19 | the selfish and the selfless

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Night had fallen, and Hope and Monica were still trapped inside of the gym

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Night had fallen, and Hope and Monica were still trapped inside of the gym. Hope was leaning against a sawhorse while Monica paced around boredly.

"So, you can slay a dragon, but you can't get us out of here?" The blonde asked, as Hope sighed and anxiously fret with her bracelets. "Only Penelope can undo the spell. Or, the twins could siphon the magic..." She explained to the blonde.

Monica walked over to Hope and placed her hands on the sawhorse so she could lean against it from the other side. "Well, that's unlikely, seeing as Lizzie probably thinks I'm standing her up right now." She hummed. Hope shrugged, "Her ego could use a little bit of deflating."

Monica took her hands off of the sawhorse and continued to pace around the gymnasium again. The vampires gazed up at the clock on the wall, which is ticking loudly. "One more minute." Monica noted, wondering how the party was going. She couldn't wait to make a dramatic entrance and more excitedly, join in on the fun.

The girl then thought about the events of earlier today... how she'd walked the twins to their father's office and they found their dead biological mother inside. Monica's lips parted, as she went to speak.. to tell Hope about it, but the tribrid spoke up, causing her to hold that thought.

"Times up! Well.. I'm heading back to my room." Hope declared, before walking away and eventually leaving the gymnasium. Monica didn't say anything.. but instead thought about her own mother.

Her mind drifted away, she thought about the memories she had with her mother, that she absolutely cherished. Rue Montgomery had been the most supportive person in Monica's life, and she'd been taken from her daughter too soon.

A tear rolled down the Montgomery's cheek, and she blinked in surprise when she realised she was crying. Quickly, she wiped away her tears, but let out a sniffle. Suddenly she didn't feel like she was in a mood to party anymore.


Monica stood in front of her mirror, applying makeup. She had convinced herself to still go to the party, despite being in a sad mood. The vampire finished her look with a pale red lipstick, and took a step back to admire her outfit in the mirror. The girl slipped into some heels before exitee her dorm, as she gave herself a pep talk.

Now in the Grand Hall, the party was still going on and with plenty of enthusiasm. As Monica entered the hall, a cover of Everything She Does Is Magic by the Police started to play. She peered into the crowd and noticed Lizzie and MG dancing together slowly, and smirked at the smitten smile on MG's lips... and how Lizzie's attention was going to instantly drift from him the second the blonde was in the Saltzman's view.

Moments later Monica approached Lizzie, and as expected Lizzie's attention completely drifted from MG to Monica. The Montgomery tapped MG on the shoulder, "I can take it from here, Milton." The blonde hummed.

When MG saw the look of excitement on Lizzie's face at the site of Monica, he sadly stepped aside as Monica just smirked, enjoying this drama. "Thanks." Once the two were alone, Monica looked at Lizzie with a fake, apologetic expression. "Sorry I was late."

Lizzie smiled, forgetting how upset she was when Monica wasn't initially there at the party, "I'll forgive you... just this once."


After the party Monica sauntered down the hallway towards her dorm, passing MG and Penelope. Meanwhile Josie came out of her dorm wearing a fluffy white bathrobe and carrying a towel. She looked both physically and emotionally exhausted as she passed Monica. The blonde gave her a weak smile, wondering what'd happened that night.

Monica then continued to walk, entering her dorm whilst Josie walked in the other direction, stopping as she looked at MG, pretending as though Penelope were not even there.

Monica let out a sigh, throwing off her heels before she sunk into her bed. Curiously, she concentrated hard to try and overhear the trio's conversation outside her dorm. "You're the reason I got buried alive on my birthday." Josie's voice was heard, snapping at Penelope. Monica just blinked in surprise, wondering what the hell the Park girl had done.

"I took your advice— I wanted something, and I went for it. I made the selfish move, and I ended up fighting a zombie. There's room for people in this world that just care about other people. Not everybody has to be a show-boat." Josie added as there was silence.

"You're right. This world needs the selfless and the selfish to keep spinning." Penelope's voice was heard. Monica sat up, thinking about this, but then cringed when she heard the pair kiss. The blonde stopped listening in, and instead thought about what Penelope had said.

This world needs the selfless and the selfish to keep spinning.

Monica knew in her case... she'd be the selfish. The girl felt like she'd been screwed over so much, she hated the world and everyone in it... and now only cared for herself.

But the selfless... who could be the selfless one that would balance her out? Surely not Lizzie.. definitely not Penelope.


The girl frowned, as the pinkette she'd hardly befriended came to her mind, as she suddenly wondered how she was doing and if she was okay.


Ruby and Landon entered the hotel room they'd been staying at, for the past few nights. "I'm starting to like this place." Landon confessed. "That's good.. because it seems like you'll be living here." Ruby replied sarcastically, sinking into one of the single beds. They had been visiting Seylah's cafe everyday, yet Landon hadn't once tried to confront her.

The wolf texted back and forth with Rafael, as he told her about what's been happening at the school. "Ummm.." The girl blurted, looking at her mobile in surprise. "What is it?" Landon asked, curiously. "Apparently Josie and Lizzie's biological Mum had risen from the dead and buried Josie alive." Ruby explained to Landon, as she still looked at her phone in shock.


"The twins apparently siphoned the magic out of her until she was.. nothing.." Ruby spoke sadly, feeling guilt rise in her chest, as she couldn't imagine the pain the twins would be in right now. "Heh. Just an average day at the Salvatore school." Landon replied with a nervous laugh, before he realised the laugh was definitely insensitive.

Ruby ignored her foster brother, and placed her phone down on the table beside her bed, before she got up to head to the bathroom. "Have you spoken to Hope since we left?" Landon asked suddenly. Ruby shrugged, "Not really." The pinkette had sent Hope a couple of messages, but didn't get any reply... she wasn't sure how she felt about it.

"What do you want to do tomorrow?" Ruby asked, changing the subject from Hope. "I think tomorrow we go back to the cafe... I think I'll finally talk to Seylah." Landon decided as Ruby smirked, "About time." Before Landon could say anything else, Ruby headed into the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

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