His Past.

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She kept quiet.

"Answer me Y/N." he growled again.

she flinched and dares to speak.

"I-I didn't mean to. I told you, I wasn't in my complete senses babe. I was -" she tried to explain him but stops.

"You were what?" he questions.

"I was angry at JK hyung." She said. "Not actually JK hyung but probably at myself." She added and sighed.

His gaze softens a little bit but his stern tone remains the same "But that doesn't mean you'll get out of your car to fight with those men. Are you so strong that you can fight with five armed men?"

She looks down and shakes her head. "I had no other option." She said in low tone, barely audible.

"What would have you done if I didn't reach there on time?" He growls as if he gets angry again.

She looks up at him and slowly went closer to him. She pulls his hand to unfold them. He easily let his hands loose. She pulls his shirt's sleeve and pouts. "I'm sorry babe please forgive me." She said with puppy eyes, looking straight up into his eyes.

"You scare me Y/N. Do you have any idea how dangerous they were?" he said softly.

"No, I don't know. But I know that you'll always be there to protect me. You promised Seokjin Hyung and he always says that you're man of words. And obviously you love me." She said while hugging him.

He sighs and hugs her back. "I am not scolding you anymore. But this doesn't mean you'll not be punished." He said and smirked.

She looks up at him with confused eyes. But she shrugs it off and asked him "Why did those men ran away just after looking at you? He seemed that they know you. Do they?"

He released her out from his grip and held her wrist. He pulls her and make her sit on sofa.

"Fine. I'll tell you everything." He said sitting next to her holding her hands. He exhales and continues. "When I was 10 years old my parents died in an accident. I was in the car with them but somehow I survived." Y/N holds his hand tightly because she knows what it feels like, loosing your parent and he lost his both.

He continues "I don't remember anything clearly but after funeral my relatives never showed up. I used to spend most of the time on streets. My house was taken over by my uncles and I ended up on the streets. There was a man who always used to give me food and used to talk to me but I hardly ever replied. One day he offered me to go with him to his house and I was destitute so I agreed. He was a gangster but he never did wrong to good people. He was very kind hearted. He raised me up with two sons of his own. His wife left him and their children for some another men. I never saw her."

Y/N was listening to him very seriously. She didn't say a word. Actually she had nothing to say. He was speaking continuously barely breaking eye contact with her because he knew if he stops in between then it would get difficult for him to continue.

"He sent me and his sons to the same school and treated three of us equally. Both of his sons were older than me. His sons accepted me as their brother with their whole hearts well atleast until we grew up. We got into his business. We three had terror over the areas I asked you not to go. I had control over Gangseo, that's why those men ran away after I arrived there. The man who adopted me was getting old and sick. His second son's friends took advantage of situation and filled his ears against me. We had a fight over some issues and I decided to leave. Not to brag, but I was their ace player so after I left, everything got almost shattered, plus that old man died so there was nothing left. Somehow the eldest son gained all his power again. He and I never really had personal grudges but his love for his real brother was much stronger. They are behind me now. They try to snatch everything away from me. Anything that makes me happy. I don't know how but they got to know about you- " his words were cut by hers.

"And now they want to snatch me from you?" she asked.

He nodded.

"Okay. So, first of all they can't snatch me away from you." She said keeping her hands over his chest and continued " Because I live here."

"This is no joke Y/N." he scolds.

"I ain't. I'll be more careful. Don't worry." She said leaning over him.

She wanted to cry. Cry with him. Bu she didn't because she don't want him to feel weak because of her. She wants to be his strength not his weakness.

"Why were you angry at JK?" he asked.

She sighed out aloud and said " He got inked. And you know me, him and Yoongi Hyung have very rare blood group. Yoongi Hyung is anaemic, he would need blood for even a small surgery. What if he need to get operated for any reason. I can't donate him my blood. And JK hyung also cannot atleast for next 8 months. It's all my fault."

"This isn't your fault. You have no control over this. Be positive. Nothing will happen to Yoongi." He said hugging her tightly.

She burries her head into his chest and nods.

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