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It was very quiet in the flat. No one was speaking a word. Y/N, JK, V and Jimin were sitting with books open and Namjoon was walking back and forth with his hands crossed at back with a pen in his hand.
"I can't stay this quiet anymore Yoongi. Let's go out please."Jin whispers.
"Same Jin hyung it's like I'm in jail and Namjoon is the Jailer." Hobi whispers as low as he can.
"Okay okay let's go out." Yoongi agrees.
They all stood up and very quietly walked towards the door. They were crossing from Namjoon's back but Namjooon turned back suddenly and they startled. Three of them stood in attention position.
Y/N and Jk giggled. Namjoon turned his head and gave both of them a death stare. They started reading again.
"Where are you all going?" Namjoon asked.
"A-actually Namjoon-ah Pd-Nim called so we're going to office. Since you're busy with kids so he called three of us." Hobi said whatever comes in his mind. Namjoon nodded and they all came out of the main door. Three of them sighed heavily. "Hobi-ab what if he calls Pd-nim and finds out we lied?" Yoongi said.
"I'm sorry hyung i said whatever came to mind first." Hobi said.
"Don't worry I'll call PD-nim and tell him if Namjoon calls, tell him that we are with him." Jin said taking his phone out.
Yoongi and Hobi nodded.
"Good Afternoon PD-nim."
"Good noon Seokjin-ah. Say what happened?"
"Nothing serious PD-nim. Its just that kids have their exams by the end of this month and Namjoon is very serious about their studies. So it's like curfew in the flat. We can't speak and even move out from the room until kids are studying with their hitler teacher namjoon."
"My poor kids."
"We took your name saying you called us and came out of the flat. So if Namjoon-ah calls you please tell him that we're with you, PD-nim."
"Alright, alright but don't go anywhere else but office.okay?"
"Yes PD-nim. Thankyou."
After 3 weeks.
"I'm going to fail hyung. Namjoon hyung will definitely kill me. My exam was worst. I don't know what to do hyung." Y/N said with the saddest face. 
"Don't worry you'll pass."V said." How was your exam JK?" he added.
" Awesome. I'm gonna score more than 80%.How was yours?" Jk said.
"Good. Me and V cheated and teacher didn't even had an idea." Jimin said and winked.
They all laughed.
"If i fail, i swear hyung I'm gonna tell Namjoon Hyung-Nim that you bothe cheated." she teased and ran from them.
"Yaaahhh Y/N you ain't doing that." V yelled and ran after her to catch her. They all were laughing and running.
After 15 days.
It was result day. Everyone was sitting in the office to check their result online. Y/N was very nervous. She was holding Yoongi's index finger very tightly and was shaking her legs continously. " Was your exam that bad Y/N?" Hobi asked. " It was worst hyung. I'm gonna fail." Y/N replied very stressfully.
"Okay it's on site." Namjoon said.
"Shit. I'm dead." Y/N said with clenching her eyes and hanging her head. Yoongi tapped at her shoulder and said "It's okay. Don't worry."
"Jin hyung you see their results. I can't." Namjoon said as he was equally nervous as it was his exam.
"Okay Namjoon. So whose result should i see first?" Jin asked.
"Not mine definitely. Please hyung." Y/N begged.
"Okay. So first Jk then V and Jimin then Y/N." Jin said. "Jk you got 76%." Jin added.
"Thank god." Namjoon relieved a little bit.
"V you scored 72 an Jimin you did 73." Jin said looking at the computer screen.
"How did you scored than me Jimin?" V said hitting Jimin's upper arm. "Ouch it's just a one percent." Jimin said.
"Okay so let's check for Y/N." Jin said.
She shrinked herself and crossed her finger. "Please hurry up hyung. She is holding my finger so tightly that I don't even feel my finger now." Yoongi complained mockingly.
"Yes Yoongi just a second." Jin said
"Y/N" Jin said and facepalmed 🤦‍♂ "Was your exam this bad?" Jin questioned and tsked at her.
"Shit." Y/N said. She looked at Namjoon who was already looking at her. "I'm sorry hyung i will work very hard next time. I promi-." her words were cut by Jin's "You scored 93 Y/N." Everyone's eyes widened.
"Sorry Namjoon Hyun- wait what? Hyung how much? 93? Check it again it might be 39." Y/N was so shocked that she couldn't believe what Jin was saying.
"Y/N it's 93." Jin said.
Y/N relaxed and left her body so loose as if there was no soul in her body.
"Such a liar she is. She said she is going to fail. I'm not gonna talk to you Y/N. How can you score more than me." Jk complained and pouted.
"I wasn't lying jk hyung. I swear my exams went very bad. I don't know how this happened." Y/N said to convince JK. Everyone was laughing and teasing Y/N for telling lies. Everyone was very happy and Hyungs were very proud of their kid's marks.
PD-nim enters and Namjoon tells him about their marks.
"Well done Jk. I'm proud of you." PD-nim said to Jungkook. "Thankyou PD-nim." jk bowed and smiled. "Jimin and Taehyung well done boys you both graduated with very good marks. You both cheated right?" PD-nim said mockingly. Jk and Y/N laughed loudly. V stared at both of them. "No no PD-nim. Thankyou." they both said. "And my little Y/N you made me very proud today. Keep it up." Pd nim said patting her head. "Thank you Bossie." she said and smiled.
"And how can i forget, Namjoon, it's because of they scored well. Good job." PD-nim praised him. "Thankyou PD-nim." Namjoon smiled.

"I want to talk to you something very urgent Namjoon, Yoongi, Jin and Hobi. Come to my office." Pd nim said.  And all four them nodded.

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