26 | take a hint

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It had been a couple of days since the new close friendship had started between the dormant werewolf and the not so heartless vampire, and the other Salvatore students seemed just as shocked as they were about it

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It had been a couple of days since the new close friendship had started between the dormant werewolf and the not so heartless vampire, and the other Salvatore students seemed just as shocked as they were about it. Unlike others that tried so hard to be Monica's friend, Ruby was just being her usual loving self.

Currently, Ruby was seated in front of her vanity, as Monica styled her hair. The werewolf cringed at the pain of her hair being tugged, but then looked in the mirror to see that she had a cute half up half down space buns look. Ruby smiled at her hair and looked to Monica, "This looks so cute! Thanks Mon!"

Ruby then stood up and was now beside Monica, wearing her new silver hoop earrings that she had bought to match with the blonde vampire. "Anytime, it suits you." Monica smiled.

Suddenly, Hope entered the dorm and Monica's face faltered, as she gave her a blank look. Ruby, who was only managing small talk with Hope, turned around to face her roommate and crush. "Morning."

The tribrid, who seemed extra happy today, walked over to the werewolf and admired her hairstyle, "Wow Ruby! You look beautiful! That hair style suits you so much!" She spoke with a grin. Monica wore an expression of confusion upon seeing the Mikealson's behaviour. Ruby, who felt like Hope was just trying extra hard to get back in her good books, just smiled back. "Thanks."

Hope left the room, as Ruby and Monica exchanged confused looks. "What the fuck has gotten into sad little Mikealson?" The blonde asked as Ruby silently shrugged, just as unsure.


Ruby let out a laugh, as she had thrown a small piece of bread at her twin who had his mouth open to catch it, as it had landed on his tongue. "Impressive." The werewolf admitted. Rafael chuckled, as Landon watched the twins while he ate his food.

Monica and Penelope walk passed as the tall vampire gave Ruby a little wave. Ruby smiled and waved back, as Landon and Rafael looked at the pinkette, a bit confused. "Since when were you two all buddy-buddy?" Rafael asked. Ruby shrugged, "Since I treated her like a friend instead of an idol, unlike everyone else." She admitted, as Landon and Rafael looked at eachother, unsure what that meant. This caused Ruby to facepalm.

Suddenly, Hope joined their table as she placed down her tray of food and took a seat beside Landon. "Morning handsome!" She chimed, seeming eerily happy. Rafael gave Ruby a puzzled look, to which she shrugged in response.

"Mmm. Sweet, sweet carbs." Hope said, eyeballing the plate infront of her. "Somebody's in a really good mood." Landon admitted as the tribrid shrugged, "Hmm. Just woke up on the right side of the bed, I guess."

"For the first time ever?" Ruby asked, as she had never seen Hope like this. The Mikealson just giggled, before saying in a tone that almost seemed flirty, "You're so funny. I love that about you."

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