62 | facing darkness is kinda our thing

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A grumble could be heard, as Jordan and Hope slowly got to their feet

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A grumble could be heard, as Jordan and Hope slowly got to their feet. "This is... Josie's subconscious..?" Jordan asked as he looked around at their strange surroundings. It was as if they were in a fairytale.

Hope snorted, "Cute outfit.. are you supposed to be some prince?" She asked as Jordan blinked in surprise, before looking at the suit he was wearing. "Look... at least I'm not dressed as little red riding hood." He retaliated teasingly, causing Hope to laugh. "I quite like this outfit." The Mikealson admitted.

"Josie!! Your subconscious is.. weirding me out." Jordan then called out, as his voice echoed away. "Jordy!" Hope pointed, to some breadcrumbs on the ground. Jordan's eyes widened in surprise, "Literal... bread crumbs. Looks like we found our first clue." He stated.


Walking towards the castle in the dark, Jordan suddenly tripped over something... no, someone. With snorting being heard by the other being, Hope mumbled a light spell causing a glowing ball of light to shine from her hands.

"A pig—" Jordan blurted out, as he saw a large pig run away from them. "Wait— you don't have to run!" The Montgomery insisted. Hope and Jordan quickly chased after it, as Hope called out "You don't have to hide either! We're not going to hurt you!" The pig turned around and growled in a loud whisper, "Will you shut your pie hole lady? And put out that light! Before you get us all killed!"

Jordan frowned, "That is no way to talk to a woman.. I take it you're not very good with the ladies." He said, as the pig raced off again. The witch sighed as he casted a spell which caused the retreating figure to freeze into place. With that, Hope and Jordan raced over towards it once more.

Jordan unfroze the pig as it said, "Take your innocent girl with the basket and useless boyfriend act somewhere else! The last thing I need is some trigger-happy skirt doing magic near me!"

Jordan blinked in surprise before he frowned. His eyes darkened as he faced the pig, "I'm not a fan of sexist pigs." He spoke, threateningly. "And we are not going anywhere until we find Josie." Hope added.

Hope turned to the pig who seemed still quite annoyed. "What do you two want with her?" He asked. "We came to rescue her." Hope declared as the pig replied, "Well. You're too late for that."

He tried to walk off again but the witches followed after him. "What do you mean!?" Jordan demanded. The pig groaned before facing them. "Pull up a stump." He demanded, ready to tell them a story.

Once seated, he began. "Once upon a time, this was a beautiful land. A peaceful kingdom, ruled by Princess Josette. And then the Darkness came."

Jordan and Hope shared a worried glance before they continued to listen. "The princess tried to fight it, but using her magic only made the Darkness stronger. It was tied to her somehow, and if she kept fighting it, the Darkness would grow to cover the entire land. So Princess Josie placed a sleeping spell on herself so that she could never do magic again, and so that the Darkness could never grow. If we wake her up, the Darkness will grow again."

Silence fell upon them for a moment before the pig declared, "So... as much as we all miss her, this is how it has to be. Destiny's a bitch, huh, doll?" Jordan frowned, "Maybe. But we still have to try." He insisted as Hope nodded, "She would do the same for us... And I think I know how to find her."

Hope eyed Jordan before he got to his feet and followed her. The tribrid and the Luna witch followed the bread crumb trail that quickly disappeared. "Uh, you don't want to do that." The pig said. "Where's the rest of the trail?!" Jordan asked annoyedly.

"Well, um, here's the thing. You...You're not gonna believe this." The pig trailed off as he tried to find excuses. "You know what, I ate it. Okay? I ATE IT! Why would I do that? she asks. Because I'm disgusting, and I have no self-control. Do you see the package that I'm working with right now?" The pig rambled on as Hope and Jordan just look unamusedly at the pig.

"Okay, so you know where this trail goes." Jordan noted before Hope said, "You know where she is. If you don't tell me where she went, I'm gonna start doing magic."

The pig backed up and shook his head at the witches. "The Darkness will come." He reminded them. Jordan glanced at Hope before looking back at the pig, "Facing darkness is kind of our thing." The Montgomery realised, causing the pig to groan. "Fine. Fine! Gah! You're a bossy little thing, you know that?"

"Just shut up and lead the way.. before you become our lunch." Jordan threatened.


Hope and Jordan approached Josie, who was in a Princess dress, and fast asleep. "Josie? Josie?" Hope blurted out as they reached her side. "Jo, wake up." Jordan pleaded, before the pig turned to him. "You should try kissing her, maybe." He suggested to the Montgomery.

"I know this is a fairy tale and all.. and Josie and I do have some history, but a nonconsensual kiss is never the answer." Jordan decided, before the pig scoffed in response, "Well, excuse me, little Mr Big Words. You got a better idea?"

"I do." Hope piped up, "Surgere." The pig whined, "Hey! I said no magic."

"I know you're scared of the Darkness, but this is Josie's subconscious." Jordan began, "Nothing can really hurt us here."

As soon as the sentence exited Jordan's mouth, a loud roar erupted in the distance and the pig urged the witches to hide "Oh!" Jordan said in surprise. A wolf like creature approached Josie's body. "What the hell is that? !" Hope asked, facing the pig. "That is the Darkness, sweetheart. And it can definitely hurt us."

The monster growled, "Little pig, little pig, who're your new friends? I can smell that magic's being used here again." Eventually, as the trio stayed quiet, Jordan casted a spell to throw an object off into the distance, and with that the wolf scurried away after it.

"Happy now, you dumb broad? You nearly got us all eaten... which is a lifelong fear of mine, I'll have you know." The pig growled at Hope, earning an unhappy look from both Hope and Jordan. "And now the Darkness knows your magic-using ass is here."

"Well, our magic just saved our asses." Jordan spat before the pig huffed, "After I pulled you to safety!"

"Oh, yeah. Thank you so much for pushing me behind a single piece of rubble." Hope said as her voice was filled with sarcasm. "What do you want from me? I got hooves for hands."

"I want you to stop talking down to me and be grateful that I just saved our bacon." Hope glared, only angering the pig. "Oh! How dare you!" Jordan sighed, "Relax. It's just a figure of speech." He said as he held his arm out to stop the pig from trying to angrily charge at Hope.

"Look, truce, okay? We all miss Josie. We can work together to wake her up." Hope suggested. The pig shook his head, "If we do that, the Darkness will only grow again. Princess Josie did what she did for a reason."

"She made her sacrifice because she didn't know that help was coming. So, if we can't wake her up, then we're just gonna have to defeat the Darkness ourselves." Hope decided, getting to her feet before offering Jordan a hand. The Luna witch took it before he glanced down at Josie, looking determined to get the real Josie back.

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