Chapter 17

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Yong Neul POV:

This past few months, Yugyeom never talked to me nor looked at me. It's kinda hurting. Who doesn't? The one that you likes already have someone else in his heart. Although he never told me who is it but I think I can guess it.

I looked at Rae Won beside me. And then I looked back towards his direction.

'Why it can't be me? Why must you like her? She always stole everything that I like. I won't let her do that again this time. I will try to take your heart, Yugyeom.'

Rae Won POV:

"Okay everyone, the school debate festival will be held soon. Each class have to send their representatives. Rae Won, please send the name list to me later." Mr. Kim annoounced as he finished the lesson.

"Ye, Mr. Kim."

"Then, that's all. Kamsahabnida." He left.

"Rae Won, we want to join the class team." I looked up and saw a boy and a girl from my class standing in front of me.

"Oh.. Okay." I took out a paper and jotted down their names.

'Class debate representatives: Yoon Ji Wook, Kim Myung Soo'

"Aren't you joining too, Rae Won?"

"I don't think so. I want to give anyone else a chance."

"Wae? You're great at it! Please join us. Only if you join, I can guarantee we'll win."

"But... If there's anyone else who want to..." Ji Wook cut me off.

"Everyone! Do you all agree that Rae Won joining our debate team?"

"Yes!!" Everyone said.

"See?" I sighed and gave in.

"Arasseo. Gomawo for trusting me." I added my name in the list.

"Okay, it's enough. I'll go and meet Mr. Kim now." They both nodded and I left to the teacher's office.

"Mr. Kim, here is our class' representatives for the debate festival." I handed the paper to him and he looked at it.

"You're joining too?"

"Yeah... They hoped that I will join it so since they gave me their trust, I'll do my best."

"I know you can, Rae Won. Then, you should be the team captain. You arrange all the practices and information searching."

"No problem, Mr. Kim."

"Then, I'll leave the team under your conduct."

"I'll get going now if there's nothing else." He nodded and I left.

"Rae Won-ah !" Someone shouted my name as I walked out of the teacher's office. I looked back.

"Ah, Hyun Joon eonni. What are you doing here?"

"I'm meeting Mr. Kim to talk about the debate festival."

"Ah, right. You're in school debate team. Hyun Ah eonni and Yong Hoon eonni also in it, right? Why they're not coming?"

"Ah, they have a class. Well, we're in the last year so our schedule is a bit hectic."

"Then,I won't be in your way. I'm going back to class first." She noddded and I left while she went into the teacher's office.

Time skip...

We passed the preliminary rounds and the semi final smoothly. We already got the topic for the final and the side we're in. Now, we're searching for information and how to opposed the opponents in the class. From the start, we stayed back at school until late night.

Someone knocked on the door. We all looked at the door.

"Rae Won, can I talk to you?" Soobin oppa came in.

"Sure. What is it about?" He scratched his neck.

"Umm.. You remember what day is it tomorrow, right?"

"It's Hyun Ah eonni's birthday, right? Of course I remember."

"That's good. Can you help me then?"

"Sure. What is it?"

"Can you come with me to pick a present for her after you finished practicing?"

"Sure. But you have to wait for a while. We're going to finish soon."

"It's okay. You guys can continue. I won't disturb you. Anyway, good luck for tomorrow."

"Gomawo, sunbae. Sunbae, you're so sweet. Hyun Ah sunbae must be so lucky to have you." Myung Soo said with sparkle in his eyes.

"Ah, it's nothing."  He went to sit at the back of the class.

"Yah, Rae Won. I heard that the judge for tomorrow is the school debate teams. That means it's three female sunbaes you're close to. I can smell winning for sure." Ji Wook said and raised her eyebrow.

"What are you talking about? They're professional. They won't have any bias."

"Hey, since we're going to compete for final tomorrow, what about we talk about something else? I mean I never talk to Rae Won, and when we can talk with each other, all we talked about is the debate." Myung Soo complained.

"Okay then. I also don't want to put much pressure on your both. We need to relax. Also, our preparation for tomorrow seems to be more than we need. What do you want to talk about?"

"Actually, I don't know if I should tell you this but I think you need to know. I'm sure you already know that Yugyeom rejected Yong Neul, right ? And it's because of you, Rae Won."

"Me? You mean... Yugyeom likes me?"

"Yeah." Someone cleared his throat. I looked at the sound and saw Eunwoo oppa walking into the class and went towards Soobin oppa.

"You're kidding me, right? There's no way he likes me. We're just friends."

"It's true. He likes you since we're in freshman year."

"No way. That year, when our rumors spread out, he's the one who denied it."

"Because he knew you don't like it. He knew you're not ready to be in any relationship."

"Whatever. Myung Soo, I know he's been close to you since the conflicts occured between us. Consider this never happen. You never told me anything, okay?" He nodded.

"Then, we'll stop here. See you guys tomorrow. And fighting!" We put all our things in the bag and they started to leave. I went to the two oppas at the back.

"Let's go, Soobin oppa. Ah, I forgot to ask you,Eunwoo oppa. Why are you here?"

"Ah, he will be coming with us."

"Ah... Okay then let's go now." We went to the nearest mall and Eunwoo oppa kept silent all the time.

"Thank you so much for helping me, Rae Won. Good luck for tomorrow. We'll be there to watch you."

"Okay." I went back to my home. As I settled down on my bed,I got a call.

Me:Yeoboseyo ?
Hyun Joon eonni: Rae Won, it's me, Hyun Joon eonni.
Me: Ye, eonni. Why are you calling me?
Hyun Joon eonni: Nothing. Just want to wish you luck for the final tomorrow.
Me: Gomawo, eonni. And you'll be the judge tomorrow, right?
Hyun Joon eonni: Yeah.
Me: I hope you won't have any bias in your judgement. Just judge us according to our performances.
Hyun Joon eonni: Of course. Don't worry. Also, I think you're really great and worthy of high marks.
Me: You flattering me. Anyway, gomawo.
Hyun Joon eonni: Then, have a good rest tonight and give your best tomorrow.
Me: Arasseo. Good night.
Hyun Joon eonni: Good night.

I put the phone on the table beside my bed and drove off to sleep.

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