43 | sushi is like... all seaweed??

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Monica and Cynthia walked through the streets of Mystic falls, and eventually stopped as they reach a bench

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Monica and Cynthia walked through the streets of Mystic falls, and eventually stopped as they reach a bench. Monica had stayed silent the entire time, not even sure how to explain herself. Cynthia was visibly frustrated, and very confused. It was warranted, and Monica knew it.

Monica sat down, as Cynthia eyed her before she also took a seat. "I have only ever given birth to one child, my dear son. So it was a huge surprise to me when I got a phone call from your headmaster to find out that apparently I am your mother." The Monroe insisted. "Care to explain?" She then asked, worried that this stranger was possibly targeting her son, she had been paranoid since the coven were trying to find Jordan. Was she their spy or something?

Monica faced Cynthia, with tears pooling in her eyes. "My name is not Monica Monroe.. it's Monica Montgomery." She began, as Cynthia's face fell upon seeing the girl on the verge of tears. "I'm Rue and Titus' daughter."

Monica looked away for a moment as a tears rolled down her cheek, before she looked back to Cynthia who was trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together. "I know that you don't remember this... but I encouraged you to send Jordan to the Salvatore school, to help him escape his fate, even just for a little while." The blonde explained. "And.. we kind of bonded.. and even though I had only known you for a short amount of time.. I feel like you've become the closest thing I have to a parent now."

"The entire world has forgotten that I exist.. the one person I have ever had real romantic feelings for will move on... as will my best friend who I became so close to, she felt like family. And Jordan... I was so happy to find one of my last living relatives, but now he... " The vampire couldn't finish her sentence as she began to cry, thinking of Lizzie, Ruby and Jordan. "I know this sounds absolutely crazy... and you probably don't believe me.. but I have no idea what to do next."

As Monica cried, Cynthia reached out to hug her. The Montgomery hugged the older woman back. "It's okay sweetheart, I believe you." The witch assured, as she let Monica cry it out. "It's going to be okay... whatever happens, we will figure it out together."

"I need to show you something." Cynthia spoke up after the pair were quiet for a moment, to which Monica nodded. The witch pulled her phone out of her pocket, and revealed her lock screen, being a picture of Jordan and Monica. Seeing the picture saved as her wallpaper, Monica smiled brightly.

"My son— your brother. He sent me this picture. He was escorting a girl for Miss Mystic falls.. I believe you were involved in it too." Cynthia explained as Monica nodded, "Yeah.. I won." She added, before looking back at the screen.

Cynthia smiled weakly at the girl, as she had finally worked out who the girl in the photograph was... and boy what a mess she had gotten herself into.

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