27 | give it up

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Ruby went to walk past Hope, but was stopped as the tribrid reached out to grab her arm

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Ruby went to walk past Hope, but was stopped as the tribrid reached out to grab her arm. The pinkette turned to Hope, giving her a confused look. "I'm sorry, Ruby." She exhaled, as Ruby looked at her, hoping she would elaborate on what she was sorry for. "I've messed with you and Landon's feelings and— I.. I never wanted to hurt anybody!" She blurted out, sounding disappointed in herself.

Ruby frowned, "What did you do?" She then asked with sternness in her voice. Hope sighed, "I broke up with Landon." She came clean as Ruby's expression faltered. "I.. I am confused.. I like you, and I also like Landon. I.. I think I need time to figure out my feelings." Hope rambled on. Ruby nodded, "Okay. That's mature of you." She assured her.

"Look... I could deal with the fact that you hurt me, but you hurt my family and that isn't okay to me." The werewolf began, sternly. Hope's face fell. "I know... I am sorry." The tribrid said, visibly upset. Ruby turned away and walked off, as Hope couldn't help but to feel deeply ashamed, realising that she had made a big mistake coming between Ruby and her family.


"Dorian is working on it, thank you girls." Alaric spoke as Lizzie and Monica left the office. The blondes had separately told the headmaster about everything involving the slug, and how herself and Hope had been acting really strange.

With the office doors being closed and the two girls officially being alone, Monica looked down to notice that Lizzie had gently taken her hand in her own. "You seem happier lately." Lizzie admitted, squeezing her hand lightly. Monica shrugged, "I couldn't mope around forever." She decided, though she couldn't deny she was still really struggling with everything.

Monica suddenly span Lizzie around, keeping the Saltzman in her arms. "I missed you." Lizzie admitted, as Monica's face faltered for a moment, "I thought we said no strings attached?" She reminded the other blonde.

The Saltzman smirked, "Yeah but you're Monica freaking Montgomery, who wouldn't miss you when they're without your presence?" Lizzie asked, before the pairs lips connect.

Monica and Lizzie began to kiss passionately, as Lizzie threw her arms around the vampire's neck. The Montgomery was about to suggest they take this elsewhere but not before a certain somebody caught them, ruining the moment.

"Oh god— sorry." Ruby blurted out with embarrassment, after turning a corner and finding the pair. The blondes quickly let go of one another. "We um... we need to get behind stage, our act is soon." The werewolf reminded The Montgomery.

Monica seemed surprised as she had lost track of time, though she nodded before her expression turned into a grin. She faced Lizzie, who wanted to encourage her. "Break a leg." The Saltzman said, before Monica and Ruby walked off together.

"She really likes you, Mon." Ruby admitted, now that they were alone. "We're just friends.. but with the fun stuff." Monica reminded Ruby with a shrug. Ruby's face fell, "But you can tell it isn't just that for Lizzie... you can see it in the way she looks at you!" She spoke. "Lizzie really likes you, and this whole friends with benefits thing is really going to hurt her."

Monica sighed in frustration and guilt, realising that Ruby was right, "What do you think I should do?" She asked genuinely seeking advice, which she hadn't ever done when it came to romance. "Well... I think you need to work out what you feel for Lizzie.. and either pursue something more or break it off." The Waithe suggested.

The vampire was lost in thought, thinking about the Saltzman. She didn't know what her feelings were for her... she just knew she loved the attention. Monica didn't know if any sort of relationship was on the cards for her, and if she would trust somebody to get that close to her.

"Yeah.. you're right.. I need to talk to Lizzie.." The Montgomery trailed off.


Ruby and Monica both entered the stage, wearing matching outfits: a black crop top and for Ruby a light blue skirt, and for Monica a pastel pink one. The entire audience was slugged, which had only been made clear after Rafael's performance, but completely unaware of Alaric and Dorian's plan, the girls were still performing.

As music played Ruby lifted the microphone to her mouth, before the words flowed out of it. "Someday I let you in, treat you right, drive you outta your mind— oh." Monica, who was looking at the Waithe proudly, then watched as the eyes turn to her, expecting it was her line. "You never met a chick like me, burn so bright, i'm gonna make you blind."

The two girls stood in the middle of the stage, facing each other, as they sung the next lyrics in sync. "Always want what you can't have. Is it so bad, if you don't get what you wanted. Make you feel good as I'm with you. Wanna shape ya girl, let's get it started."

Suddenly, the stage lights changed colours, as the girls face the audience, which was full of energy. "Give it up, you can't win, cause I know where you've been. Such a shame you don't put up a fight. That's a game that we play at the end of the night. It's the same old story but you never get it right, give it up!" The girls bounced around the stage as they sung, enjoying every moment of this. Ruby felt glad she had let Monica talk her into performing for the talent show.

Cheers were heard throughout the crowd, and the Montgomery and Waithe looked at eachother, with grins from ear to ear, as they prepared to sing the next lyrics.

But they never came.

Suddenly, everyone within the room was shocked with a wave of electricity. Monica and Ruby looked at eachother in complete surprise, before looking at the students in the audience, who were erupting into screams, as green slimy slugs had fallen out of their ears.

"God that is so gross.." Ruby blurted, standing next to Monica. "Absolutely disgusting... but god their reactions were priceless." The blonde spoke with a grin, referring to the students in front of them that had been their audience. Ruby then snorted in amusement, before the two friends broke out into laugher.

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