Chapter 11

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Author's POV:

All of the students assembled in the hall for the last weekly assembly before they went on summer holiday.

The principal went up the stage to give a speech.

"Hello, students. I know you all must be really excited for this summer holiday, right? But don't forget whatever you do during the holiday, safety first. I hope to see you next semester all healthy. Last exam, many students did their best and got a nice results. So, in this chance, I want to give a small gifts to the students who did well. I hope those who didn't do well will try harder to be like them. " The principal send a sign to a teacher and the teacher got up the stage and handed a paperbag to the principal.

" Firstly, from freshman year, they're two students who did really well. I invited both of them up the stage. Kim Rae Won and Kim Yugyeom. " Everyone applaused and both of them got up on the stage to receive a keychain from Paris.

The principal continue to call the name from each year.

" From junior year, I invited Park Yong Hoon, Park Hyun Ah and Choi Soobin. " Three of them got up the stage too.

Rae Won POV:

After the assembly ended, we all went back to the class. Everyone was talking with each other since exam already ended and there's no more class.

" Rae Won, Mr. Kim asked for you. "A classmate came to me.

" Ye, kamsahabnida. " I went to the teacher's office.

" Mr. Kim, you asked for me? " He was talking to a girl.

" Ye, Rae Won. This is Lee Yong Neul. She just got back from abroad so I hope you can guide her since it's summer holiday tomorrow."

"Of course I can."

"Kamsahabnida, Rae Won. You helped me much."

"Nothing much. It's my pleasure to help you. If there's nothing more, I'll bring her to class now." Mr. Kim nodded and we bowed.

"Come, Yong Neul." She followed me.

"I'm Kim Rae Won." I said while walking along the hallway.

"Nice to meet you, Rae Won." I smiled.

"Everyone, we have a new friend here. She's Lee Yong Neul." I said loudly as soon as I got into the class.

"Annyeonghaseyo. Hope you all will take good care of me." She bowed.

"How about you sit with me?"

"Sure. I would love to." I escorted her to the seat.

"Yong Neul, this is my deskmate also my best friend, Kim Yugyeom." Yugyeom waved his hand at her.

"If you don't mind, can I be friend with both of you?"

"Sure! Why not? Right, Yugyeom?"

"Hmm..." He answered without any interest. I looked at him looking at his phone. I quietly snatched his phone.

"Yah, Rae Won ! Give me back!" He reached out his hand. Since he's tall, he can easily snatch back the phone.

"I'm tall for a reason, you know?"

"Tch... What's the point when you even ignore your best friend?"

"I hear you. I'm okay with it."

"Aish... Mianhae, Yong Neul. He's not like that usually. I don't know what's wrong with him today." She laughed.

"You two are cute together."

"Don't start nonsense. We're just best friends."


Time skip...

Three of us walked together to the school gate.

"What's your plan for the holiday?" Yugyeom asked.

"Don't know yet. Maybe just spending time at home." I said.

"How about we went somewhere?" Yong Neul suggested.

"It's great!" I said happily.

"Rae Won!" I looked back and saw the eonnies and oppas walking towards me.

"Oh, eonnies,oppas!"

"Our dongsaeng... We want to invite you to a camping trip, will you come with us?"

"Of course I will. But, can my friends come too?"


"Before that, I want to introduce my new friend, Lee Yong Neul. She just got back from abroad."

"Oh, nice to meet you."

"They're my eonnies and oppas."

"Umm... We planned to go the day after tomorrow so should we make a group chat?"

"Great. Then, where should we meet? How about at my eomma's cafe? I'll send the adress in the group chat."

"Okay then. All set."

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