Chapter 2

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Rae Won POV:

Appa and eomma drove me to school before they went to work. When I arrive, I went to my locker to get ready for my first class. I went into the classroom and took the seat in the front. I took out my notebook and do some revisions. The bell rang and students started filling up the classroom.

"Excuse me, can I sit beside you." I looked up and saw a boy smiling at me.

"Yeah, sure." He settled himself down beside me.

"I'm Kim Yugyeom." He held out his hand to me. I shook her hand and smiled.

"I'm Kim Rae Won." Then, the teacher came in. All of the students got up and greeted the teacher.

"Annyeonghaseyo, everyone. Welcome to Seoul High School. I'm sure you all are excited to start the next phase of your life which is a life of high school students. As today is the first day of your class, we'll get to know each other first. My name is Kim Jongin and I'll be your homeroom teacher this year. " Everyone started introduce each other's name. Then, the bell rang as a sign for lunch time.

" Kim Rae Won, can you wait for a while? " I nodded. After all of the students left the classroom, I went towards Mr. Kim.

" Ye, Mr. Kim? "

" Rae Won, you've been chosen as the freshman representative. It's been a tradition of this school to have a party to welcome the freshman. The party will be handled by the student council club and assisted by freshman representative."

"I understand, Mr. Kim. Thanks for giving me the trust."

"Okay then, you can go to Park Yong Hoon from junior year and ask her about the time and the venue."

"Okay, Mr. Kim. I'll get going now." He nodded and I got out of the class to my locker.

"Rae Won-ah!" I looked towards the person who shouted my name.

"Yong Hoon unnie, I was about to go to you."

"I bet you already knew it, right?" I nodded.

"Good. Now let's go have a lunch. Hyun Joon and Hyun Ah already waiting." She put her hand around my shoulder and we walked towards the cafeteria.

I saw Hyun Joon unnie and Hyun Ah unnie waved to us. We went towards them and sat.

"We already took lunch for both of you. Rae Won, we don't know what you like so we just pick the same as Yong Hoon's."

"It's okay, unnie. Anything is fine with me. Gomawo." They smiled in relief. We ate our food.

"Oh yeah, Hyun Joon, Hyun Ah, Rae Won is the freshman representative."

"Really? Nice to hear that. At least we got someone who is reliable. My choice isn't wrong, right?" Hyun Ah unnie said happily.

"Yeah, you're not." I looked at them confused. What choice?

"Actually, I'm the one who suggest to choose you. I didn't expect that Mr. Kim would really choose you." Hyun Ah unnie explained.

"Gomawo unnie for trusting me."

"Anyway, is Eunwoo back yet?" Yong Hoon unnie asked looking at her two friends.

"I don't think so."

"Hope he will back before the welcoming party." They all nodded.

"Anyway, Rae Won. Come to the school council room after school. We're having a meeting. You two, don't be late!" We all nodded at Yong Hoon unnie's command. Then, we parted our ways to class.

Time skip to after school...

I packed up my things after class ended. Yugyeom tapped my shoulder. I looked at him with a questionable face.

" I heard you're the representative."

"Yeah, wae?"

"Nothing. Just...I don't know how to tell you."

"What is it?"

"Just don't be upset. I've heard a rumor about you from other freshmen after they saw you having lunch with three sunbaes who is members of student council club."

"People always gossip. I don't care though. Just believe what you want." I picked up my bag and left him. I went to student council room and they already there.

"Mianhae. Did I make you wait?"

"Ani, we just arrived here too. Come and sit down." I sat down and the discussion started.

"Alright, I think that's all. Rae Won, inform all the freshman about the venue and time. Don't be late."

"Arasseo." We packed our things and left.

At home...

I sat down on my bed holding my phone.

'Why did they choose me? They also being nice to me since the first day. Wait? Didn't Hyun Ah unnie wanted to say something but stopped by Hyun Joon unnie that day? Maybe I can ask her?'

I called Hyun Ah unnie.

Hyun Ah unnie: Hi my baby! Why do you call me?
Me: Unnie... I just want to ask you something. Why you being nice to me? I mean... Why me?
Hyun Ah unnie: Actually... You resembles Yong Hoon's dongsaeng. And for me... Personally, I think you're quite cute and have a nice personality.
Me: Yong Hoon unnie's dongsaeng?
Hyun Ah unnie: Yeah, her dongsaeng died in an accident 3 years ago and I think she's the same age as you.
Me: Ah... I see. Gomawo unnie for telling me. Good night.
Hyun Ah unnie: Mm... Good night...

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