Worst Incident.

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Jin turns back after seeing them off. He didn't say anything to her and heads to his room. She also leaves without saying anything to JK and Jimin. She went in her room and didn't come out for entire day.
At night around 2 am. Jin slowly opens Y/N's room door and enters. He saw that Y/N was sleeping on floor. She was shrinked as she had no covers on her. He took blanket from the bed and covers her. Then he puts a pillow under her head. He looks at her with very soft eyes and moves his hand on her head. He had tears in his eyes. "Hyung was very harsh on you today. Hyung is sorry Y/N." he murmurs. He sat there for some time then he left.
3 days passed. She tried not to cross path with Jin or any other member . She used to leave early for the shoots (Though she never wanted to go there and work with that director and his assistant but for Jin's sake she did that.) and as soon as she comes back she used to lock herself in her room only.
On 4th day Urooj called Jk and asks for Y/N, to which he replies that she is busy with her shoots. Urooj asks Jk to take her to Y/N's shoot.
Jk didn't deny because he also wants to check on Y/N and also he didn't wanted to make it obvious for Y/N that JK was concerned about her because he was still upset with her. So this was the best opportunity for him. He asks V to go with him.
Three of them went to Y/N's shoot place. Her green room was at the end of the set. They had to cross the shoot area and then all other green rooms to enter hers. Her green room had two doors.
They entered the room and what they saw, froze three of them as if their soul left their bodies. They saw two men trying to physically molest Y/N. One of them slapped Y/N. They picked her up by her hair. They were pulling her clothes and she was trying hard to get out their grip.
She saw three of them and cries out " Hyung"
Those two men saw them and ran out of the other door. V and Jk runs behind them without even thinking for a second. Urooj went near Y/N and hugged her. Urooj gives Y/N a glass of water to drink. She takes a sip and then realizes that Jk and V aren't there. "Hyung?" she gets up and run out of the room to find them. "Y/N wait." Urooj calls her out.
Y/N saw Jk and V hitting the director and his assistant very badly. She never saw both of them in such anger . They both completely lost their mind and were hitting the shit out of those men. She runs to V first. "Please hyung stop, please. They'll die hyung." she begged. She helds V's hand. "Please hyung stop." she begged again. V throws that man on the floor. She saw that Jk hasn't stopped yet.
She goes to him and tried to stop him. "Jk hyung. Please Jk hyung stop. Please." she begged to him too. She tried to hold his hand but he was uncontrollable. He shrugs off Y/N's hand.

 "Hyung-" she was about to say something but Jk turns to her and said "How the fuck he touched you?" he yelled and started to punch that man again. She got scared of the look he had on his face. He was sweating and his eyes were red.

 She hugged Jk before behind and said " Hyung please take me home.  Please hyung. I want to go home. I want to go to Jin hyung. Please stop. I beg you please take me to Jin hyung." she begged. 

Jk leaves that man and wraps his hand around Y/N. He kissed her forehead and walks away with her. She held V's hand too. Jk tells Urooj to call Jin hyung and be at home and inform him about everything. Urooj did as she was told. Y/N and V sat in her car and left for home. Jk and Urooj were in JK's car.

Namjoon who was working on something in living room heard loud sound of brakes. Jin enters asking for Y/N. "Y/N? Where is Y/N namjoon?" he asked. He was panting.
"Calm down hyung. She must be at her shoot. What happened?" Namjoon said.
Before Jin could reply to him, Jk and Urooj enters the dorm. Then V and Y/N enters. V was holding Y/N's hand. "Y/N" Jin said. She looks up at Jin and ran towards him. She throws herself on Jin and starts crying "Hyung-Hyung" she tried to speak but couldn't. "Shh shh i know everything . Don't worry hyung is here. You're safe now." Jin says with all the love he had. Yoongi also came out after hearing the noises.
"What happened? Why is Y/N crying?" Yoongi asked. V explains everything to everyone.
"What the fuck? How dare that piece of shit touch my sister? He is going to die. " Yoongi said taking his phone and calling someone.
Jin and Y/N were now sitting on sofa. Y/N was in Jin's lap like a small child, snuggled up. She raises her head up and calls "Yoongi hyung?"
Yoongi turns and looks at her so softly as if his anger vanished away in a second. He moves towards Y/N and sat on the sofa. She puts out her hand, indicating that she wants to hold Yoongi's finger. "Please stay beside me." she said. "I'm here my baby. Hyung is not going anywhere." Yoongi replies very softly giving his finger into Y/N's hands.
"Namjoon hyung do something legal please. They all are willing to murder. " she said and giggles a little. Namjoon was in so shock that he couldn't speak a word till now. "Y/N-ah" he murmurs. He takes his phone out and informs police about all of this. Meanwhile Jk calls Jimin and Hobi. He asked them to come home.

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