14 | spiders are gross

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MG, Monica, Ruby, Lizzie, Landon, and Hope were running through the woods toward the school when suddenly, MG's school phone started to ring

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MG, Monica, Ruby, Lizzie, Landon, and Hope were running through the woods toward the school when suddenly, MG's school phone started to ring. MG looked at the screen and saw that it was Alaric who was calling and immediately panicked, before throwing the phone to Lizzie. "It's for you. No way I'm telling your dad what we're about to do." He insisted.

Lizzie groaned as she looked at the ringing phone in her hands, "I suck at lying." She announced before she looked behind her and saw Landon and immediately tossed the phone to him. "You're great at it."

Landon turned to Hope and passed the phone to her, "You're his favorite." Hope looked at the phone and passed it to Monica. "You're his favourite, actually." She decided, unsure if that was even true. Monica grumbled before basically hurling the phone to Lizzie, "You're the hero!" Monica smirked at the blonde.

Lizzie slowed down and answered the call, putting it on speaker so everyone else could listen as well. "Hi, Daddy..." She greeted Alaric, with a look of panic. "Hey, thought I'd call, check in, see how things are going..." Alaric said as Lizzie smiled fakely as she tried to sound as innocent as possible. "So good..."

"Really? Define good, Lizzie, because I don't think that involves me tracking down Dana's body to the glove compartment of the bus! Alaric snapped as he and Matt had found what's left of Dana's body, indeed shoved into the glove compartment of the bus.

"Listen, Dad, it's fine! We cracked the case. It's a spider—but, like, a bug, huge, nasty spider." Lizzie began to explain. "And MG's comic books know how to kill it!" Lizzie announced as Ruby facepalmed, noticing that MG didn't want Alaric to know of his involvement.

"Comic books? Really?" Alaric asked bluntly. "Lizzie, listen to me—whatever you're thinking of doing? Don't. Okay? So, just tell me where you are, and Matt and I will be right there. And where are Monica and Hope?"

Lizzie replied, "I'm sorry, Dad. You're gonna have to trust me for once." before hanging up the phone. Monica looked impressed by Lizzie's actions. "Let's do this."


Rafael and Josie were caught in spiderwebs, inside the Old mill. Out of nowhere, Ruby leapt into the mill and distracted the creature by shouting at it and catching it's attention by hitting the pipe she was holding, against the metal railing toward the entrance.

"Hey, spider!" She called out. When the arachne turned to see the dormant werewolf, she immediately went pale at the sight of the monstrous creature in front of her. Instead of rushing off in fear, Ruby grit her teeth before calling out to the spider "Get away from my brother, shitbag!"

The arachne hissed back in response, as Hope walked inside, groaning when she saw the arachne moving from its position on the third floor, "I hate spiders." Monica confessed, "Me too. Spiders are gross." as she waltzed in behind her.

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