Punishment (18+)

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"Do you have your dance practise tomorrow?" he asked her.

"I guess so." she replied with her head still on his chest.

"Well, I'm afraid you won't be able to go." he whispered in her ears.

She looks up at him with confusion. He smirks and raises his one eyebrow. She realizes what he means. "No no no no. No way. You're not." she said trying to stand up from his lap but his firm grip doesn't let her go.

"Yes. I am." he whispers.

"But I said I'm sorry-" she tried to convince him but her words were cut by rough-passionate kiss. She immideately gave up and let him dominate her. She kissed him back. His tongue was exploring every bit of her mouth, tasting her. She was feeling his kiss till her groin and clitoris. She tries to break the kiss to breathe but couldn't. After few more seconds, he breaks the kiss to let her breath. They both were panting heavily. 

"You need to listen to daddy, babygirl." he said in his low husky voice. He kisses her again as soon as he finishes his sentence. She barely got her breath back but here he is, kissing her again, choking her. His hand were on her waist keeping her immobile. After a minute or so he again breaks the kiss. She was panting heavily. He picks her up and takes her to his room, without even looking at her. He almost throws her on the bed. He crawles up on her.

She opens her mouth to say something "Ba-" but his word cut hers "Shhh baby girl. You're not allowed to speak  and moan until i ask you to. " he said keeping his cold finger on her lips making her gulp. She nods. He starts kissing her neck, digging his teeth into her skin. She was trying hard not to moan. He gets off her and takes her clothes off slowly making her blush and embrassed. She was lying completely naked on his bed. 

"Don't move." he orders and goes to his drawers. He takes out two ropes. 

*Shit.I'm dead today.* She thought to herself. 

He crawls up on her again. All of his weight was on his elbows and knees. He was kissing her roughly. He trails down to her breasts leaving marks on her neck and cleavage. He gently kisses her nipple teasing her. She was biting her lips to not to moan. Her mewls were making him go crazy. He bit her nipple and twists the other between his finger and thumb making her moan a little. He smirks and gets up. He straightens her right hand and folds her right leg and ties both of it together. Then does the same with her left hand and leg. 

She blushed as her holes very now completely exopsed to him. She cannot straighten her legs now. She was badly stuck, completely immobile. Relying on his mercy. 

He plants kisses on her inner thighs and bites her, making her moan little loud. He spanks her inner thigh. "Did I ask you to moan?" he asked sternly. "N-no daddy. I'm sorry daddy. You're driving me crazy." She replies in low tone. He smirks. 

He went between her legs while playing with her nipples, sucking her clitoris. He inserts his fingers in her. She was a mess now. This pleasure was overwhelming her. She wants to moan out load but she wasn't allowed to.

"Moan for Daddy, princess." he allows her. He was licking, sucking and gently biting her clitoris with his fingers going in and out of her. She moans out aloud. 

She was a moaning mess now. She has completely lost her mind. He takes his huge cock out, which was red and swollen. His erection could tell how much he was seduced by her moans. His fingers were still inside her. He pulls her fingers out and slams his dick inside her in one making her cry out and moan very loudly. "Ahhhhhhh D-d-daddy fuck."  Tears roll down her from her eyes to her cheeks.

He pulls his dick out and slams it back in again. "Why don't you listen to me Y/N?"

She moaned and couldn't reply because of the pain and pleasure she was getting. He again pulls himself out and slams it back in. "Answer me." He growls.

"I'm s-sorry Daddy. I always will. I'm sorry." she cries out.

He now goes in and out of her faster. His thrusts were getting harder and faster making her loose her mind completely and moaning mess. After few more thrusts "D-Daddy i'm gonna ahh c-cum." she cries. 

"So soon princess? we barely started. We ain't gonna stop until your legs are shaking" he smirks. Barely three or more thrusts and she came with loud moans. But he wasn't done yet so he kept going , over stimulating her. He was going faster and was slamming her harder than ever. 

She was on the verge of cumming again and asks for his permission, "Can-Can I cum d-daddy please?" 

"Few more seconds baby." he whispers in her ears. 

"Now baby girl." he orders and growls as he cums inside her. She releases her breath she was holding to not cum and moans out loud squirming. He immidieately releases her from the ropes. She straightens her legs. Her legs were shaking insanely. He was still inside her. He rubs here legs to calm them down and then kisses her gently , caressing her cheeks. She was panting badly. 

She rolls over him and cuddles him. He cuddles her back and they both fell asleep.

Y/N completely forgets about her deadline. She forgets that her hyungs is still not aware of, where she was and she doesn't have her cell phone. 

They both wake up in the morning. She realizes that she was out for the whole night and other members have no idea where she was. She asks Min Ho to give his phone to her so that she could inform her hyungs. Lee Min Ho takes his phone and notices that there were 13 missed calls from Yoongi and Jin. He turns his phone towards her and her face turns pale.

"Fuck. I'm screwed." she  said.

"Do you want me to talk to them? They won't even say a word to you." he said

"No No. You will never speak in between me and hyungs. I'll face them." she said almost warning him to not to do anything.

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