56 | i couldn't have done this without you

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Jordan exited his dorm and pulled on a jacket after he closed the door behind him

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Jordan exited his dorm and pulled on a jacket after he closed the door behind him. The boy was taken by surprise when he looked up to see Josie standing outside his dorm, her arm outstretched to knock. "Jordy.." Josie exhaled.

"Jo.." An awkward silence filled the air, before Josie sighed. "Jordan... I'm sorry. I should never have said what I did. I had no right to judge you—"

"You're right. You didn't. You know I've always been so scared about getting into relationships with girls for this very reason..." The witch trailed off, as Josie nodded as she wore a look of guilt.

"I really like you Jo.. but I think for now it's best if we... try to be just friends for now." Jordan said. Josie gave a weak nod, before the taller boy walked past her to go to the cafeteria.

Josie's eyes filled with tears, as the memory still lingered in her mind, of the night things went wrong between herself and Jordan.

Josie sat on the bed, dark magic still flowing through her veins. Things were getting serious between her and Jordan, as the pair were on Josie's bed, in the middle of a heated make out session. One thing lead to another and now they were intending on having sex.

Jordan realised he didn't have a condom, and left to grab one from his dorm, leaving Josie alone. The Saltzman grew curious and opened up the large book Penelope gave her, including all of the journal entries of students within the school.

She read the most recent one about Jordan, which he had written about how scared he was to mess up what he had with Josie. He had never had a girlfriend, all of his romantic experience was with guys. He then mentioned his exes in the journal entry, how he thought he'd never fall in love again after being with them.. but he was starting to think that Josie could possibly be the one. Though he was quite insecure that he could mess things up, with his lack of experience, and didn't know what to do from here.

Josie couldn't explain the feeling that washed over her. The rage from the very thought of Jordan being with others... even though the relationships were in the past. The thought of him leaving her because he was too afraid of messing their relationship up.

Jordan came back into the room, holding up a condom. "I found a monster condom to use for my magnum..." He trailed off, not finishing the joke as he sensed that the demeanour in the room had changed.

"Josie... are you alright?" He asked softly, as he approached her. Josie looked up at Jordan, "You know what... I've changed my mind. You should just stick to boys, considering that's all you know." Jordan's jaw dropped, upon hearing this. "Jo.."

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