28 | where is monica montgomery?

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"Penelope, I need your help

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"Penelope, I need your help." Ruby spoke, entering the Park's dorm abruptly. "Good morning Penelope, can I have your help with something?" Penelope asked mockingly before she responded to herself and Ruby, "Why of course Ruby." She then gave the Waithe a blank stare before she asked, "What's up?"

"Well as you know Monica just disappeared without a word a couple of days ago, and I'm worried about her. I was wondering if you could do a locator spell on her." The werewolf pleaded as Penelope nodded, "Sure, though I'm surprised you came to me for this." She added. "I would have asked Josie, but she went to Maple Hollows with Alaric and everyone else." Ruby admitted.

"Alright, I'll do the spell. I'll need a bit of time though." Penelope spoke as Ruby nodded. "Thank you. I'll just be in my dorm." She replied, before leaving the room.

Sometime later Penelope pushed the door to Hope and Ruby's dorm room open, finding Ruby packing some of her clothes into a backpack. "She's in Phoenix, Arizona." Penelope stated as the werewolf span around. "She is from there." The Park added as Ruby nodded, "Yeah... Well I guess I'm off to Phoenix."

"You're really gonna go there? You're probably gonna get there and find out that she is fine, just having a little vacation." The Park admitted. "If Monica was on a vacation, she'd be posting it all over Instagram." Ruby pointed out as Penelope had to agree, realising that was correct.

Ruby zipped up her bag, before looking back at Penelope. "Are you... coming with me?" The Waithe asked, unsure if Penelope would take the offer, but she figured if things took a horrible turn, she might need the help. "Yeah, I just gotta pack a couple of things."

"Great. I'll see you in twenty."


Meanwhile in Phoenix, Monica was grieving as it was the anniversary of Rue Montgomery's death. Monica sat in front of her mother's grave, before placing a bouquet of flowers by the tombstone. A tear rolled down her cheek, before she sadly smiled at the tombstone. "I miss you, Mum." The vampire said aloud, as though Rue could hear her.

Footsteps approached the blonde, and she turned around to make eye contact with a taller boy with shoulder length raven hair, and bright brown eyes. In his hands, were a bundle of orange pansies. The boy awkwardly stopped by Rue's tombstone as Monica stood up to face him.

She looked at the flowers, before making eye contact with the stranger again. "You must be at the wrong grave, Rue hated the colour orange... and she sure wasn't fond of pansies." Monica stated, as the boy frowned at her, "And who might you be?" He asked curiously.

"Monica Montgomery. Daughter of Rue and Titus. I knew my mother very well." She spoke confidently as she crossed her arms. "Well... I'm placing these flowers here on behalf of Titus, I didn't know Rue, myself." The boy admitted as Monica smiled fakely, "Well tell Titus to shove his orange flowers and fake sympathy up his ass." She spoke venomously before she turned on her heels and left.

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