Chapter 22

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Rae Won POV:

"Eomma, where are we going to?" I asked from the back as my father drove the car and my mother is on the passenger seat.

"Did you forget? You're getting marry this weekend, right? Of course we need to make a preparation." I suddenly recalled what happened the day before.

"But, eomma. How about this? We just hold a simple wedding, not too grand and also just invite close friends and relatives."

"Wae, my princess? It's once in your life. Of course we need to make it memorable."

"Eomma, you know I'm still a student. It's not appropriate if others know."

"Okay then if that's what you want. Ah, before I forgot, call your husband-to-be."I raised my eyebrow.

" Aish ! You knew how to date without telling us but when it comes to marriage, you don't know anything. Call him to come to the mall. He must have to be there, right? "

" Ah, arasseo. I'll call him now. "I took out my phone.

Me: Oppa?
Eunwoo oppa: Ye, Rae Won?
Me: Umm.. I'm with eomma and appa are on our way to the mall to buy things for our wedding. Can you come?
Eunwoo oppa: Of course. I'm going there now. See you there.
Me: Mmm...

I hung up and played with my phone.

The next day...

I got off work early because we'll have a gathering together tonight. I went down to the lobby alone since Eunwoo oppa will pick me up.

"Rae Won, are you waiting for your fiance?" I turned back and saw President Yook smiling at me.

"Ye, what are you doing here?" He showed a bouquet of flowers from his back and gave it to me.

"President Yook, please respect me. I'm engaged now and soon to be a wife of a man that I love."

"The man you love? Love is not enough, Rae Won. Do you know his family background? I'm sure you didn't know because from what I found, you and him are just like siblings. That means, maybe you love him but he? Also, his parents are already old and always fell sick. Can you handle that in the future? "

" You went too far. First, yeah, others only know that we're close like siblings only. We're in secret relationship, can't we? Second, so what? As long as we're together, I can pay for his parents' treatment if I want. As you can see, I'll be the president soon and our company doing so well. Any more problem? If not, I'm leaving! "I'm about to leave but he held my hand.

"Let go of my hand!" I tried to get my hand out of his grip but failed.

"Kim Rae Won, it's still not too late if you want to turn back. Come back to me, I will accept you anytime." Suddenly, someone punched him and the figure stood in front of me then he turned to face me.

"Are you okay?" He held my hand. I shook my head. He turned back to face him who stumbled on the floor.

"You! This is the last warning! Don't disturb her anymore or you'll suffer greater than that punch!" He took my hand and dragged me outside of the building.

"Mianhae, I'm late."

"It's okay, oppa. Gomawo." He smiled sweetly.

"Let's go now. They're waiting for us." I nodded and we went into the taxi he hailed. As we've arrived, we can see all of them waving at us.

"Eonnis !" I ran to them and hugged them. Eunwoo oppa also went to his friends.

"You two! You're in front of each other but still not talking? Aish, just stop it already, can't you?!" I said to the two person at the corner.

"I'm here because of you. If I knew she would be here, I won't come." Yugyeom said. Yong Neul lowered her head.

"Aish! Anyway, since we're here, why don't we just be happy? Anyway, both of us have something to tell all of you." I sat down beside Eunwoo oppa and held his hand under the table.

"What is it? Seems like a good news?" Hyun Ah eonni became excited. I looked at Eunwoo oppa and he looked at me. We smiled reassuringly.

"We'll get married this weekend." Eunwoo oppa said. All of them seems shocked.

"Wait?! Marry?! Eunwoo, you're kidding me, right? If you both said that you're dating, I won't be shock like this but marry?! You two are really going so fast, huh?" Soobin oppa said while winking. Hyun Ah eonni slapped his lap.


"Well, there's something happened and we have no choice."

"Wait! What happened?" Taemin oppa also asked out of curiosity.

"Eunwoo, come out!" Soobin oppa said as he stood up with Taemin oppa. I gave a permission to him as he looked at me. Then, he also stood up to follow those twos.

Eunwoo POV:

I followed both of them out of the cafe. Then, both of them looked at me with serious face.

" Spill it!" I looked at them innocently.

"Aish, I'll just go straight to the point. Did you make her pregnant?" My eyes got bigger at Soobin's words.


"Aniya? Then what happened that make both of you don't have any choice besides marriage?"

"Aish, it's just well you know... She's pretty so...." I told the whole story to both of them.

"Wah, daebak ! So attractive that even a man only met her once already wanted to marry her? Incredible. You made a nice decision, Eunwoo. Or else she won't be yours."

"Yeah, but still I thought it's too fast. I also don't know what her feelings towards me."

"What? You didn't confess yet?" I shook my head.

"Woah! What drama am I watching right now?! Marry then fell in love?"

"I love her that's why I wanted to marry her. But she..."

"Yah! If you want to know, just tell her your feelings."

"I know. I planned all of it already."

"That's good. Hope everything will go well for you. Let's go in now." I nodded and three of us went back into the cafe. I went to Rae Won and smiled sweetly at her.

"I told them everything. What did you guys talk about?" She whispered to my ears.

"Me too."

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