Chapter 1

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Rae Won POV:

I stood in front of my new school. I will start a new life as a high school students. Appa asked me to attend a private school but I insisted on going to a normal school since there'll be too many arrogant people at the private school since it's for elite group only.

Eomma and appa accompanied me for the first day at the new school.

"Ms. Kim? Is that you?" A female student came and greet eomma.

"Yes.. You are...?"

"Oh, I'm Park Yong Hoon. I worked part-time at your cafe last summer holiday." Yeah, eomma is an owner of a cafe under appa's company.

"Oh, how are you doing?"

"I'm good. Is this your daughter?" She asked looking at me.

"Yeah, she is Rae Won. Today is her first day as a freshman here."

"Ah, I see. Well, I'm in my junior year and I can help you to take a look ar her."

"Really? Oh, kamsahabnida. It's so nice of you."

" Ani, it's my pleasure to do so." Then, appa received a call.

"Rae Won-ah, I need to go back to the company now. You can manage from here, right?" I nodded.

"Of course, appa. Don't worry. I'm an independent girl, you forgot that?" Appa patted my head.

"That's my daughter. Well, we'll get going now. Jimin will pick you up after school." I nodded. Jimin oppa is appa's assistant since he opened the company so he trust him so much. I also close with him.

"Come on, Rae Won. I'll show you around the school." Yong Hoon sunbae said to me as my parents left.

"Ye, kamsahabnida sunbaenim." She smiled and held my hand.

"Just call me unnie." I nodded. She then dragged me to the cafeteria. We headed to a table full of people. She asked me to sit beside her. I did as she told me.

"Guys, this is Rae Won. A new freshman." Everyone looked at me and I bowed.

"Annyeonghaseyo." They looked at each other.

"Yong Hoon, she looks like..." Another girl cut her words.

"Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Han Hyun Joon." I smiled at her.

"Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Park Hyun Ah." The girl that was cut off just now said.

"Guys, you made her scared. She's only on her first day here but you guys already attacked her like that."

"Aniya, unnie. They are all nice. I should thank you for welcoming me on the first day. I'm lucky that I know nice sunbaes like sunbaenims."

"What is this? She called Yong Hoon unnie but us sunbaenims?" Hyun Ah sunbae complained cutely.

"Hehe.. Sorry guys. She's my dongsaeng already so you all can't take her away from me."

"I want her to be my dongsaeng too!" Both of them said at the same time.

"Alright, I can be your all dongsaeng. How is it?" I said to control the situation. I can't believe that three sunbaes fighting over me on my first day.

"Nice! Call us unnie too..." I smiled at them.

"My unnies are so cute..." They laughed.

"You're cuter..." Hyun Ah unnie said while pinching my cheeks.

"Hey, stop pinching her cheeks. Pity this cute girl." Hyun Joon unnie stopped Hyun Ah unnie. We smiled together.

"Umm... Unnies? Do you all mind to show me around the school." I asked shyly. I don't sure if it's appropriate for me on the first day as a freshman. But, seeing them so friendly towards me gave me some courage.

"Of course, baby. Let's go now, shall we?" Hyun Ah unnie said and stood up from her seat. We all stood up from our seat and they escorted me around the school.

Then, it's time to go home. I saw Jimin oppa waiting for me at the front gate.

"Gomawo unnies for today. I'm really happy to meet you all."

"We also very happy to meet you. See you tomorrow." I nodded and waved at them. I went towards Jimin oppa.

"How's your first day, Rae Won? I see that you got a lot of friends." I looked back at unnies.

"They're my sunbaenim." I said then got into the passenger seat. He also got into the car.

"Aigoo... Our Ms. Kim got three sunbaenims instead of friends on her first day. You're so great!" He gave me a thumb up.

"Just drive already." I rolled my eyes and he started driving towards my home.

"Gomawo, oppa. Bye!" I got out of the car and got into the house.

Dinner time...

Ms. Shin, our maid called me for a dinner. I went down to the dining table and sat across appa and eomma and all of us started eating.

"How's your first day, honey?" Eomma asked to break the silence.

"Good, eomma. The environment is peaceful and people there are also nice."

"Good to hear that." Appa said.

After dinner, I went into the bedroom. I sat on my study table and took out a notebook and my phone. I took notes on everything I learned by phone.

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