Chapter 4

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Ha Mun POV:

Today is the day for weekly assembly. All of the students assembled at the school hall. Then, Mr. Kim came up the stage.

"Good morning to all of the teachers and students. As you all know, every year, we will send three students as school representatives for international language competition. Any students who can speak other languages can partake in the competition. Please come to my office if you're interested. Kamsahbnida. " With that, the assembly is over. I walked with Yugyeom to the class. Along the way, I heard students talking to each other.

" Yah, I heard that the competition is hard. Our school never get any place in the competition before. "

" Seriously ?! It must be hard. I wonder who would be interested to join it?"

"Yah, Yugyeom. I think I'm interested in it. Should I give it a try?" I elbowed his hand.

"It's up to you. If you confident in it, just do it. I'll support you."

"Gomawo." Since we're deskmate, we've become close.

Lunch time...

I went to the teacher's office to search for Mr. Kim.

"Annyeong, Mr. Kim." I bowed to him.

"Oh, Rae Won. What's wrong?"

"I'm interested in the international language competition."

"Really? What language you can speak?"

"I can speak English, French and Chinese."

"Oh, really? That's good. I'll write your name."

"Umm... You said it's three persons, right? May I know who else will join?"

"As for now, you're the first one who gave me the name. Don't worry. Once there's enough people, I'll tell you."

"Ye, kamsahabnida Mr. Kim. I'll get going now." I bowed and left for lunch.

The next day...

After Mr. Kim's class ended, he called me. I went to the front.

"Rae Won, I've got the other two persons. It's Lee Dong Min and Choi Soobin from junior year."

"But, I don't know them."

"It's okay. I'll ask them to find you."

"Kamsahabnida, Mr. Kim." I went back to my seat.

"What's wrong? Is it about the competition?" I nodded at him.

"My team is from junior year and they're boy. Do you know them? Their name is Dong Min sunbaenim and Soobin sunbaenim."

"Umm... I never heard of that name." I sighed.

"It's okay. You can do it. Fighting!" I smiled at him. I'm lucky to have a friend like him that cheer me up.

Eunwoo POV:

My best friend, Soobin and I decided to join in the competition so we went to meet Mr. Kim after school yesterday. Then, he said that we'll be team up with Kim Rae Won, a freshman. He also said that we should help her since she's our hoobae.

"Eunwoo, how we can search for this girl?" Soobin asked me as soon as I arrived this morning. I shook my head as don't know sign.

"Soobin ! I suddenly remember. Back then during freshmen welcoming party, I think the representative is this girl. It's Kim Rae Won, right ?"

"Ah, you know her? Then, it'll be easy. Let's meet her during lunch."

"You can say so. But, I don't think she know me since we've never met. I happened to know her because of her speech that night. I can say she's quite impressive."

"Yo! Is our handsome king have a crush on a hoobae?"

"Yah, what nonsense are you saying?!"

"Alright, alright! You don't. Happy?" Then, we parted our ways to our class since we're not in the same class.

Rae Won POV:

It's lunch time now. I decided to have a lunch with my eonnies to ask them about the two sunbaenims I'll team up with.

"Eonnies! Can I have lunch with you guys today?"

"Our Rae Won-ah... Of course you can." Hyun Ah eonni said.

"Aww... My big baby.... Do you miss me?" I always tease her a baby since her personality is childish but she's cute.

"Of course. But, it's not just me. These two eonnies also miss you so much, you know?"

"Yah, just eat. Enough with all the talking." Yong Hoon eonni said. She doesn't express her feelings much but I can feel her love for me.

As for Hyun Joon eonni, she's a bit shy and quiet but she's really cute and the school beauty. She expressed her love more when we're alone. I've known them for long and I know each of them personality. I can said that we're also grown closer to each other now.

"Annyeong, sorry to disturb you guys but can we talk to Rae Won?" I looked at the voice and saw the boy I saw at the party with an unfamiliar boy.

"Eunwoo, wanna have lunch with us?" Yong Hoon eonni asked him.

"No need, Yong Hoon. We have other things to do." Yong Hoon eonni seem disappointed. I can tell that she likes him.

"Let's go, Rae Won." I nodded.

"Eonnies, I'll get going first. See you later." They all waved and I followed the two boys. They brought me to a room.

"Sit." I do as they told and they sat across of me.

"My name is Lee Dong Min and this is my friend, Choi Soobin."

"Ah, you two are the ones in my team. Annyeonghaseyo. Hope we can work well together."

"Hope so. So, this is the international language room so we'll be meeting here often. So, since we'll be working together, we should familiar with each other, right? Why don't you start introducing yourself first?"

"Well, I think you both know my name already. It's Kim Rae Won and I'm a freshman. Actually, I've been loving languages and I learnt a lot of other languages by myself. Now, I can speak English, French and Chinese. "

" Interesting. Well, I'm Lee Dong Min. You can just call me Eunwoo. I can speak English and French. Next, Soobin. "

" Annyeonghaseyo. I'm Choi Soobin and I can speak English and France too. "

" Nice to meet you two. " Then, the bell rang.

" It's time for class. I'll get going now, sunbaenims. " I got up and about to leave when they said something.

" Rae Won! Today after school, Mr. Kim wanted to meet us here. "I nodded and left.

Eunwoo POV:

" Hey, Eunwoo. I have to admit that she's quite great. She can adapt with us with no problem. No wonder those three girls like her so much. "

" I said it, right? She's impressive and cute though. "

" Did I just hear you said she's cute?"

"Ah, aniyo. You heard it wrong. Let's go or we'll be late for class. I left him immediately.

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