Chapter 26

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Rae Won POV:

I took out a key and opened the door. I looked behind and saw him just stood in front of the door.

"What are you doing? Come in!" He snapped out of his thought and came in. I closed the door behind him.

"Whose house is this? So beautiful!" He roamed around the house.

"Our home." He looked at me disbelief.

"You bought it?"

"Appa bought it. He said it's our wedding gift."

"He made me embarassed. It's my responsibility to buy you a house. Why don't you decline it? Aish, this can't be." He was about to open the door. I pulled his hand making him faced me. I put both of my hand around his neck.

"Oppa, it's okay. You're just graduated. Moreover, I'm thankful to you. Because of you, I can live with my loved person or else, I don't know how my life would be if I marry a person I just met." He put his hand on my waist.

"Then, how would you thank me?"

"Umm..." I put my lips on his left cheek.

"Is this enough?" He smiled.

"Not enough." I put my lips on his right cheek this time.

"Umm... Still not enough. Kim Rae Won, promise me. Don't ever leave me."

"Okay. I promise you. You too promise me, alright?" He nodded while smiling sweetly.

"Let's take a look around."

"Umm" We went to the kitchen, and then outside the garden. There's also swimming pool. Next, we went upstairs to a bedroom.

"Umm..." He scratched his neck. I looked at him.

"Do you want to sleep together or you want a separate room?"

"You want me to sleep with you or not?" I turned to face him and raised my eyebrows. He slowly came closer to me. I moved back.

"I want you...."

"Ah!" I tripped and fell onto the bed. He fell on top of me. We looked at each other in the eyes. Suddenly, the doorbell rang. He got up.

"Umm... I'll go to see who's at the door." I got up as soon as he left. I touched my both cheeks and screamed in my heart.

Eunwoo POV:

I ran downstairs and opened the door. I flinched after I saw the person who's at the door.

"Why are you so surprised? Did you see a ghost?" He snapped his finger in front of me.

"Aniya, hyung. Come in." He came in and sit on the couch.

"Taeyong oppa?! How come you're here? When did you come back?" I looked at her running towards her cousin.

"My cousin's married. Of course I need to come back. Ey, Rae Won-ah. You never tell me that you dated and without anything, I got a call saying you're getting married. You're really something, huh?" She slapped his hand.

"Stop saying nonsense. Eunwoo oppa? Why are you standing there? Come and sit here." I did as she told.

"Let me introduce you to my husband, he's..."

"You say my dear cousin, haven't we met before?"


"You're so young yet forgetful. The competition, stupid!" He knocked her head.

"Ah! I remember it now."

"But, I still can't believe it. I knew you had a crush on him but your way is type of forcing, you know? You tell me! How did you, a high school girl tricked a handsome and clever man like him into marrying you?"

"You're wrong, hyung. I'm the one who wanted to marry her."

"See? He's voluntarily want to marry me. I didn't play any trick."

"Aish, you!" She made a playful face to him.

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