02 | enter, queen bee

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Walking through the corridors of the Salvatore school, Lizzie bit back a smile as her eyes landed on a popular blonde haired girl

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Walking through the corridors of the Salvatore school, Lizzie bit back a smile as her eyes landed on a popular blonde haired girl. Continuing her tour she declared, "Now if you look to your right, you will see the girl that everyone wants, or wants to be. She also happens to be everyones most and least favourite student in the school."

Rafael looked to his right, as his eyes landed on a girl with long blonde locks and bright blue eyes. Her hair swayed side to side as she confidently strode down the hallway, her heels clicking on the ground as she did.

"And that is?" Rafael asked, almost breathlessly. "That is Monica Montgomery, she is the school's queen bee. She's also a vampire and a stone cold bitch, so don't get on her bad side." Josie answered Rafael's question before she also looked over to Monica. "She's.. really beautiful and confident.." Josie added.

A confident smile grew on Lizzie's lips, before she waved to Monica. "Mon!! Hey!" She called out, causing Monica to spin around to face the group. The Montgomery wore a confident smile on her lips, that caused Lizzie's heart to flutter.

The vampire approached the trio, as the clatter of her heels soon came to a stop. "Hey girls." Monica greeted the twins, as one of her hands were sitting on her hips. "Who is this?" She asked, turning to Rafael before she looked him up and down. Rafael couldn't help but blush when Monica's eyes locked with his, causing her to smirk again.

"This is Rafael, he is new to our school." Josie explained. Monica then held a hand out to Rafael, "It's nice to meet you." She said, though her tone of voice sounded faux. "Uh.. It's nice to meet you too." Rafael replied , before shaking her hand.

"Are you girls going to the party tonight?" Monica then asked, retracting her hand from Rafael's as she turned to the twins. Josie opened her mouth to speak, but was cut off as her twin had beaten her to it. "Yep! We'll definitely be there, Mon!"

Monica grinned at Lizzie, "I guess I'll see you there." She declared, before she began to walk away, leaving the trio.

Lizzie and Josie then glanced at eachother, with big smiles. "Jo did you hear that?! It sounds like Monica is interested in seeing us at the party!" Lizzie blurted out, hardly containing her excitement. "Yeah but.. she'll probably be with the evil one." Josie sighed, referring to Penelope Park, Josie's ex girlfriend.

"Am I missing something here?" Rafael asked awkwardly, before the siphoners turned to him. "You girls made it out like she is a bitch.. why are you excited to see her at this party?" He added, seeming confused. "Because, everyone wants to be friends with the Monica Montgomery." Lizzie explained to him.

"Though she doesn't really seem to maintain friendships with others... it seems like she might be friends with Penelope, but that's the longest I've seen her keep somebody by her side." Josie admitting, as their IT girl seemed to be yet a mystery.

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