Chapter 20

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Rae Won POV:

As summer holiday started, I went back to office like last holiday but this time, appa assigned me to Vice President position since there's 2 more year left before I'll graduate. Jimin oppa helped me a lot with my work and I felt relieved as work has been hectic these days.

There's a knock on my office door.

"Come in." A woman came in. She's appa's new assistant since he assigned Jimin oppa to be my assistant.

"Vice President Kim, President Kim asked you to come to his office."

"Okay. Let's go." I tidied all the files on my table and went with her to President's office. I knocked on the door.

"You're looking for me?" I said as I opened the door.

"Yeah, come and sit, Rae Won." I do as he said.

"Tonight, there'll be a business party and I planned to bring you with me to introduce you to others."

"Okay, appa."

"Good then. Go and get ready now. I've asked Ms. Shin to prepare your outfit." I nodded and went out to Ms. Shin's desk.

"Ms. Shin, appa said you've been asked to prepare my outfit for tonight?"

"Yeah, Vice President Kim. It's in the President changing room."

"Oh, okay. Thank you." I smiled and went to a room in the most end of this floor.

" I smiled and went to a room in the most end of this floor

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Those are the outfit prepared for me. I got changed into it and touched up my makeup a little since it's been a day in the office. After all done, I went out and went into appa's office.

" Do your daughter looks beautiful?" I said as I stood in front of the door.

"My daughter is always beautiful." Appa said as he smiled.

"Well, seeing that you're already done, why don't we get going now?" Appa got up and repaired his suit.

"Yeah, please President Kim." I held his hand and got into the car driven by Jimin oppa.

As we've arrived, we got out of the car and walked into the banquet. All eyes are on us as the door opened revealing me and appa.

"Long time no see, Mr. Kim. How are you doing?" Some men came and greeted appa. I just smiled.

"Yeah, I'm good. And, today, I brought my heiress." Appa pointed at me. I bowed.


"Your daughter is so polite. She's also beautiful. Ms. Kim, may I ask if you have a boyfriend? If not, I would like to take you to be my daughter-in-law." I smiled as I looked down.

"Aish, you guys. She's still studying. She'll graduate in two years. But, if you guys are serious about that, I think you should ask her." Appa winked at me.

"Umm... I..."

"Don't worry, Ms. Kim. We're just joking. Don't take it seriously." I smiled relieved.

"Then, we'll went to others." Appa said then we walked away.

"My daughter is popular already. I think I need to prepare myself to receive more of it." I slapped appa's hand playfully.

"Aish, appa !"

"Don't be angry, princess. Appa just joking." I smiled.

"Annyeonghaseyo Mr. Kim, long time no see. Do you still remember me?" A man came.

"Aigoo, Mr. Yook. Of course I remembered you. You're the youngest president among other company's president here."

"You're flattering me. May I ask who is this beautiful lady?"

"Ah... She's my daughter. Our company Vice President at the time."

"Ah... I see her future will be like me. The youngest president. Hi, Ms. Kim, nice to meet you. My name is Yook Sungjae. Just call me Sungjae oppa. I'm sure you're younger than me, right?"

"Don't be like that, Mr. Yook. Rae Won, he's Mr. Yook, BTB Groups President."

"Hello, Mr. Yook. Nice to meet you too."

"No need to be so formal with me, Ms. Kim."

"Don't be like that, Mr. Yook. I'm surely will need to learn from you who are the current youngest president."

"Well, for sure. Just come to me anytime you want. Here's my name card." He took out a card from his suit and gave it to me.

"Kamsahabnida. Then, we won't bother you anymore." I bowed and left with appa.

Sungjae POV:

'You've got my heart, Ms. Kim Rae Won.' I smirked as I thought of it.

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