Chapter 7

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Rae Won POV:

Next morning, we fled back to Korea and go straight to the school.

"CONGRATULATIONS!!!" Everyone cheered and clapped for us.

"Thank you for all of your support." Mr. Kim said.

Everyone dismissed to class. Three of us went back home to have a rest. Jimin oppa picked me up.

"Oppa!! I did it!"

"Yeah, our Ms. Kim is so talented so it's impossible if she didn't win, right?"

"Enough already. Let's go home. I'm tired." We got in the car and went home. At home, eomma and appa already waiting for me.

"Congrats, my baby..."

"Gomawo. I'm going up first."

"Okay... Have a good rest.." I went up to my room.

Next day...

I walked at the hallway and stopped at a notice board. I saw all of our pictures we took in America. I smiled while reminiscing all the memories.

Eunwoo POV:

I walked at the hallway then I saw Rae Won looked at the pictures smiling. Suddenly, a girl crashed her made her stumbled upon the floor.

"Oops... Sorry, I didn't see you there..." The girl said. I went to Rae Won and helped her up.

"Classmate, don't you think that you should apologize to her?" She rolled her eyes and walked away.

"Such a rude girl. Are you okay?"

"I think I sprained my ankle but it's okay. Thanks for helping me. I'm going to class first." She walked away but she seems can't walk properly.

"Rae Won!" She stopped and turned towards me.

"Let's go to the infirmary." I held her shoulder and walked towards the infirmary. After her feet had been treated, I walked her to the class.

Rae Won POV:

I went to my seat as Eunwoo sunbae left to his class.

"Rae Won, are you okay? What's wrong with your feet?" Yugyeom asked as he saw me.

"It's okay. I fell down just now."

"Be careful next time and one more thing... Congrats for your winning."

"Gomawo, Yugyeom."

Time skip to after school...

I packed up my things.

"Rae Won!" I looked at the door and saw Hyun Ah eonni.

"Eonni ? What are you doing here?"

"To meet you. How's your leg?"

"You know?"

"Of course. Let's go to a cafe? I have something to tell you."

"Okay." I went with her. We ordered some cakes.

"I saw you with Eunwoo this morning. Is there something between you two?"

"Ani, eonni. He just helped me."

"Are you sure he just helped you? That's not what I saw though. He seems to care a lot about you."

"Nonsense. He's handsome and popular. Why would he care about someone like me? Is this what you want to talk to me about?"

"No. Actually, someone confessed to me."

"Really?! Who?! Do I know him?"

"Yeah, you know him. It's Soobin."

"Ah, Soobin sunbaenim ? Then, what's your answer?"

"I need some time to think. Besides, I'm not ready for any relationship yet."

"Then, do you like him?" She nodded.

"It's okay. You think thoroughly. I will support you."

"Gomawo, Rae Won. You're the best dongsaeng I've ever had."

Time skip to the next day at school...

I was doing my homework since it's free time right now. Then, a classmate came to me.

"Rae Won, someone looking for you."


"Eunwoo sunbaenim." I nodded and cleaned my desk a little and went outside. Then, I saw him leaning at the wall.

"Ye, sunbaenim? What are you looking me for?" He scratched the back of his neck.

"Umm... I just want to give you this." He handed me a book with purple cover. I looked at him disbelief.

"I want to say sorry because I scolded you that night. As a team, I shouldn't do that because no matter win or lose, we've done our best as a team."

"I accept your apology. Actually, I don't care though. It's my fault after all. You don't need to buy a gift for me. I can't accept it."

"Just take it. If you don't accept it, I will think that you're still not forgiving me."

"So, I had to accept this, right? Alright. Kamsahabnida, sunbaenim. I'm going in first." He nodded and I went back to my seat. I looked at the notebook and smiled.

'How did he know my favourite colour is purple? No way. It's just a coincidence. Aish, why should he do this? Now, I'm falling for him even more...'

I opened the book and there was something written at the first page.

'Rae Won, I hope you like this gift. I don't know what to buy. This gift will give you many benefits since you can noted everything in here. One more thing, I hope we can get closer than a sunbae and hoobae. Will you?'

I giggled at the letter he wrote to me. After the last class ended, I packed my things and went outside the class to see Eunwoo sunbae waiting for me.

"Can I walk you home?" I nodded. We walked together silently.

"Have you read that?"


"So, what do you say?"

"What do you mean by closer than a sunbae and hoobae?"

"Anything. Maybe friends, or oppa and dongsaeng or more than that?" I blushed at his words.

"As for oppa and dongsaeng, I agree but for more than that... We'll think about that later."

"Then, you mean is yes?" I nodded then he jumped happily. I giggled at his childishness.

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