49 | screw endgame

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"Okay. Done." Jordan said as he watched Ruby lift a stake, that they'd brought into the basement incase they needed to use it on Sebastian. The pinkette then sliced the side of her wrist with the pointed end as the others watched in shock, before she offered her arm out to Sebastian's desiccated body.

Sensing the blood, his eyes suddenly opened, and he instantly drank from her wrist. The Waithe tried not to cringe at the pain, and when he had taken more than enough blood, he let go of her arm.

Ruby stood up, way too quickly as she nearly fell over. Jordan quickly stepped forward and caught her. "Thanks— I think I should... sit down." Ruby laughed awkwardly as Jordan agreed. "Yeah definitely." He said as he helped her to sit on the ground.

"What the hell, Waithe?" Kaleb asked Ruby. "He wanted blood. But there's a catch. He won't be going anywhere." Ruby said, as a now awake Sebastian stepped out of the coffin.

"Alright." MG spoke nervously, unsure of Ruby's plan. "What kind of vampire are you?" He asked Sebastian as Kaleb elaborated, "The kind that rips rabbits or throats?"

"I am a man who has made mistakes." Sebastian began. "But... if you free me.. I will not make them again." He insisted.

Jordan and Ruby shared a glance, as neither of them seemed to have an issue with this guy, but what they didn't realise is that Kaleb had a plan of his own.

"Awesome. Perfect. Great. We're not interested." Kaleb replied. "Isn't that what you wanted to hear?" Sebastian asked Kaleb. "You know, this school's already full of poseurs denying their basic instincts. We were hoping you'd be different." Kaleb declared to which MG shrugged, "Guess not."

Sebastian stayed quiet for a moment, before he remade eye contact with Kaleb. "I am in this state for the very sin that you desire. I fed on so many humans back in my day that it was no longer for hunger, it was merely sport. The cobblestones, they ran red with blood." He began to explain to them.


Hope sighed, "When I saw that portal, I knew that there was only one way to stop the monsters from coming. I'm just gonna have to jump back in and close it. Everyone's just gonna forget me all over again. I was created to be the loophole that ends Malivore. It's the only reason I exist. It's my destiny." She said as Monica opened her mouth to say something but didn't get to speak as she heard a roar from the Minatour.

"Run." She said quickly, "Come on."

"The school should be right through here." Hope said as they headed through the shrubbery, but they found themselves back at the town square. "What the actual fuck!?" Monica yelled as her patience was gone.

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