Chapter 18

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Rae Won POV:

The final competition scheduled to be this night along with the closing ceremony. In the morning, our team attended the class as usual.

Lunch time...

I went out of the class as soon as the bell rang. I went to the table we usually sit at. There's already Yong Hoon eonni, Hyun Joon eonni and Taemin oppa there.

"Eonnis, oppa, what's left?"

"Hmm.. I think it's all set. We just wait for the food and cake we've ordered from the cafeteria." Taemin oppa answered.

"Then, let me check with them to see if it's ready yet." They all nodded and I walked to the counter.

"Annyeonghaseyo, I want to check if the food and cake ordered ready yet?"

"Ah, the birthday party surprise, right? It's ready. Don't worry, our worker will send it to your table later."

"Our table is over there, you can see a male student and two female students standing at." I pointed at the table and the aunt nodded.

"Kamsahabnida. You've work hard." I bowed then left.

"How is it, Rae Won?" Hyun Joon eonni asked as I came back.

"It's ready. They'll send it later." I looked back and saw the food and cake arrived.

"There it is." We helped to arrange the food and the cake on the table.

"Okay. It's all set. Now, we need to wait for the main person for today. Where are they?" Taemin oppa complained.

"Hyun Ah eonni is with whom?"

"Soobin. He said he wanted some time alone with her to give the present. And we took that chance to prepare things here."

"Soobin oppa is so sweet..." I giggled.

We waited and then Taemin oppa signalled that they're on their way. All of us stood and when they both enter the cafeteria, we cheered.

"Saengil chukhahae !" Hyun Ah eonni seems shocked and touched at the same time.

"Aww... Thank you guys..." We all sat down.

"Saengil chukhahae eonni. Here is my present for you." I gave a box of chocolates to her. Her eyes sparkled..

"Gomawo, my dear dongsaeng~~~ and you guys too thank you so much for preparing all of these for me... I'm touched~~~" She faked crying and we all laughed. And then we started to dig in the food.

"Rae Won~ah... Good luck for the final tonight... Fighting! We all will be there to cheer you up." Soobin oppa said to me.

"Gomawo... I'll do my best and eonnis... Please don't have a bias on me." I smiled.

"Depends. If you're qualified to get high marks, we'll give it to you. If others dare to question you, I swear I won't let them go!" Hyun Ah eonni said furiously. I just laughed.

"Wait! I think someone's missing! Where's Eunwoo oppa?!" I suddenly realized his disappearance.

"Eunwoo... He said he can't join us because he have something else to do and it's good that you remind me, Rae Won. Hyun Ah, he asked me to congratulate you in his behalf." Taemin oppa said.

"I don't think he has something to do though..." Soobin oppa mumbled.

"What are you mumbling about, Soobin?" Hyun Ah eonni asked him. We all looked at him.

"Ah? Nothing. Did I say something?" He raised his eyebrow towards Hyun Ah eonni.

"Hmm... I'm sure I heard something coming out from your mouth though... Did I hear it wrong?" I looked at my watch.

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