05 | love is weakness

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Inside Penelope and Monica's dorm, the Park was seated in a chair, while the latter was snipping her burnt ends away with a pair of scissors

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Inside Penelope and Monica's dorm, the Park was seated in a chair, while the latter was snipping her burnt ends away with a pair of scissors. "I can't believe she set me on fire!" Penelope complained, still in disbelief that the ex she spoke so innocently about would do such a thing.

Monica wasn't overly surprised. She never believed that Josie was as innocent as Penelope made her out to be. "You needed a change Pen, you're gonna look amazing when I'm done with you." Monica declared, hoping to lift her spirits. Penelope just sighed, "I guess you're right."

"I guess this was her revenge for me kissing Ruby... oh well, hopefully Ruby will like me with this haircut." Penelope decided with a shrug. Monica looked to Penelope for a moment, as she stopped cutting her hair, "You really like this Ruby girl, don't you?"

"I don't know. I barely know her. I'm worried she's going to be a lot like Josie... the selfless one who's world revolves around the selfish." Penelope summed it up. Monica shrugged, "Wouldn't surprise me... apparently she's in a constant state of worry when it comes to her brothers."

"Boys in general, are a real worry, Mon." Penelope reminded the blonde, as Monica had to agree. "Speaking of Ruby's brothers, Rafael is cute, don't you think?" She asked. The Montgomery answered, "He is cute, I think he might like me." The vampire confessed with a smirk. Penelope raised an eyebrow, before she grinned, "Oh really?"

Monica rolled her eyes, "But I'm not interested in relationships. Love is weakness." She simply stated, which caused Penelope to frown, "I love you, does that make me weak?" She asked.

Monica didn't answer, as she went back to snipping away at Penelope's ends. After a couple minutes, she walked off to grab a hand mirror, her heels clicking on the ground.

"Here you go, gorgeous." Monica hummed, returning to her roommate as she handed her the hand mirror. Penelope looked at her hair in the reflection, before smirking, "Damn Mon, I do look hot." Penelope confessed, looking pleased with her haircut. Monica just gave a confident smirk.


Monica's heels clicked loudly on the floor as herself and Penelope walked down the hallway, heading to the cafeteria. As they walked, Lizzie was complaining to her twin about how the Salvatore Stallions jersey was fitting her.

"Maybe you're pregnant, Lizzie. Oh, or maybe it's just how that jersey fits." Penelope spoke up, hoping that Monica would be impressed by her dig at Lizzie, but the blonde was genuinely disappointed by the comment. Monica may be a bitch, but she would never body shame somebody.

"Go away, evil one." Josie piped up as Penelope flipped grinned, "Already gone. Hot tip, next time you burn your ex's hair off, make sure she can't rock a lob."

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