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"From where did you got the guts to borrow money?" Jin said loosing his temper. "Okay tell me. How are going to pay all of this back?" Yoongi said sarcastically ,folding his hands. "Hmmm? Reply Y/N." Yoongi asked sternly. "Hyung i will pay her from the next pay check." she said in a very low voice with her eyes and head still down. She didn't even look up for a second because she knew what she did was very wrong. " Haah. Next Paycheck she says." Yoongi rolled his eyes. "Are you so sure that you will get your another paycheck Y/N? You know how much are we all struggling. We don't even know that whether we'll be working or not. Did you see future or something? Or someone confirmed to you that we'll get our another paycheck?" Jin questioned. Y/N shook her head slowly in denial. "I'm so ashamed of you Y/n." Yoongi said and went outside the flat crossing her. " Okay, Y/N go to your room. I'll go get Yoongi- Hyung" said Hobi. She did as she was told to do. It was very quiet that day, no one said a word. Y/N couldn't sleep. She had no courage to even go out of the room. She thought for some time and gathered her courage and went out. She saw that Yoongi and Jin were sitting in the balcony and were talking about something. She went there and stood few centimetres from frame of the door. " yes Y/N?" Jin said softly. "I'm really sorry Hyung-nim. I didn't though- ..... I won't do it ever again. I promise. I'm really really sorry." She said sincerely with her eyes down. " It's okay Y/N. You're a child you shouldn't have done this. Hyungs will take care of such things. Okay?" Jin said. She looked up at Jin and nodded. " Well, you worked very hard. I loved it." Jin appreciated. She had a small smile on his face. She looked at Yoongi but he turned his face 180 degrees and looked away from Y/N , indicating that he is still upset of her and will not forgive her that easily. Y/N's heart broke down into pieces. Jin noticed this. " You go to sleep Y/N.It's late now. You have your practice tomorrow." Jin said. "Good night Jin hyung-nim. Good night Yoongi Hyung-nim." she wished both of them seeking a reply from Yoongi but he didn't. She went to sleep. "You don't have to be so harsh on Y/N Yoongi. She is a child. We've already scolded her more than enough." Jin said. Yoongi nodded without sayinng anything.


Yoongi was sitting alone in the office. Y/N knocked at the door. "Yes come in." Yoongi said , not looking up from the papers he was reading. Y/N entered and went near his table. She slid a envelope on the table, took a step back and stood there. Yoongi looked at the envelope then at her. He took the envelope and opened it. " I paid Urooj back Hyung-nim." Y/N said slowly. Yoongi looked up at her with his eyes wide open "How?" Yoongi asked. " I worked for our neighbour aunt for two months and she paid me a million won per month. I used to pack gifts for her , write english quotes on the cards and letters and I painted 12 paintings for her gallery. " Y/N answered. "When did you work so much?" Yoongi asked. "After practice when you guys were not at home." Y/N replied. "Who else knew about you working for her gallery?" Yoongi questioned again. His questions were making her nervous. "J-Jk hyung." she said. " I see." Yoongi said and looked at the paper again. " Are you still ashamed of me Hyung?" She asked with her eyes down. Yoongi looked up at her, smiled and said "Ani." (No in Korean.) She looked up at him with a broad smile. " You forgive me?" She asked. He chuckled and nodded. She got extremely happy "Yayyyyyyyy." and hugged Yoongi. Yoongi hugged her back. "Now it's enough Y/N. Go and practice. Don't waste your time." Yoongi said. " Ye Hyunngg-nimm."( ye= yes in korean) she said exictedly and went towards the door. While closing the door she said " Saranghayeo Hyung-nim" (saranghayeo - i love you in korean. ) she said with showing him her finger heart and closed the door. Yoongi laughed at her cuteness and shook his head and went back to work. JK was waiting outside the office for her. She went out and they both high five-ed each other and hugged each other.

Yoongi came back home with a chocolate and called for Y/N. He gave her the chocolate and everyone was looking at Yoongi in shock. "o my god. So this was the reason. Why Y/N was so happy at the practice. Yoongi hyug forgive her." Jimin said. Y/N blushed. Eveeryone laughed.

(Do comment please so that i can improve my work. Thank you.)

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