04 | this is the part where you run

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Monica burst through the doors to Alaric's office

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Monica burst through the doors to Alaric's office. "Morning Ric, Landon." She greeted, with a smirk on her lips. "Dr Saltzman." Alaric corrected her, as he wore an unamused look.

"Where's MG?" Landon asked nervously, as he felt unnerved around Monica. "Milton dearest is sleeping off a terrible hangover— which means I'm filling in for him today." Monica explained, a smirk on her lips. Landon just nodded sadly, not ready to leave the school.

"Your siblings are gonna be okay here. We'll look out for them." Monica decided, before she put her right hand on Landon's shoulder so she could look at the human in the eye and compel him. Monica's irises dilated and contracted as she attempted to take Landon's memories.

"Now, all you gotta do is go home. Forget everything that you've seen or learned in the past two days. All you need to know is that your friends have found a home where he can live a better life." Monica compelled the boy. Landon blinked as the compulsion seemingly kicked in.


At the front of the school, wearing the Salvatore uniform were the Waithe twins. The pair stood with Landon, saying their goodbyes. Rafael and Ruby looked at Landon sadly. "Are you sure?" Rafael asked him, for the fourth time. "Yeah, it's not to late for us to come along with you." Ruby added.

"I'll be fine. I promise." Landon responded to the twins, who still seemed reluctant. The Kirby reached out to bring them in for a hug, which they quickly returned. The trio hugged for a moment before Landon let go, setting off with his backpack as the twins sadly watched.


After some time, Ruby found herself standing outside Rafael's dorm, waiting for him to answer as she'd just knocked. "Come in!" Rafael's voice could be heard from inside.

The pink haired girl entered the dorm, closing the door behind her before she faced the taller Waithe. "Hey Rafi." Ruby greeted, as she found her twin seated on his bed, looking glum. "Hey Ru." Rafael responded, turning to face his sister.

"Rafi... I feel like I should have gone with Landon. I was so determined to stay by your side, because we always stay together... but now Landon is out there all alone and I feel terrible." Ruby sighed, rambling her worries. "I know. I feel like shit, thinking about it. I miss him already. The three of us were supposed to stick together." Rafael responded, feeling just as disappointed.

Ruby walked over and plonked herself on the end of Rafael's bed. She then faced him, with a sympathetic look on her face. "Then we go and find him, Rafi. Two werewolves, side by side. We won't stop until we find our lost brother." Ruby suggested as Rafael had a confused expression on his face.

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