44 | you remind me of somebody i used to know

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Vardemus stood behind the podium, as he was making an announcement to all of the students

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Vardemus stood behind the podium, as he was making an announcement to all of the students. "As you are well aware, it's time for the annual American football match with Mystic Falls High."

Everybody groaned simultaneously. Ruby, who was sitting between the Saltzman twins, gave them each a confused look before she looked back to the front. She hadn't participated in the game before, so she didn't understand why it was so terrible.

"Today, you will not be forced to lose a game so that humans can feel superior. Every one of you is special. Every one of you. And it's time you showed it." Vardemus declared before Josie stood up quickly and asked, "How?"

"By using your powers in moderation, Ms. Saltzman. The goal is not exposure, merely to win. Think of it as an exercise in control." The headmaster answered.

"Well, I am here for it." Kaleb boomed with excitement. "After last year, it'll feel really good to show those Timberwolves what we're all about." He added as other students cheered in agreement.

"And who better to lead you in this endeavor, as your quarterback, than our own Landon Kirby?" Vardemus asked as Lizzie frowned in disagreement. Ruby's face fell, as it twisted into a look of confusion as she knew that her foster brother wasn't very athletic.

Everyone looked to Landon, who suddenly was smacked by the football that Vardemus was holding.


Ruby was seated by her raised garden bed, as she watered her sunflowers. Meanwhile Lizzie stood beside her, telling her all about this boy she was currently interested in, named Sebastian.

"It sounds like you've really taken a shine to him, Liz." Ruby hummed as she placed the watering can down beside the garden bed. "What about you Ruby? Anyone special?" The blonde teased. Ruby turned back to the Saltzman, "I'm pretty interested in Maya." She admitted as Lizzie smirked. "I'm hoping to talk to her today, after the game... about maybe going on a date." She added as Lizzie replied, "Awww!"

"Speaking of, are you playing today?" Lizzie asked as Ruby frowned, before she shook her head. "I didn't make the team... I'm sure I can be used as a backup though." She insisted as Lizzie frowned now, "You didn't make the team but Landon did!?" She huffed. "I'm not too bothered.." The Waithe decided, as the pair started to leave the Old Mill.


"Monica, where are you?" Hope growled into her phone, as she took a step off the bus and walked behind Alaric. "I'm in Phoenix with Cynthia." Monica answered to which the tribrid frowned, "Why?"

"We're going through all of Cynthia's grimoires, to see if there'll be anything that will undo this erasure curse on us." The blonde answered as though it was obvious. "...Without me?" Hope asked with offence. "Chill Mikealson. There's a chance this could be a bust so I figured to not potentially waste your time also." Monica replied as she flicked through a grimoire.

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