Chapter 23

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Author's POV:

"Today, all of us will witness the wedding solemnization of a perfect couple made in heaven. You guys will know later why I said that because the groom is handsome and the bride also beautiful. The most beautiful couple ever." Taemin said as an emcee for the event.

Everyone are busy with their works as they all hoped that the wedding will be perfect.

" Taemin, the bride is ready. The groom are also ready. "Hyun Joon said to him.

" Ye, all of the guests, please take a seat because we'll start soon. First, I would like to invite the groom, Lee Dong Min into the hall. "Everyone clapped as a man in his suit entered the hall.

" Handsome, isn't he? "Taemin winked to Eunwoo and he blushed.

" Well, next, our beautiful bride, Kim Rae Won! Please enter the hall. "Rae Won entered the hall with her dad by her side.

Time skip...

All of the procedure ended and both of the newlywed are talking with their friends.

" Congrats, Eunwoo and Rae Won. I admit we lose to both of you although we've been together longer than you but don't worry, we'll catch up with you soon,right Hyun Joon ?" Taemin said to his girlfriend beside her. She slapped him shyly. All of them laughed.

" Us too, Hyun Ah. "

" Aish, stop it already. I'm single right here. "Yong Neul spoke. Rae Won turned to look for someone.

" Where's Yugyeom ? "

" He? I don't know and don't want to know. "

" You both still not talking? Aish, this boy is so stubborn. Don't worry, Yong Neul. I'll make sure he won't treat you like this anymore."

"No need, Rae Won. It's better like this for us. Aish, don't mind about us. Today is your happy day."

"Ah! Talking about happy day, I forgot to remind all of you. Only all of you knew about this marriage. Well, I'm still a student, you know."

"Arasseo. Don't worry. It's safe with us." Soobin said reassuringly.

"Eunwoo..."A couple of elder came to the newlywed. Both of then turned.

" Eomma, appa. "Both of them bowed.

" We're going back now. Take care of yourself and your wife well. I still can't believe that I will witness your happy day today. Hope you guys happy. "

" Thanks for your blessing, eomma. Then, let us send you out. "Rae Won said to her mother-in-law. Then, both of them went with the couple to the front door. They both went into the car arranged by Rae Won so that they can come and go back safely.

" Rae Won... Finally, I can see you. Mianhae, I was busy. "A man ran to the bride.

" It's okay, Jimin oppa. You've work hard to help me these days. "

" Argh, I want to cry. You know what? I still can't believe that you've become a wife. Well, I used to take you everywhere you want but now, you can go anywhere by yourself. So sad..." Rae Won hugged Jimin.

" Aigoo, oppa. Thanks so much for taking care of me all these times. Don't worry, you're my assistant. You can still take me to any business meeting after this,right?" He nodded and they pulled out of the hug. Then, someone approached them. Eunwoo immediately stood in front of Rae Won.

" Tch, don't worry. I won't snatch your bride. I'm here to congratulate both of you. Take care of her well since she chose you instead of me. Rae Won, we can still be friends, right? If he bully you, just tell me. I'll settle him for you." Sungjae put his hand on Eunwoo's shoulder.

" Of course, President Yook. "

" Aish, you just agree to be my friend. Just call me Sungjae if we're outside the business events. "Rae Won nodded.

" Mr. Lee, Mrs. Lee, the car is ready for you to go back now. "A driver came to both of them.

" Okay. Then, we'll get going now. See you later, Jimin oppa and Sungjae oppa. " Sungjae smiled.

" What? You're older than me. I won't be rude to you. We're going now. Bye! "They left into the car.

Rae Won POV:

I sat down at the table in the balcony of my room while holding a document.

" What are you doing outside, Rae Won? Isn't it cold? " I turned to see Eunwoo oppa in a bathrobe as he just took a bath.

"No. Oppa, come and sit here. We need to talk." He nodded and came to sit in front of me. I put the document on the table. He took a look at it and then looked at me disbelief.

"I'm sorry for dragging you into this. I drafted that contract so that you won't tied with me forever. You must have a woman that you like or dreams you want to achieve. So, after the contract ended, you'll be free from me."

"Rae Won. Listen carefully. Why do you think I agreed to help you in that situation and even saying that I'll marry you?" I bite my lips.

"Rae Won, I love you. I liked you since we first met through the language competition. No, I first saw you on the freshmen welcoming party. You left a great impression on me. And because of that, I wanted to get close to you by being your oppa." I became speechless. Well, who won't? Your crush confessed that he likes you too!

" Oppa... Is.. Is it true? "

" I'm deadly serious right now. How about you? Do you like me? "

" Oppa, I like you at first sight. The first time I saw you was on the freshmen welcoming party too but it seems like I like you first because I saw you during the preparation and fell for you. "This time, he's the one who are speechless. He immediately went up and hugged me. He picked me up and swung me around the room. I laughed at him.

" Then, we don't need that contract, right? "I shook my head. He laid me on the bed and hovered over me.

" Oppa, I'm still a student. Remember that. " He got up from me and sat down on the bed. I sat beside him. We played with our fingers.

Eunwoo POV:

There was a silence between us for a while. Suddenly, I felt a lips landed on my cheek. I turned to my side and saw her ran outside the room. I smiled.

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