Chapter 19

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Eunwoo POV:

Soobin told me everything about what happened on the final debate night. I felt guilty for my actions. Moreover, we'll have our graduation party in about a week and after that she'll be alone by herself without me and the others by her side.

Now, all five us starting to get busy with our final year exams so she's been hanging out with her friends. I don't have a chance yet to apologize.

Rae Won POV:

I spent most of my time with Yong Neul a lot these days since the eonnis and oppas are busy with their exams and Yugyeom also need some time after what happened between him and Yong Neul.

"Yugyeom, how long are you gonna distancing yourself from us? It's kinda sad though that our friendship turns out to be like this..." I ignored the fact that I knew his feelings towards me because I don't wanna lose a friend like him but my other half saying that I'm being selfish for holding him back.

" I don't know, Rae Won... I also hope that I can be by your side all the time but she... I don't know anymore."

"Can't you just pretend like nothing happened? I mean just treat her like you treated me maybe one day you'll have some feelings for her?"

"Rae Won, I told you I have someone..." I cut him off.

"I knew. But, are you sure if you gave up such a good girl like Yong Neul, you won't regret? Are you sure your crush will like you back?! Please, Yugyeom. Don't hurt anyone else and also yourself. You better gave up now or you'll hurt more in the future. I beg you, Yugyeom. "

" Rae Won... I won't give up on her. Don't worry, even if she doesn't like me, I'm okay. At least I'm trying to win her and that's what I'm doing right now. " He said sincerely while looking into my eyes and smiled sweetly. I sighed. I left as there's nothing I could do to make his feelings for me go away.

Time skip...

I was in my room while reading a novel to release my stress. There's so many things in my head right now with things happened between me and Eunwoo oppa and then about Yugyeom's feelings, also Yong Neul. I'm afraid if she knows that the girl Yugyeom likes is me, she will hate me. Then, my phone rang. I picked it up without looking at the caller.

Rae Won: Yeoboseyo, Kim Rae Won speaking.
? : *laugh* Annyeong, Vice President Kim. Don't you know me?
Rae Won: *look at the caller ID* Mianhae, eonni. I just answered it without looking at the caller. What's wrong?
Hyun Ah eonni: AHHAHA it's okay. I just wanted to tell you that all six of us want to have a party for our graduation tomorrow night and we wanted to invite you too. Are you free, Vice President Kim?
Rae Won: Eonni...! Wait, let me check my schedule first... Umm... Tomorrow night... Nothing! I'm going for sure!
Hyun Ah eonni: Great! Then, see you tomorrow. Ah, you're not working tomorrow, right?
Rae Won: Nope. Why?
Hyun Ah eonni: We're planning to divide our teams into girls and boys and dress up together.
Rae Won: Great idea! How about coming to my home to get ready?
Hyun Ah eonni: Sure! We also didn't have a place yet. The boys are going to Taemin's.
Rae Won: Then, it's set! See you!

I hung up and went to sleep. For no reasons, I became happy and forgot about all the problems.

Next day....

All of us gathered at the shopping mall.

"Everyone's here, right? So, we will divide our teams into girls and boys and look for the best outfits. After that, we'll met at the cafeteria to have a lunch and then girls will go to Rae Won's place while boys to mine to get ready. Around 7 pm, gather at the venue. Is it clear? " Taemin oppa briefed us on the plan for today. All of us nodded. The boys left and we girls also started to look around looking for nice dresses.

After few hours looking around, all of us finally picked a dress. So, here's our pick:

My dress:

Hyun Joon eonni:

Hyun Ah eonni:

Yong Hoon eonni:

We met the boys at the cafeteria and after we ate lunch, we went back to get ready.

Time skip to 7 pm...

All 4 of us are ready and we went to the venue with my car driven by Jimin oppa. I sat beside Jimin oppa and the 3 eonnis sat at the back.

"Gomawo, oppa. I'll call you when we're done, okay?" I said to him as we arrived.

"Okay, have fun!" He smiled and all of us got out and went in the restaurant.

"Hello, misses. Have you made any reservation?" A worker asked us.

"Yeah, it's under Lee Taemin." Hyun Joon eonni answered.

"Oh, yes. Please follow me." We followed him to a private room.

"Did Taemin oppa reserved this?" I asked Hyun Joon eonni. She nodded.

"Wow ! I don't know much about him actually. I didn't expect him to be so rich."

"You don't know? His father is a businessman and his mother is a Turkish."

"Oh ? That's why he's so handsome. Nice taste, eonni.." I winked. We all took our places and waited for the boys to come. After few minutes, the door opened revealing three boys.

"Hey, girls. Did you wait too long?" Taemin oppa said flirty.

"No, just come and sit down already!" Hyun Joon eonni said sternly. He went to her and Soobin oppa went to Hyun Ah eonni. Eunwoo oppa looked at me and slowly came towards me. I looked away.

"Rae Won..." I looked up as he stood beside me.

"Can i sit beside you?" I nodded and he settled down.

"You look beautiful in that dress." He complimented sincerely.

"Thanks." I answered still looking away.

"Mianhae." I looked at him. He put his head down.

"Just forgive him already, Rae Won. He's been miserable for a week now because he felt guilty and doesn't have a time to talk to you. Just reconcile or I'm afraid he'll be mad." Soobin oppa said teasing him. He looked at Soobin oppa fiercely and Soobin oppa shut his mouth and looked away.

" Okay! I forgive you. But! Tell me! You were mad, right? What's the reason?! "I crossed my arms. He scratched his neck.

" Umm... Just... For a reason that you'll know later. " He winked. I tched.

"Okay,as you both have come back to good terms and the food also arrived, let's dig in now. If you two have other problems to settle with, do it next time. I'm hungry right now." Taemin oppa complained and we all laughed. That night, we spent the time together happily with lots of stories and laughters.

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