Chapter 29

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"Excuse me, you're Rae Won, right ?" Someone came and greeted both of them as they were on their way back to the class.

"Ye, what can I help you with?"

"I'm Shin Dong Yoo, Vice President of School Union Club. I heard that you're the new members so I want to ask for your help."

"Sure. What is it?"

"As you know, we'll have our first meeting for new semester this evening and the plan is we're going to give each members a uniform. But, it's still at the shop. Can you go and fetch it because I have an important class after this."

"Oh, okay. No problem."

"Really?! Thank you so much. Here is the address and you just said my name. They'll know it. Thank you again. I need to go now. See you!" She left them as soon as Rae Won took the address from her.

Rae Won POV:

I look at the adress. It's quite far from here. I need to go now to make sure I won't late for the meeting later.

" Rae Won, how about I go with you? " Dong Seok offered.

" No need, Dong Seok. It's quite far and I need to go now if I don't want to be late for the meeting. Can you help me tell the teacher?"

"Hmm... Okay then. Take care." I nodded and left. I called Taeyong oppa.

Taeyong oppa: Rae Won? What's up?
Me: Oppa, are you busy now?
Taeyong oppa: Umm... Not too busy. Wae?
Me: Pick me up now.
Taeyong oppa: Now? Isn't it still school time?
Me: Aish, just come already. I'll tell you later.
Taeyong oppa: Okay, I'll be right there.

I kept the phone. After few minutes, a car pulled off in front of me and I got in.

"Drive me to this address." I gave the paper to him. He looked at it and drove the car.

"Can you tell me now?"

"I got elected as a member of school union and I need to pick up the uniform from the shop as they wanted to give the uniform this evening."

"You're a new member and you've got a task?! Aren't they bullying you?"

"What are you talking about? It's my work of course I need to do it. Besides, the sunbae have an important class."

"You don't have a class?"

"Of course I have. Aish, never mind. I've asked my friend to tell the teacher. It's okay."

"As expected. A top student like you won't have to attend the class. The teacher also won't care." He rolled his eyes.

"Don't worry too much. I'll be okay. Who dares to bully me? I'm Vice President Kim, okay? And Mrs. Lee before I forget. Wow! So many title I got." He rolled his eyes again. After few hours of driving, we arrived at the shop. I went in to the front desk.

"Annyeonghaseyo. I'm here to pick up the uniform ordered by Ms. Shin Dong Yoo." The worker checked.

"Wait a minute." She went to the back and came back with a bunch of uniforms hung on the hanger. I took it from her.

"Kamsahabnida." I bowed and left. Taeyong oppa rushed to me.

"Let me do it." He took the uniforms from me and hang it at the back. We drove back to school. As we arrived, I looked at my watch.

"Thank God I managed to come back. I can still attend the last class. That's good too." I mumbled.

"Let me help you bring it in." Taeyong oppa parked the car.

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