29 | jordan and cynthia

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Ruby trembled violently, unable to speak

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Ruby trembled violently, unable to speak. There was silence until all that was heard was a thud, as Jordan dropped the gun. "I.. I killed him.." The Waithe choked out. "Ruby..." Penelope spoke up, as she stepped forward to put a hand on the Waithe's shoulder, hoping to comfort her, but Ruby took a step back.

"I.. I just killed a man!" Ruby blurted, as her eyes filled with tears. "Oh my god... I'm a monster." She realised, as she clasped her hands over her mouth. Monica and Penelope looked at her sadly, realising this meant Ruby has triggered her curse.

As if on queue, the pinkette fell to the ground in pain, as she felt an immense pain flowing through her entire body. "Ruby!" Monica blurted out, as the Waithe looked up at the pair with her eyes flashing a golden yellow.

Monica opened her mouth to speak, but didn't get the chance as Ruby was suddenly thrown through the forest, being chased by a heartbroken Jordan. "You killed my father! How could you?!" He roared, as Ruby's body hit the ground.

"I didn't want to kill him... I was just trying to protect Monica!" The werewolf insisted, as a ring of fire suddenly appeared around her. "You are going to pay for this." Jordan spoke coldly, as he was evidently hurt. The flames slowly inched closer to the Waithe girl. "Stop it! She didn't mean to kill him!" Penelope growled, trying to extinguish the flames with her own magic.

Monica painfully got to her feet, feeling each wooden bullet in her body. She then used the little energy she has left to vampire speed to Jordan, pushing him aside. "Please! Please stop! She didn't mean to do this, she was protecting me! If you're going to blame anyone— blame me!" The vampire begged. Ruby panicked as the flames inched closer, as Penelope tried anything she can to stop the fire.

"Please Jordan, Ruby is my family!" Monica insisted as she was about to burst into tears. Jordan stopped the spell as tears filled his eyes, "And Titus was mine." He managed to choke out, before he broke down.

Monica tried to catch the boy as he sunk to his knees. "I am so sorry for your loss." The blonde said genuinely. Ruby was still at a loss for words, as she watched Jordan cry.


Jordan lead the trio to his humble home, as the werewolf and witch were trailing behind, helping Monica to walk as she was struggled. Her body ached from the wooden bullets.

Jordan opened the door, letting the girls inside. "Mum! I'm home." He called out, as a woman soon entered into the room seeming happy, but her smile faded as she saw her son with red puffy eyes. She looked to the girls, seeing Monica in bad shape.

"What happened? Who are they?" Cynthia, the older woman asked. "Dad is dead. The pink haired girl killed him." Jordan began, as his voice sounded cold. "Also this is Monica, my sister that Dad never told me about. The other two are her friends." He added, before exiting the room, leaving to his bedroom.

Cynthia, still processing everything, looked to the three girls. "You have a lovely home." Penelope blurted out awkwardly as the woman partially smiled, "Let me help you, dear." She said, as she walked towards Monica.


Monica laid still as Cynthia began removing the wooden bullets from her body. The blonde hissed in pain as Cynthia frowned, "Sorry, it shouldn't take too much longer." The witch insisted. "It's fine, I appreciate that you're helping me." The Montgomery spoke through her gritted teeth.

"I'm sorry about Titus. He meant nothing to me, but I can tell he means a lot to you and Jordan." Monica finally said. Cynthia shook her head, "Titus was nothing to me. We dated. We broke up. We had a one night stand while he was dating Rue, which he had lied about. I had Jordan and Titus obviously ran." Cynthia summed up for the Montgomery. "As Jordy got older, Titus began to have a relationship with him, but he only started showing interest when his other son died."

Monica blinked in surprise, as she took a moment to process all of this before she frowned in realisation. "His son Maxwell, he did die. I know because... he was me." She summed up as Cynthia realised what Monica was saying. "Oh my gosh.." She blurted out, realising that Titus abandoned his son once they came out as transgender. "He has such a beautiful daughter, and he was a fool for not accepting that." Cynthia spoke bitterly. Monica laughed nervously, before she gave the woman a small smile, "Thank you."

The blonde winced in pain, as the last bullet had been pulled out of her leg. "Thank fuck that is over." The Montgomery admitted, as the final wound healed. She sat up and faced Jordan's mother. "Is there anything I can do for Jordan?" She asked, wanting to make things right. "After all, this is all my fault. This would never of happened if I didn't show up here. Jordan would never have lost his father and my best friend would never have triggered her werewolf curse!" Monica sighed, feeling very guilty.

"Sweetheart, this isn't your fault. Titus had it coming, trust me he has been living with a bounty over his head for years. My coven have been wanting him dead." Cynthia admitted, before she placed a hand on Monica's shoulder.

"Jordan needs time, but I'm sure he would love to get to know you in the future. I think now if anything, you need to be there for your friend. She is about to go through a really hard time in her life." Cynthia spoke as Monica nodded as a tear rolled down her cheek. "I know.."


Ruby had been trying to calm herself down, but she had been hysterical. Penelope sat beside her, trying to comfort her. Even though Titus was a monster, Ruby felt an insane amount of guilt for killing him. She killed Monica and Jordan's father, Ruth and Cynthia's past lover. With his pattern, he probably had more children out there who were now completely fatherless. Ruby also couldn't believe that she was capable of murder— she wasn't a killer.

The Waithe also knew now that her werewolf curse had been triggered, something she had absolutely dreaded as she had seen what Rafael had gone through.

"Ruby, this isn't your fault." Penelope tried to assure her, as she embraced the girl. "But it is! I'm the one that pushed him. The hurt in Jordan's eyes, it was all because of me. I murdered his father."

Meanwhile inside, Monica walked down the hallway, her eyes still filled with tears as she fought to hold them back. She still blamed herself, for all of this.

A door opened and Jordan entered the hallway, noticing Monica. "Hey." He greeted. Monica made eye contact with the boy as she looked ashamed. "Jordan, I'm really so sorry for all of this. I hated Titus, but I never wanted him to die. I never wanted you to lose your father." She confessed.

Jordan shook his head, "No. This isn't your fault. I... I should never called and asked Dad about you. I should have known something was up if he had never mentioned you before." Jordan sighed as Monica didn't know what to say in response. She wasn't surprised that Titus had never mentioned her existence to her half brother.

Silence fell upon the pair, before Jordan made eye contact with his sister again. "Do you want to stay over the night?" He asked, wanting to get to know his sister that he had been completely kept in the dark about. Monica sniffled, before she smiled slightly, "I'd really like that."

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