Chapter 13

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Eunwoo POV:

I went to see the girls making breakfast as Soobin and Taemin played games together. Yugyeom was also helping the girls but I didn't see Rae Won.

"Guys, where's Rae Won? She's not up yet?"

"She's up earlier but then she went back to her tent saying that she felt uncomfortable." Hyun Joon answered.

'What's wrong with her? Is she sick?'

I decided to take a look at her so I went to her tent.

"Rae Won-ah? Are you okay?" I said outside the tent but there's no answer.

"Rae Won?! I'm going in, okay?" I pulled the zip opening her tent and saw her sleeping peacefully. I went inside and sat beside her. Her forehead frowned and she started to move.

"Help me! Don't! I'm your friend! Please! Save me!" She started screaming so I shook her body to wake her up. She opened her eyes and hugged me.

"Help! She wanted to kill me!" I caressed her back.

"Don't worry. It's just a nightmare. No one's here." She calmed down a little and looked at me in the eyes.

"Oppa, if someone wanted to kill me, will you protect me?"

"What are you saying? No one will do anything to you. I won't let them to do so." She hugged me again.

Rae Won POV:

'It's been a long time since I had this nightmare. Why it came back? Does it mean anything? I shouldn't think much.'

"Guys! Breakfast is ready! Come out and eat!" We heard Hyun Ah eonni shouted so I let go of him.

"Let's go out now. Everyone's worrying about you." I nodded and got out from the tent with Eunwoo oppa holding me on the shoulder.

"Rae Won-ah... Are you okay?"

"I'm okay. Don't worry. Sorry for making you worry."

"Let's eat now and we need to clean up this place. After that, we can look around this place and then we will head back home, okay?" Everyone nodded.

Time skips...

I'm done with cleaning up my things so I walked into the forest and found a beautiful place. I sat on the grass and gazed off.

'I've been keeping this a secret from everybody because I want to be strong. I don't want anyone to see my weak side. But, I've promised Eunwoo oppa that I will share everything with him. What am I to him? To me, he's not just an oppa. He's my love at the first sight. He? What does he think about me? '

"Rae Won? Why are you sitting alone here?" I looked at the person and it's like a miracle that the person I was thinking about is here in front of me.

"Oppa. Just staring at the scenery here. Isn't it beautiful?" He came and sat beside me.

"Yeah, it's beautiful."

"Oppa, you had a crush once, right?" He looked at me confused.

"That beach girl. Isn't she your crush?"

"Ah.. Why do you ask?"

"Nothing. Just it must be sad that the person you're having a crush on doesn't like you back."

"Well... I don't know how to say this but the girl doesn't even know me. And I never knew her name. As for having a crush on someone you know but it's not mutual definitely heartbreaking."

"Hmm... If... You like someone who are close to you but she reject you, what will happen to the relationship between you both?"

"Rae Won... Why are you asking weird questions?"

"Ani... I just."

"Here you guys are! Eunwoo, go and help them carry things back. Rae Won, we're going now." Hyun Ah eonni suddenly came out of nowhere.

"Ah, okay. Then, I'll go to help them." Eunwoo oppa got up and ready to go.

"Oppa!" He stopped his pace and looked back.

"I..." He looked at me curiously.

"Nothing. I'll call you tonight." He sent an okay sign and went to help the boys carrying things back. Hyun Ah eonni came to me and held my hand.

"Let's go, Rae Won." I nodded and followed her to the cars. I went into the car and the journey back was a silent one.

"Bye, you all. See you guys next semester." Everyone bid goodbye and went back to their homes. I walked into eomma's cafe.

"Ms. Kim, do you want anything?" The worker asked me.

"No need, thanks. Is my mom here?"

"Yeah, she's in the office." I nodded and went into the office.

"My princess. You're back?" I sat down on the sofa.

"Eomma, that nightmare came back." She looked at me.

"How did that happen?"

"I also don't know. Anyway, I just had it this morning." She came to sit beside me and hugged me.

"Are you afraid? Eomma's here." I pulled out of the hug.

"No, eomma. I'm not. Moreover, I already forget about it and I also forgive her."

"That's my girl. Wait for a while. I'm going to clean up and we'll go home, okay?" I nodded. Eomma went to clean her things on the desk. We went home after that and I went straight to my room.

I took a bath and layed down on my bed. Then, I got a phone call from Eunwoo oppa.

Me : Yeoboseyo.
Eunwoo oppa: Rae Won, what are you doing?
Me: Nothing. Just laying on the bed. Wae?
Eunwoo oppa: Did you forget?
Me: Eo?
Eunwoo oppa: You had something to tell me earlier but you promised to call me tonight instead.
Me: Ah... That... Um... I forgot what I wanted to say earlier.
Eunwoo oppa: I think it's not so important that you forgot about it already.
Me: Mianhae. I'll tell you if I remember it, okay? Don't be sad~~~
Eunwoo oppa: Ani, just kidding. Then, I'll hang up now. You should rest. You can't imagine how pale your face are last night.
Me: Arasseo. Bye bye.
Eunwoo oppa: Bye bye.

I hung up the call.

'Actually, I wanted to confess to him earlier. I also don't know what have gotten into my head. I forgot that Yong Hoon eonni likes him. I can't be selfish with my feelings.'

I drove off to sleep.

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