N's country*?" officer asked scanning her from top to bottom. "Yes officer." she tried to put all the politeness she had in these two words so that they don't suspect her in any way.
"You have to come with us." officer said showing her way with his straightened hand.
They interrogated her with basic questions like what was her name, how old she is,  why she was here and few more. She answered every question very politely and calmly.
"Our lady officer will check you. If you have any objection you can tell us." officer said.
She was very afraid but she showed zero percent of it on ger face. "Can i make a call, Sir? Before you proceed with any legal actions, Please?" Y/N asked politely. "Sure but you have to call from the landline. You can't use your phone. Hope you remember the number of you acquaintance." officer said sliding landline towards her on the table. '"Thank you Sir" she said bowing a little.
She called Yoongi. Though she remembered every hyung's number but she wanted to feel some strength so she called Yoongi.
"Hyung-Nim I'm at the airport and officers have stopped me for interrogation as from *xyz* country. They have been very polite to me. And they are asking me for some legal action's permission." she said trying very hard to not break down into tears but her voice cracked a little.
"Hyung will be there in a very short time Y/N. Don't worry. My brave lioness. Hyung will get you out of there very soon. Okay? Now please put the officer on phone."
Y/N felt so much strength and confidence with very simple words of Yoongi. She gave the receiver to the officer. Officer talked to Yoongi. They talked in Korean so Y/N didn't understand a word.
Yoongi told everybody about this. ,"What? She is autophobhic hyung. What if they leave her alone in the small room? She don't even sleep alone." Jk said getting very tensed.
"Don't worry JK we'll get her out." Namjoon assured. Saying this Namjoon,Jin and Yoongi left to airport. They called PD-nim while they were on their way. PD-nim also left with his lawyers for the airport.
"Jin hyung? Jk and V are crying uncontrollably. I can't stop them from crying. What to do?" Hobi said on the call.
Namjoon and Yoongi suggested that he should go back to the flat, if they would need him they will call her. Though Jin was being highly restless about Y/N's condition but he went back.
They both reached airport but the officers didn't let them meet him. Soon PD-nim and lawyers arrived. Lawyers had a talk with officers.
"You all should go back. Procedures here wil take time and moreover if you'll stay here they will suspect her more. You know how strict Korean norms are. So please go back. We'll drop her very safely." Lawyer said to three of them.
They did as they were told. PD-nim also went to BTS's flat. They explained everything to Jin and hobi. Jk and V slept while crying. Jimin was sitting next to them patting their heads very softly.

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