47 | you were supposed to come back to me

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Jordan's eyes fluttered open, as he was laying on his dorm bed

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Jordan's eyes fluttered open, as he was laying on his dorm bed. He rolled over to see Josie and Ruby asleep on the other bed. Josie's arms were around Ruby and Jordan chuckled at the sight, which woke them up.

"Jordan!" Josie blurted out, as she quickly got up and rushed to the Luna witch's side, before colliding her lips with his. Jordan was taken by surprise, though he kissed her back.

"Get a room." Ruby huffed once she was awake and sitting up. The couple broke apart as Jordan chuckled, "Get out of my room." He joked. Ruby rolled her eyes playfully before she walked over to the Montgomery and embraced the boy. He hugged her back.

The door to the dorm opened as Cynthia walked  in. "Jordan." Cynthia's voice sounded relieved as the woman rushed over to embrace her son. "What were you thinking!?" She asked once she pulled away.

"I... I know it was dangerous— but I can control dark magic.. I know Josie can't." Jordan began. "I did it for them.. for Josie and Lizzie." Cynthia's eyes filled with tears as she was relieved her son was okay. She again embraced her son tightly as she tried not to cry.


The next morning had arrived and Monica sat at the front of the Mystic Grill, sipping on a mug of coffee. She snapped her head to her right upon hearing footsteps approach her. Her eyes widened when she saw Lizzie approach her. "Monica Blair Montgomery!"

"Lizzie?" Monica answered confusedly as the other blonde was quick to throw her arms around the Montgomery in an embrace. Monica was taken by surprise, but hugged her back tightly.

Lizzie pulled away with tear filled eyes, "You were supposed to come back to me." She reminded the taller girl, as Monica felt her heart sink. "But you looked so much happier without me... I didn't want to ruin that." The Montgomery admitted.

"I wasn't happier without you— nobody has been! Without you and Hope... we all have been feeling like we're missing something." Lizzie explained, now seated beside the Montgomery.

"With Rafael being stuck as a werewolf and you and Hope being gone... Ruby became really miserable." She admitted, as Monica's eyes widened. The thought of her best friend— who was pretty much the human personification of sunshine, being depressed and miserable.. really made her feel awful.

"And I have been trying to fill the void by seeing this guy named Sebastian that turns out is just a figment of my imagination!" Lizzie rambled on. "Basically.. we missed you." The Saltzman concluded, as she dropped her hands down onto the table. Monica looked over to Lizzie, her eyes now also filled with tears. "I've missed you so much." She admitted, as she placed her hand on top of Lizzies.

And then Monica did what she had wanted to do for so long.. she cupped Lizzie's face gently and kissed her.


A few moments later, Monica and Lizzie rushed over to Hope, who was guarding the small bubbling pit that was Malivore, closely.

"Hope Andrea Mikealson!" Lizzie huffed. Hope span around and looked at them confusedly, as she saw Monica and Lizzie holding hands. "It's official, I remember everything!" Lizzie announced as Hope's face lit up. "How? You are literally the only person on the planet that remembers us!" She blurted, before she got to her feet and went to hug Lizzie.

"Epic former frenemy reunion is going to have to wait. We have more important matters— the decade dance is tonight and we have some shopping to do!" The Saltzman reminded them, as Monica just gave her a loving smile, as she was beyond happy that her girlfriend remembered her.

Suddenly, a woman in 80's fashion popped up from the pit, coughing from the smoke. "...Who are you?" Monica asked, as she kept Lizzie behind her protectively. "I'm the keeper." The woman replied, as she glanced at the three supernaturals.

"And this is going to be a lot easier than I thought.." Hope muttered to the couple beside her, as Monica snorted in amusement.

The keeper held up her wrist, as she wore a bracelet that was glowing. She then smirked, "Welcome to the game." She spoke before she disappeared, leaving the trio alone.

Monica frowned as she faced Lizzie and Hope. "Well that was definitely anti climactic." She admitted. "Cmon, let's just head back to the school." Hope decided.

The trio entered the road, before Lizzie asked, "Guys doesn't this place look a little like—" but didn't get to finish her sentence, as a car on the road raced towards them at full speed.

Suddenly, the trio were back on the grass. They sat up, and gave eachother confused looks. "What the fuck was that?" Monica huffed, as she got to her feet before she offered Lizzie a hand.

Hope stood up, and looked at the pair. "I think the game just started." She sighed with annoyance.


Ruby and Rafael raced through the hallway, shoving eachother playfully, until Rafael was thrown into a pile of balloons, unintentionally. Ruby covered her mouth and giggled, as Rafael just shook his head and chuckled.

Suddenly, Jordan approached them and offered Rafael a hand. The Waithe boy took it and looked at the Montgomery for a long moment before he smiled. "Thank you."

"No problem." Jordan smiled back, as he let go of his hand before he turned around to face Ruby. "Hey, MG and Kaleb want us to help them with something." He said. "Oh." Ruby responded, before she shrugged, "Okay."

The pair went to leave, but not before Ruby turned back to her twin. "I'll see you later Rafi." She smiled, holding up her hand to fistbump him. Rafael chuckled before he fistbumped his twin.

He then looked at the hoodie she was wearing.. his white and black checkered hoodie. "You know what... keep that hoodie." He decided as Ruby looks down to realise she was wearing his hoodie, again. "Are you sure?" She asked awkwardly. Rafael nodded, "Looks better on you than me." He decided before they parted ways, with Ruby following Jordan.

"Okay.. I have to ask, what was with the long stare between you and my brother?" Ruby asked teasingly as Jordan blushed. "What are you talking about?" He asked as the pinkette deadpanned him. "You're blushing so clearly you know what I'm talking about."

"I... I think Rafael is cute." Jordan confessed, "But I'm with Josie so all that's ever going to be is an attraction." The Montgomery decided, as Ruby wanted to ask more questions but Jordan reminded her that MG and Kaleb needed them.

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