74 | it's your destiny

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Wade wandered down into the cellar, holding a blood bag in his arms

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Wade wandered down into the cellar, holding a blood bag in his arms. Ruby was seated against the wall when the fairy entered the basement, though a smirk graced her features when she saw the bag of blood.

Ruby zoomed to the bars of the cell, her arms reaching through, "Give it to me!" She demanded. Wade flinched in surprise before he handed the blood bag to the starving hybrid. She ripped it open, not wasting a second to start drinking the thick red liquid which made Wade want to gag.

"Okay... now you can open the door." Ruby hummed, licking the blood off of her fingers. Wade frowned, "Look.. I have been helping you, because Landon was my best friend... but I'm not letting you out of this cellar. Not when you're like this." The fairy insisted.

Ruby just smiled, sweetly... sickly sweetly. She reached her hand through the bars of the cell, gripping them on Wade's shirt as he made the mistake of standing too close. "If you don't release me, I will kill you right now." She threatened as Wade's eyes widened in fear.

He reluctantly opened the cellar. Ruby smiled, before speeding out of it. "Thanks, fairy boy." She said before giving him a shove, and locking him into the cellar instead.

"Ruby— no!" Wade called out, as she just laughed to herself. "Sorry Wadey, can't have you ratting me out to everyone. Byeee." She hummed before she disappeared in a blur.

Her destination was unknown.


Lizzie entered the library to see Hope and Monica with their head buried into books.

"Morning ladies." Lizzie greeted as she went to sit beside Monica. "Morning babe." Monica greeted, as she kissed the Saltzman on the cheek before going back to her book. "Morning Lizzie." Hope responded.

"From your experience... what made you want to turn your emotions back on?" Hope asked, as Monica had shared a story once, about how she turned off her emotions after her mother died.

Monica looked up, "Well... Roman Sienna helped me to turn my emotions back on. He kept talking about my family and eventually it hit a nerve when talking about my Dad. Hate and anger is what I first felt, and then all of my emotions came flooding back in at once." The vampire confessed.

Hope seemed slightly disturbed by the Roman mention, although she nodded and looked back into the book she was reading. The Mikealson had adapted to being a fully activated tribrid quite well, as Monica had been helping her the best she could.

"Wait— I have an idea!" Hope suddenly admitted, before getting out of her seat and disappearing. "Um... do you want to tell us what that might be?" Lizzie asked sarcastically. Monica groaned at Hope's behaviour and took hold of Lizzie's hand, before zooming the pair after the tribrid.


"I swear it was here!" Hope complained as she looked through Ruby's belongings for the ascendant. "What are you looking for?" Monica asked with a frown. "The ascendant!" The auburn haired girl responded.

"Woah— no you can not send Ruby in there!" Lizzie frowned at the tribrid. "What if her emotions don't turn back on and she kills her family? The only one bound to this world is Rafael." Monica then asked. "Look, I'll explain but I need to—"

"What are you looking for?" Jordan asked, standing in the doorway now. "The ascendant!" Hope answered, feeling like she was talking to a brick wall. "I have it." The younger Montgomery admitted, as Hope, Lizzie and Monica suddenly turned to him. "What?" They all asked in unison, as they seemed surprised.

The witch nodded, "Ruby trusted me with it, after Rafael was sent there." He explained. "Well.. where is it— we need it." Hope demanded. "Not until you fill me in on what you plan to do with it." Jordan responded.

"Fine.." Hope sighed, before she began to explain the plan to the group.


Monica headed down into the cellar to speak to Ruby, though she froze in shock when she saw Wade standing inside the cellar Ruby had been in only hours prior. "What the fuck?" She growled, her heels stomping on the cement as she approached the cell opening.

She hauled it open, before glaring at Wade. "Where the hell is Ruby?" She demanded as Wade got to his feet, "I... I don't know. I had to let her out, she was going to kill me!" He assured her.

The vampire sighed impatiently, before she turned around to storm upstairs and tell the others what had happened.


Jordan looked into the mirror, puzzled when he saw a figure standing behind him. He flinched, and looked up again, to see that it was gone. "What the hell.." He sighed to himself, before turning around.

Seeing a familiar figure before him, he jumped in fright. It was Marcus Kelly, the leader of the Luna coven... or at least, was. It seemed like it was his spirit, in Jordan's dorm.

"M...Marcus.." Jordan stammered, as the man smiled. "Jordan, your time has come to lead. You need to make the sacrifice." His tone was strict, yet heartfelt. Jordan shook his head, "No... I will not kill twelve people! I will not become the leader!" The Montgomery snapped.

"It is tradition, a leader needs their power. And becoming the coven leader, is your destiny." Marcus spoke as Jordan backed away, shaking his head. "I didn't ask for this!" Jordan insisted as Marcus took a step towards the raven haired boy. "You have no choice. No one has ever denied leadership before... do you really want to be the first?"

Jordan grit his teeth, "Get out!" He yelled, as the floor began to shake. The raven haired witch opened his eyes, as the former Luna leader ghost was gone. He let out a sigh of relief.

The door suddenly opened, as Monica stood in the doorway. "Hey Jordy.." She trailed off, visibly still annoyed that Ruby has escaped, but when she noticed that Jordan looked rather pale, her anger subsided.

"Are you okay?" She asked with concern. Jordan blinked in surprise, "I... uh... yeah I'm okay." He lied, assuming that everything that had just happened was all in his head. Even if it wasn't, now wasn't the time to talk about it. Now, they needed to save Ruby.

"Are you sure?" Monica asked as Jordan nodded, hoping she would drop it. "Did you need something, Mon?" He then asked. The blonde nodded before she entered the room, holding a bracelet. It was Landon's compass bracelet, the one Hope had made for her when she first left the school with Landon. Although it was gifted to Landon, Ruby had been the one to mostly wear it.

The vampire placed it in her brother's hand. "Ruby has escaped. Can you please do a locator spell?" The blonde asked. Jordan's eyes widened in surprise that their emotionless ripper hybrid friend was now on the loose. "Of course."

The boy clutched the watch in his hand. "Get your car ready, as soon as I have a location, you'll be on the road." The witch decided. "On it." Monica hummed, before super speeding out of the dorm.

Jordan took a seat on his bed, as he was about to do a locator spell. Instinctively he turned to look at his mirror again, as he saw Marcus' figure again, staring furiously at him. The boy swallowed thickly, before turning away from the mirror.

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